Suspect in Custody After Mass Stabbing Attacking in South Korea

In the U.S. this crazy guy with a reported mental illness could have gone to Walmart and bought a gun. At least in South Korea the mentally ill can’t purchase a gun to create far larger carnage than what this guy caused with a knife:

A man rammed a car onto a sidewalk Thursday in the South Korean city of Seongnam, then stepped out of the vehicle and began stabbing people at a shopping mall, leaving at least 14 people wounded. 

Just hours after South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol on Friday called for “ultra-strong” law enforcement measures in response to that attack, police found themselves chasing the suspect in another stabbing incident at a high school in Daejeon city.

Cho Byeong-tae, an official at the Daejeon metropolitan police department, said the attack at Songchon High School left at least one teacher hurt. He did not identify the victim or provide details about the victim’s health. (…..)

Authorities arrested a 22-year-old suspect at the scene and were questioning him. Police did not identify the man or offer any immediate information about a potential motive.

According to Park Gyeong-won, an official at Gyeonggi’s Bundang district police station, the suspect during police interviews talked incoherently and said he was being stalked by an unspecified source. The suspect’s family told police he had a history of mental illness.

Associated Press via a reader tip

You can read more at the link.

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8 months ago

Fortunately, in the U.S., I could also go to Walmart and buy a gun, in which case I wouldn’t be a victim at all.

Some American tragedies are:

– With 332 million people, getting shot in a mall is statistically insignificant. Go ride a bicycle if you want to die… and ban them if you want to save lives. (102 people in shooting sprees vs 961 in bicycles). But gun control isn’t about guns. It is about control.

– between 50 and 60% of “gun crime” is suicide. Of the 40-50% left, around half of that is black people shooting black people in black neighborhoods over black things. Of the remaining 20-25% of the fancy statistics you see thrown around, which is actual gun crime, you can avoid pretty much all of it by staying away from drugs, don’t associate with felons, and don’t be a noisy bìtch talking when you should be listening.

– drugs, both legal and prescription, play a major roll in most gun crime.

– The media GREATLY underreports the times some nutjob with bad intentions gets taken down by a normal guy with a gun. They misrepresent, or outright lie, about some of these cases (examples on request).

– Doing the right thing and shooting some nutball engaged in a violent felony ruins you, as the process becomes the punishment and the surviving relatives of the aspiring DJ try to take everything you have. Even if you win both the criminal and civil cases, really only the lawyers won.

8 months ago

Didn’t realize this was a pro gun control website, thanks for the revelation.

Last edited 8 months ago by 152G
8 months ago

GI, you mislead your readers and do many legal gun owners a massive dis-service.

Maybe look up who is killing who in America, how many of the firearms were bought at Walmat, and consider revising your rheyoric.

Also, if a person in the US has been diagnosed with a mental illness, the mandatory background check will fail.

Let’s get with the program, shall we?

8 months ago

He could have rented a large truck and plowed it through crowded streets, 2016 Nice truck attack. He could have bought some fireworks, extracted the gun powder, and used pressure cookers to make IEDs, Boston Marathon Bombing. He could have bought some farming chemicals, or any number of other easily obtainable chemicals, to create any number of explosives, ANFO in Oklahoma City Bombing or any number of HMTD explosives in Northern Ireland. Heck, it possible to kill 36 people and injure another 33 by simply committing arson, Kyoto Animation arson attack. Does this mean we need to ban trucks, fireworks, household chemicals like hydrogen peroxide/citric acid, fertilizer, and gasoline?

All these methods are far simpler than cooking meth… which itself is simple enough for fried brain addicts to do in their dilapidated crack houses. There are any number of methods by which to maim and kill in mass numbers, and the reality is that security is often an illusion created not by regulations or policing but by social infrastructure. Organizations like fraternities/Churches/clubs/societies/etc help keep people socially well balanced and also provides informal “eyes” on individuals which can then direct the obviously unwell into institutional help.

Today the asylums (a preventative measure) have been closed down and all the crazies are now in jail (a reactive measure). Along with all the social fabric having rotted away, true security has vanished.

8 months ago

True security doesn’t vanish if you carry a gun.

American government has destroyed American society… from Defund the Police to letting criminals out early to calling Broken Windows policing racist to claiming it is humane to have an entire class of people digging through trash cans to eat.

The social contrct is broken.

Be a man, carry a gun, don’t worry about it.

The lefties will condemn you with your defensive gun that stays in your pocket yet support the criminal no matter what he does.

