Man Saved from Being Trapped in Small Building Space By Waving SOS Sign Out the Window

You would think these fire evacuation spaces would not have doors that lock you in like this:

A man in Incheon was rescued after being trapped in a small space within his apartment flat for 20 hours. The successful rescue was attributed to the man’s resourcefulness and a neighbor’s response, according to police on Monday.

On the last day of 2023, the man in his 70s found himself locked inside the building’s evacuation area, which is a mandatory 6.6 square meter space in new apartment buildings designed for fire emergencies. Stranded without a phone in the cold for 20 hours, he resorted to desperate and resourceful measures.

He discovered a piece of cardboard and a knife and used the blade to inscribe “SOS” on the paper. He then suspended the message outside his window, hoping that someone would notice and alert the police.

His hopes were realized when a resident in a neighboring apartment building spotted the message and promptly called the police.

Korea Times

You can read more at the link, but this man was lucky someone spotted his sign and called the police.

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