Tweet of the Day: Is Russia-China Axis Trying to End Freedom Globally?

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9 months ago

I would say WEF Globalist are trying to end freedom globally. Trying to implement 15 min cities (restricting travel); Central Bank Digital currency (restricting what you can buy from who); Shutting down farming (restricting food supply and types of food you can have)….and the list goes on.

9 months ago

This sounds like Axis of Evil talk.

Russia seems to have little global aspirations beyond ensuring security on their western border… and would like a return to some Soviet-era global respect.

China would very much like to call the global shots but they are doing their own thing without Russia. There is no axis.

Bonus: America is doing exactly what the “Chinese-Russian Axis” is being accused of.

This would be fantastic… except it isn’t being done to benefit Americans. It is being done to benefit the corporatists, globalist ideologues, military-industrial complex, the superior ruling elite who own everything but people, and other groups with their own agendas… all of which are constantly in-fighting… but always, by gentleman’s agreement, seldom letting that in-fighting damage their relationship over the Little People.

This is a good thing.

The reaction to covid and the acceptance (and embrace) of needless oppression showed us most people deserve to live in a pod and eat the bugs until they are depopulated.

A small population of elite humans served by AI is better for mankind and the planet. Plus the advantages of an overall increase in genetic quality.

Do your part in helping this along the next time you are offered the opportunity.

Thank you for your compliance.

9 months ago

Well, I can understand the Europervs at WEF wanting to eat bugs. After all, most of their cities are overrun with homeless Algerians, Tunisians, Turks, and Syrians who, fore example, defecate freely on the Left Bank.

However, they may have a little trouble with Americans. Some of us take exception to being forced to follow the rules they seem to want to push

Time will tell.

9 months ago

“However, they may have a little trouble with Americans. Some of us take exception to being forced to follow the rules they seem to want to push”

How I wanted to believe that.

Then I watched 2+ years of covid restrictions that were complied with by the normal people and enforced by the empowered less-than normal (right out of the successful communist playbook).

I watched an “armed insurrection” of unarmed Americans enter the capital “trying to overthrow the election” who were really just asking for transparency.

I watched small businesses destroyed with every trick possible, from allowing the unpredictable homeless to camp in their doorways to announcing that the police won’t get in the way of organized shoplifting.

I watched the sexualization of children by government and industry.

I watched open borders bringing in a new America-hating underclass taken care of with resources denied productive Americans.

I watched Ukraine’s pensons funded while Americans can’t afford to retire.

I watched every government agency weaponized against the normal and promote destructive abnormal.

And nobody does anything.

Tell me again how there will be any pushback.

Those pushing these agendas are masters of incremental change.

And the masses will accept anything if advanced in small enough increments.

9 months ago

Following the path of least resistance always ends up in the toilet.

And not in a good way.

Most people in the 13 Colonies were not rebels; but the British overreacted and scored multiple own goals.

That type always overreacts.

We’re going to need to see if the testosterone has been bred out of Americans…

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