US Ambassador Claims Kimchi Helping In His Recovery

You can tell Ambassador Lippert is playing to the crowd while he recovers:

kimchi image

Doctors at Yonsei University Severance Hospital said Sunday that U.S. Ambassador to Korea Mark Lippert is recovering fast and may go home as early as Tuesday afternoon.

“Ambassador Lippert feels overwhelmed by the messages of support for him,” the embassy’s minister-counselor for public affairs, Robert W. Ogburn, said during a press conference. “The ambassador said kimchi is helping him recover.”

Dr. Yoon Do-heum, the head of the hospital, said during a media briefing that the 80 stitches Lippert received for a facial injury would be removed today, and the pain in his left wrist was easing.  [Korea Times]

You can read more at the link such as Ambassador Lippert saying he is reading the “Two Koreas” by Don Oberdorfer while he is recovering.  This book in my opinion is the best modern Korean history 101 book out there.  With that said I would of thought that Lippert would of read this book before becoming Ambassador?  Either that or is he just playing to the crowd again?

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9 years ago

His overseerers should have acceted the dog meat soup and mi-oek-gook. The dog soup is a classic Korean disk athletes in their 40s and 50s want to eat to either gather strength for a tourney or event, or simply to recover faster. The chicken soup from those mountainside resurants that serve the dog soup works just as good too.

Kimchi has fermentation and if not spoiled has gazillions of friendly bacteria that do a LOT of things for the body, and YES, they help recover cells and help the immune system too.

He could be playing to the Korean crowd for brownie points or to make the country feel less bad about what happened, but he could also simply be telling it like it is.

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