ROK Drop Open Thread – September 8, 2023

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Korean Person
Korean Person
9 months ago

It is clear that the Setnaffarians want to see Korea go back to the dictatorship of the 80s.

They would rather see Koreans suffer so they can sleep well at night knowing that their precious USFK is staying in Korea and the Korean dictator is doing their bidding.

The statements that they “love and care about” Korea is obviously BS.

Korean Person
Korean Person
9 months ago

Did I also mention the imaginary Communists that setnaffa and his sockpuppets are obsessed about?

They think that they can sleep well thinking their Korean pet dictator will go after them.

If setnaffa knew a thing about Korea, he would know Communism is nonexistent here in Korea.

Korean Person
Korean Person
9 months ago

setnaffa’s family should do all of us a favor, take away his computer and mobile devices, and lock him up inside an institution.

9 months ago

A former pro-vaxxer and comedian admits, “The anti-vaxxers won”

Yes, we did!

9 months ago

Heh, McGeehee,
here’s another comedian on the subject. This is really funny.

Side note: I’ve followed Scott Adams for many years…way before Trump. His book, “How to Fail at Everything and Still Win Big” was excellent (it’s the only book of his I’ve read, should’ve been a mic drop in my estimation). I did tire of him during the plandemic though…and Mike and our sons can’t stand him. I still listen when they aren’t traveling with me (though sometimes I turn it off, he can be pretty arrogant).

9 months ago
9 months ago

The leftists lost the game somewhere between cultural appropriation and transgender bathrooms.

We see who they are now. And we won’t be fooled again.

9 months ago

“A former pro-vaxxer and comedian admits, “The anti-vaxxers won””

– healthy people are in no danger from covid

– healthy people who took the vaccine and healthy people who did not take the vaccine both caught covid and both had the same level of symptoms and deaths

– people who did not take the vaccine have no worry about the possibilities of:

* reduced long-term heart function due to post-vaccination inflamation and scarring

* reduced covid immunity due to evolutionary pressure being on the spike protein of the vaccinated rather than all the other protiens of the broad immunity of the naturally immune

* chronic covid infection due to “tolerance” in the same way allergy shots work (aka VAIDS, with the unknown side effects of chronic covid)

* increased rates of cancer due to the spike protein (like HPV and hepatitis C)

* long-term cognative deterioration, as the spike protein has been demonstrated to cross the blood-brain barrier in some people, as has been found in autopsies

* long-term reproductive influences (as short-term influences have been quietly accepted after a long period of arrogant denial)

(None of this was a secret within a year after the Safe & Effective vaccine came out without being in existence long enough to make that claim… but but but they don’t need to test it because they understand the science, are you a scientist?)

In the end, we know the vaccine is not effective. It was a lie, because nobody knew if it was effective (except maybe those who learned viruses mutate in gradeschool unlike the people who made the vaccine who “didn’t know viruses mutate.”) Other evidence is the vaccinated caught covid with no difference than the unvaccinated.

We don’t know if the vaccine is safe. A lot of circumstantial evidence says it is not… certainly for a single digit percent of takers… so far… and maybe more, as the statistics are manipulated. We don’t know about long-term effects because it has not yet been a long time. Excess deaths are up and nobody knows why (but they know it isn’t the vaccine).

It is a pleasure to see stress replace the smug looks of the vaccinated.

It would be funny, as it is not my problem…

…but the vaccinated demanded I share their fear and mental illness upon threat of being isolated, fired, jailed, kids taken away, can’t buy food.

This will not be forgiven.

So suffer… mentally and physically.

9 months ago

Bonus vaccine study:

Out of ~92,000 prisoners in California, it was found the vaccinated have had covid about 25% more than the unvaccinated.

Key points:

– this is a very large study in a highly controlled, monitored, and recorded population

– this was not a study of reinfection – other studies show the naturally immune are reinfected substantially less than the vaccinated

– it is significant that the Safe & Effective vaccine is a high risk factor for CATCHING covid rather than a protection (as the science predicted)

Another study (but too small to hype at only 29) showed vaccinated children had a lower immune response to all viruses (but not bacteria or fungus) than unvaccinated children… this is worth watching, as larger studies are being conducted.