…but lefties are mostly stupid and crazy… and the ones who aren’t, are self-serving or evil.

This is a great example.

What rational person thinks any of this is a good plan.

8 months ago

I don’t think you can buy anything above a pellet rifle at a Walmart anymore, I haven’t seen a real rifle, decent self defense ammo or handguns on display at my local Walmart in many years now. However, I would advise exercising one’s legal second amendment rights every time one shops there especially in the parking lot, CCW insurance is also a good idea. God Bless America, it’s founders and the Bill of Rights.

8 months ago

GI- Korea, the NICS background check together with the ATF form 4473 is meant to address this provided they don’t lie on the form about things like drug addiction or have the USAF not properly document serious behavior issues for the NICS database as has happened in the past. Still, a firearm is just one tool amongst many other choices, a 3000 to 4000 pound car at ramming speed followed by a modern day whirling dervish with a razor sharp blade isn’t easily countered on most street corners. Will have to agree to disagree on this subject.

8 months ago

GI, are you saying only mentally-ill people go to Walmart?

Or are you saying you know of a Walmart that doesn’t process a Form 4473 when they sell firearms?

I’m unsure how to read your statement.

I am also unsure why you think anyone is in favor of arming the mentally-ill.

Full disclosure: I gave away my last firearm, a sweet little .30cal Plainfield M1 Carbine back in August 1980.

8 months ago

@GIKorea, I partly agree, but you’re overly focused on the wrong end of the problem. The deranged shouldn’t even be able to go to Walmart in the first place, or even leave a padded room. That was the historical norm before mass shootings were a thing. Easy access of anything by people with severe mental problems is not a good idea.

There is no end to the number of methods by which people can easily commit mass destruction and mass destruction. It’s a completely lost cause to police methods outside of totalitarian extremes. In America, guns are predominately used because they are a meme. There’s a positive feedback loop occurring as would be mass shooters look at previous mass shooters and think how they can get a “higher score.” Take guns out of the picture and you’ll find it shifts to methods potentially far more deadly and destructive than an active shooter. It’s clearly an issue of deranged people of which America has many, but also an issue Asia is also increasingly facing.

The US used to lock up the insane as a preventative measure, but the closure of asylums shifted all of them into the prison system. The problem being that prison occurs after the insane do insane things. Prisons are also temporary and not equip to deal with the root problem. The ramification of which can be seen in problems other than mass shootings.

Take the homeless situation as just one example. 40 years ago there were almost no homeless people wondering the streets of major American cities. They were taken off the streets via anti loitering laws. Now there’s over half a million in shuffling, zombie like hordes, infesting America’s cities. These are not down trodden cases of economic misfortune, but 80% of the time lunatics who in decades past would have been forcibly institutionalized. NIH found that the rate of violent crimes was 40 times higher and the rate of nonviolent crimes 27 times higher in the homeless population. Homeless mass murderers is also a problem, but no one is interested in looking into it too deeply for political reasons.

Similar incidents of mass murder is becoming more frequent in East Asia, see the rise and increasing deadliness of of mass stabbing in Japan/China/Korea. This points to a failure to lock up the deranged. There’s several driving causes, liberalization of “human rights” preventing involuntary confinement to asylums, collapse of social organization driving up mental illness, and the welfare state allowing for a hikikomori life style preventing detection of the deranged. There are many other causes as well, but I’m already writing too much.

Right now, knife attacks are the current meme in Asia, but this incident shows they are not that far away from truck attacks. This guy realized he could potentially kill by driving a car into pedestrians. The next might realize they can target mass crossings like Shibuya Crossing of which Korea has plenty similar. Remember that feedback loop I mentioned, it’s happening.

8 months ago

“Sorry gents but you are not going to be able to convince me that easy access to guns for people with mental problems is a good idea”

Nobody has tried to do that.

At most, the idea has been presented that limiting access to guns for the other 318,000,000 people is a bad idea.

The problem here is taking guns away from crazy people and criminals is hard. So gun control quickly devolves into taking guns away from normal people invested in the system because it is easy… and look… we did something.

But nothing was done. And nothing was intended to be done because the people who push gun control derive their power from dysfunction and disorder… or are their stooges.

So anyone who starts talking gun control is not to be trusted.

If the focus was on crazy people and career criminals, it would also solve most of the problems gun control pretends to address. It would also solve a lot of other problems.

And it wouldn’t have to involve Joe Sixpack who was never involved to begin with.

If anyone is serious is solving “gun problems”, they will openly push to solve problrms.

The guns will then take care of themselves.

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