Military Family Will Likely Have Adopted Daughter Deported Back to Korea

Here is an update on the military family that has been trying to adopt their Korean niece in order to give her citizenship in the United States:

That was when the former Army lieutenant colonel and his wife Soo Jin were informed by the Federal District Court of Kansas that their adopted daughter Hyebin will be deported back to South Korea due to U.S. immigration law that cuts off the age when foreign-born adopted children can become naturalized U.S. citizens at 16.
The Kansas court ruled that Hyebin must return to Korea after she finishes earning her chemical engineering degree at the University of Kansas, which she will do in December. Schreiber and his wife are appealing through the 10th District Court of Appeals, though they are not optimistic about their chances of winning.
“We have no delusions that everything’s going to come out like a flowing bed of roses,” Schreiber told the Military Times. “We’ve always planned for two courses of action. So it was never something that we thought, ‘Yeah, things are going to work out the way we wish they would come out.’”
The immigration policy that is forcing Hyebin to leave the U.S. is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. A spokeswoman for USCIS told the Military Times via email that “it is USCIS policy not to comment on ongoing litigation, nor will we speak to individual cases due to privacy concerns.”

Army Times

You can read more at the link, but this is a really tough case because LTC Schreiber missed the cut off date because he deployed to Afghanistan. When he came back to do her citizenship he found out it was too late for Hyebin to receive citizenship.

I am a bit surprised she not able to get a work visa sponsored by an employer considering she is about to graduate with a chemical engineering degree.

What is amazing about this is if she was a child of illegal immigrants she would be allowed to stay, but since she is a daughter of American citizens she will likely get deported.

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2ID Doc
4 years ago

Well no good deed ever goes unpunished. If the USCIS wanted to (I.e. the family had the right political connections) this case would never have arisen. From experience the USCIS is a lazy as every other civil service job, they only go after low hanging fruit, if they have to work for anything they will avoid it. The colonels family is preparing for the worst, which is probably for the best.

4 years ago

Frankly, I don’t know why our government seems hell-bent on bringing in disease-ridden, no-skill lawbreakers and refuses to give decent, hard-working, law-abiding, tax-paying people a break.

I wish it were different. But every election counts. And the people of this country elected a SCOAMF and then reelected him to prove beyond all doubt that we’re also SCOAMFs, so I guess we, like Korea, are going to have to live with what we did.

4 years ago

Imagration policy is screwed up in so many ways. This is sad and tragic. With all the loopholes the trash and undeserving people are exploiting there may be some loopholes for this. Maybe she can be hired before graduation or delay graduation and get pregnant.

4 years ago

However MS13 flows across the southern border while engaging in drug smuggling and child sex slave trade…….priorities.

4 years ago

Flyingsword, you know what Democrat Party priorities are… even if most Koreans seem to have forgotten.

Dems haven’t forgiven Koreans fore defending their lives and property during the LA Riots…

4 years ago

Why does America need yet another chemical engineer after offshoring much of the chemical industry?

America needs more illegal aliens and welfare dependents. Apparently they pay taxes and spend a lot of money in the economy so they are better for the nation than those with fancy educations and productive jobs.

That line of thinking doesn’t really make sense to me… but the liberal politicians, economists, and noisy NPCs assured me it is true and I am a racist if I disagree.

So deport this uppity girl and free up some resources for a child molesting druggie cartel enforcer with a 5th grade education, 3 halfwit anchor babies, and the measles.

4 years ago

Hey, the Norton warning thing seems to be fixed!
Squee! Thanks GI.

4 years ago

BTW, I know of two Koreans with with Masters degrees in Chemistry and an American sponsor who haven’t heard anything from the US Government regarding a visa since 2010…

I assume it’s because we can never have too many poorly-educated Hispanic or Muslim immigrants; but I’ve been cranky lately, so it might just be because of some random unbigoted circumstance.

4 years ago


Liz must be channeling her inner Japanese schoolgirl in a Hello Kitty shop.

4 years ago

Hey, like Setnaffa, I’ve been cranky lately…something going right makes me squeal with delight.

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