While I usually don’t take glee over sick children, anybody who pushed an experimental medical treatment on their kids for a the sniffles with ZERO risk, doesn’t need to reproduce. This is a just a reflection of parental mentel illness like child trannies.

If the vaccinated had gone off and been fearful and mentally ill by themselves, I would have pity.

But, no, they came after the unvaccinated for no reason.

It will never be forgiven…

…because if it is not continiously exposed and ridiculed, it will happen again.

Korean Man
Korean Man
9 months ago

Chickenhead’s weekly railing and rants against Vaccines show that he pretty much took all the vaccines that he has preached against, and now his screwed-up brain is making him rant and rave every week. So how many shots did you take, Chickenhead? Obviously too many. The vaccines have made him into a crazy lunatic foaming at the mouth.

9 months ago

I have taken all the traditional vaccines (e.g. MMR) and ones for travel (e.g. yellow fever).

I am NOT anti-vax.

I am fully vaxxed and boosted and grateful for the protection it offers me.

However, it was scientifically clear from the beginning that the covid vaccine could not work. It was being marketed through emotion, coercion, hype, and lies, for a disease that is harmless for most democraphics.

I was intuitively against it because of this.

After watching it be increasingly ineffective, with hints that it was dangerous, I was even more against it. My distrust increased as everything was done to obscure these facts.

It is now accepted that it is ineffective. Every month, more studies show various harms that it causes. Mainstream scientists and media now hint that maybe, possibly, it could have some side effects. We have seen this pattern of denial before: impossible lies of science-deniers and racists, maybe but highly unlikely, yes but exceedingly rare, common but mild and resolves on its own, etc.

Just as it was not in existence long enough to claim it was Safe & Effective, it has not yet existed long enough to know if there are long-term harms.

At first, I was openly against it so people would have another point of view that might push them to fully research their decision to take it.

Now, with more evidence backing my position, I am openly against it so maybe more people will refuse it, which will make it harder for government to force it onto me next time.

It also brings me pleasure to remind the vaccinated they need to have some degree of constant streess due to their bad-yet-avoidable decisions and ridicule them for their previously smug attitude.

But, if you feel it is Safe & Effective, I would happily listen to your rational argument.

Korean Man
Korean Man
9 months ago

It looks like the Japanese fishing industry is now teetering on its collapse as their consumer demand for fish in Japan plunges due to the sweeping fear of nuclear waste pollution being dumped into their own sea. Japanese fishermen are in tears, begging their government to stop the dumping. So I guess “science” hasn’t convinced even the Japanese people.

9 months ago

So, let’s see what we have here.

A vaccine can be declared Safe & Effective even though it has clearly not been in existence long enough to to make any valid scientific determination…


Nobody will spend 5 minutes on a calculator to make any valid scientific determination about radioactive water.

So… basically… people are idiots.

Gabrial, get your trumpet.

Korean Person
Korean Person
9 months ago

@Korean Man

setnaffa wanted to get the vaccine but was refused on medical grounds.

However it seems he was discriminated against, since he was not vaccinated.

Of course he had a medical waiver, however it seems those waivers were not accepted by the establishments that had a policy favoring those who were vaxxed, which made him angry.

So, setnaffa is taking out his anger against those who created the vaccine and formulated the policies that favored people who were vaccinated.

And to amplify his message, he is using his sockpuppets, ChickenHead, Mcgeehee, and Liz to spread fake news and misinformation about the vaccines.

As I said, setnaffa needs help for his mental issues and needs to be checked into an institurion.

9 months ago

Chinabots, you are all always welcome to choose any statement I make about the vaccine and present facts and analysis that counter it.

Or you can make irrational attacks against those who agree with my statements, and declare victory.

I prefer you do the second one.

It is less work for me, as I don’t need to counter any stupidity. Further, your action encourages thinking people to consider my point of view more carefully. And anybody who agrees with your nonsense clearly needs more doeses of Safe & Effective which will help answer some of the medical questions we still have.

