Korean-American Beauty Shop Owner Attacked in Texas

Notice how the media has been making headlines out of every attack on Asian-Americans now?:

A beauty store owner was attacked inside her own store by two women in Harris County, Texas on March 17.Jung Kim, who is of Korean descent, asked the five women who knocked over the store’s wig displays to leave the premises. However, two of them doubled back and caused further destruction.Surveillance footage caught the moment one of the women attacked the 59-year-old, punching her at least eight times while shouting racial insults.

Yahoo News

Random crimes like this against Korean American business owners have been going on for a long time. Remember the LA Riots that targeted Koreatown, the Baltimore riots and Ferguson riots against Korean businesses, or the Korean-American gas station owner in Dallas who was called racist for defending his store from a criminal. Plus many Korean-American businesses were looted and destroyed during the Black Life Matters riots last summer. Where was the media defending Asian-Americans then?

Also notice how the criminals that attacked Ms. Kim in the above incident were black, but the headlines make no mention of that. Even the article makes no mention of their race, yet if a couple of white women committed this crime it is likely the headlines would talk about “white Kareans attack store owner”.

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3 years ago

It makes one wonder what is infecting people to attack a wig shop owner…

Oh. Wait. People irritated that they aren’t the center of attention…

3 years ago

March 26, 2021, National Day of Healing against Anti-Asian attacks in the USA, look it up. Yes, of course, all of these incidences are horrendous as is discriminating or targeting hate against anyone.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

No sympathies from me. They made their beds living and doing business in a country unfit for humans with no moral justice nor any decent civic consciousness. Just look at the miles and miles of cars lining up outside the food handouts. But so many fat people everywhere too. Poverty certainly still doesn’t prevent them from being gluttonous.

3 years ago

The “milk of human kindness” has curdled into something pretty foul in one of our colleagues…

3 years ago


I tried to find the linked article in the NY Times but had no luck.
Strange. Maybe they deleted all their “Asians had it coming” reports on file.
This wasn’t so long ago, just five short months.

3 years ago

I figured Jews controlled beauty supply shops in black neighborhoods ’cause last time I was in the ghetto, beauty was in short supply.


Oh… and it was never indian land to begin with.

Whales deserve to die.

Who else needs a good trolling?

3 years ago

Hard to believe in leftist tommyrot while they’re living like they don’t believe it… like the push for coal-powered cars…

As if they didn’t know that’s where the majority of US electricity comes from…

3 years ago

Isn’t it interesting how almost all of the Asian women killed are “single mothers”? I thought that was a typical Social Status of African American mothers.

3 years ago

Because they’re dtopping market-share faster than expected in the post-Trump news world, the leftist news has to make up something. But it’s still mostly Blacks and Muslims in Democrat-controlled cities committing the violence against everyone…

Those “white-supremacist gun-nuts” they were counting on to bring the boog are too busy not physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually hurting anyone. They even neglected to bring firearms to the so-called “insurrection” in January.

C’est la vie. Not as many cosplayers on the right as the left.

Mind you, getting seen at protests is not great if you have to work for a living, so you’ll not see me anywhere.

We all just need to chill out. Trust God that He knows what He wants. And it doesn’t involve saving our pride.

3 years ago

Decades have passed and nobody cared about minority whôres. All of a sudden, the media can’t get enough and politicians have found a new calling.

Am I going to have to dig up the bodies and bury them a little deeper into the woods?

3 years ago

Relax, CH… it’s all being done ro cover up the news coming out next week where we find all of the p3do pizza stuff was actually true…

3 years ago

Yeah… I thought Pizzagate was some sort of right wing fever dream…

…until I read the Clinton campaign emails… and… well…

…they are certainly talking in code using pizza references… like how druggies think they are being clever.

I would like to think it is hiding some sort of campaign intrigue… but it does fit pretty nicely if they are talking about children.


Then a few pedos got busted around that time and their social media had pizza references.

Sooooo… not sure what to think.

It could be selection bias on my part.

…and it could be the rich and powerful are burned out on normal stuff like a guy who lives on a 3rd world beach with 5 dollar whòres for 20 years.

So they are actually screwing children.

2ID Doc
3 years ago

I seem to remember reading an article somewhere about the Koreans who defended their businesses in LA in the early 90s. The daughter was interviewed and basically her father wanted his own business and “Bobs Widgets” gave him a franchise but he had to set up shop in South Central LA because the Anglos wouldn’t set up there. That boys and girls is how Asian-Americans are targeted by African-Americans.

3 years ago

And the Comet pizza had a logo that just happened to match a symbol that is well known to law enforcement as a pedo symbol. And the gunman (who fired two shots at nothing, with an AR15 of all things) was an actor….
Nothing to see here.

3 years ago

2ID Doc, you failed to ask the real question.

Why do people in South Central LA need a widget distributor?

If you can’t smoke it, fùck it, or wear it as bling, what good is it?

Widgets are a necessity of the productive class only.

3 years ago

Hahaha! IMDB used the picture of him surrendering to police as his profile pix.

This story gets curiouser and curiouser.

All this thinking makes me hungry for a fresh thin crust clam pizza. I will order an uncut pepperoni pizza if johnhenry wants to join me for lunch.

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