Keep up the good work, chinabots¹.

¹while the chinabots may be lost Korean-Americans incidently sympathetic to Chinese attitudes and values over what is best for Korea or America, they are functionally chinabots and I fint this lable to be descriptive and convenient.

9 months ago

They’ve brought back the anthrax vaccine for deployments.
It’s a new version. Weird they’d need a new version the old one was so safe.

9 months ago

CH, the chinabots have advanced to the “I know you are but what am I” stage.

I had a pet turtle smarter than that. So I won’t call them “running dogs and turtles”.

Maybe they just need to move Xi’s Winnie-stick out the way of their eye teeth so they can see what they’re typing?

9 months ago

Liz, I have a medical question for you.

So I am generally aware and I am familiar with colds and flu and pneumonia and things like this.

One day, the media hyped the dangers of RSV, especially to babies. Fortunately, there is a vaccine coming out for this.

I had never heard of RSV before and was 100% unaware of its overwhelming danger, especially to babies.

I kept having this crazy idea that, despite media treating it like it has always been a big deal and it was my fault for not knowing about it, that maybe (just maybe) this is some kind of revisionist history and this minor infection is using the covid model to push an unnecessary but profitable childhood vaccine.

I talked to a long-retired respiratory therapist and he said he never heard of it in the 1970s during his training or the following decades.

So, my question, is this a thing?

Or is this a scam?

9 months ago

I’ve heard of RSV, CH.
Your respiratory therapist friend probably treated many people with it, but didn’t know…if it was bad enough to have to get therapy, it would probably have manifested into bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia.

A lot of different types of viruses and bacteria cause those things, and I’m not sure how long the definitive rapid RSV tests have been around but I doubt it has been long (I’ve never used them). So they wouldn’t necessary know the underlying cause. Bacteria can be identified more easily.

Most of the time, in most healthy people, RSV isn’t anything to go to the doctor for. It’s just another “bug” that causes a runny nose. But babies and elderly can be more at risk.

The current vaccines offered to children aren’t vaccines, they are essentially antibody injections that last a few months and offer protection during that time. They had some very very bad outcomes in the 60s with children and RSV vaccine trials (80 percent hospitalization rate).

Korean Person
Korean Person
9 months ago

From the reactions given by setnaffa and his sockpuppet ChickenHead, it is obvious that what I said about setnaffa having vaccine envy and it fueling his fake news and misinformation drive is true.

9 months ago

Roger that, Liz.

“Trust the science,” has been another way to say “Shut up and comply,” for so long, I take notice of anything unusual.

Not really sold on the RSV hype. It seems to mostly be dangerous to people who have such problems that everything is dangerous.

I will pay attention.

9 months ago

You are right to be suspicious.
Medicine has always had its shortcomings..
Remember poor professor Doom, maybe his blog live on:
For some reason I cannot copy and paste the address, his magnum opus
(Confessions of a College Professor) My Cancer Story…How Modern Medicine Killed Me

More and more though, providers have become employees of hospital systems (often owned by insurance entities); which means that they work for the hospital, not for you. And the hospital’s interests are ALWAYS going to outweigh yours. Then add government to that mix.

I cannot speak for the ROK system, but that is how things are in the US. Also, nursing has become a train wreck. The nurses started completely their “clinicals” in school lab settings in 2020, their first interaction with an actual patient is often the day they start their jobs. No one knows what they are doing until at least a year of full time work…and that was true back in the day when they had real preceptorships and clinicals. Hospital diploma programs (the gold standard, IMO) no longer exist, and haven’t for a long while.
This is a recipe for very bad outcomes, with fewer nurses who are stressed and inexperienced. I’ve spoken to providers and nurse managers in Florida, Colorado, and Kansas and they’ve told me the same things…other states I don’t know about, but there seems to be a pattern.

Per RSV, I’ve never seen it tested for so I am not sure how they are making those statistics. Think I mentioned having strep a few months back (atypical). Mike and I both had it, and went to numerous providers…ER, GP (three times), and twice to urgent care clinics. None of them were able to diagnose us (nor did they ever test for RSV). Eventually I begged the GP for a throat culture. I didn’t get that, but she did give us a rapid strep test and it came out positive. Two days of antibiotics cured us after weeks of suffering.
Thus ends the morning rant.

9 months ago

Professor Doom knew what was up in the train wreck of our university system and our train wreck of a medical system.

You may have hit on a clue about RSV.

It exists. Nobody is testing for it. Nobody can really say if someone dies from it. Any alarm over it is based on a manufactured diagnosis because “cold” and “flu” have just as good of symptoms but not as expensive of taxpyer funded shot.

Am I getting warm?

9 months ago

Has Kim Jong-eun come to the mountain of Vladimir Putin?

Or has Vladimir Putin … … …

9 months ago

Is no one going to talk about the “space alien bodies” they “found” in Peru?
I looked very closely, and believe each weighs exactly the amount of two cans of white play doh.

9 months ago

“Is no one going to talk about the “space alien bodies” they “found” in Peru?”

Some things are better not to talk about… as the conversation will leave you unsatisfied.

But since you couldn’t leave well enough alone, let’s talk.

Conclusion: Probably not real aliens.

The first clue is “eggs” and genitals.

The aliens that come to earth are manufactured and don’t reproduce sexually.

From the article: “That is, if the DNA is showing us that they are non-human beings…”

That is an interesting statement… as why would aliens have DNA?

Except they DO have DNA.

…and their DNA is compatible with human DNA (which leads to some interesting theories).

By “compatible”, I mean you can insert a human gene into one of their cells and it will encode a protein.

Their DNA has several interesting features.
– super compact and efficient compared to human DNA (not as much “junk” DNA, fewer protein-coding genes)
– contains regular flag sequences that would make it easy to insert/remove genes if you were designing a “biologic” to do a specific task in a specific environment
– there are similar-to-human genes that we can guess the function, unknown genes, and (wait for it) clearly cut and pasted human and animal genes that we know very well (lazy AF designwork, guys)
– they have very refined mitochondrial DNA that might give some direction in how to improve human mitochondrial DNA as a species… watch for this “improvement” being touted in the media within the next 10 years. You heard it here first.

Comments on the pictures off the top of my head:

– hard to make a good observation because even a human mummy doesn’t exactly look like a human
– too short
– should be two toes
– feet should be longer
– there should be no nose (just openings)
– there should be no genitals

Soooo… I am calling BS…

…though, depending on age, maybe these are a much older model than what is being sent to us now?

Or maybe I just don’t know all types of aliens.

No idea. I’m not some kind of xenobiology nerd.

They aren’t going to get any DNA from these mummies except contamination as everyone lurks over them, including the “scientists”. They might be able to get some from teeth or bones, especially mitochondrial DNA, but aliens don’t have any teeth. Good luck with the bones.

Liz, do you still want to talk more about the space alien bodies?

9 months ago

Our GP sent a message that flu shots are in short supply this season…all around the country, apparently. So they don’t have any yet.
The message was written with “concern” but it
will be interesting to see what the impact is on the country.
Will this be a worse, or better flu season?
Also, if it is better will TPTB pretend we were all just lucky this year?
Time will tell.

9 months ago

GI, edit still doesn’t work for me.

Edited to add:
Alternately, they might proclaim that people were especially careful due to fears from not having that vaccine protection.
Or, we might actually just get lucky (or, on the flip side, unlucky…it might really be a bad year).
And alternately (again) there are published medical studies indicating once you’re accustomed to getting the yearly flu vaccine, a year off makes you much more susceptible than if you haven’t gotten them.
I suspect however the information will be interpreted, cui bono applies.

9 months ago

, I haven’t had a flu shot since 1980 and maybe had the flue (or flu-like symptoms) 4 times since.

I did get the pneumonia vaccine in 2020 (as well as all the childhood and USAF shots, so I’m not anti-vaccine, just against being a guinea pig for guys just practicing medical research instead of clinical medicine.

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