Tweet of the Day: Pictures from the Seoul Queer Culture Festival

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10 months ago

Behold! The Official Flag and Victory Parade of The Global American Empire.

10 months ago

The America-centric GloboHomo¹ imperialist monoculture is going to be forced on your courtry, like it or not.

You can accept it and not be a racist bigot homophobe, you can resist and experience the pain of sanctions because that’s how America deals with Nazis, or you can experience clusterbombing if you actively resist.

¹GloboHomo is Global Homoginization, not homosexual


Remember, the gays making a fuss on the streets under the pride flags hanging from government buildings… and trannies in your libraries… and grooming your kids into changing their gender… and accepting blacks to burn neighborhoods down in support of criminals… and open borders… and free everything for everybody but taxpayers… and crumbling infrastructure… and shoplifting rings… homeless… drugs… no cops… criminalizing self defense… your meat replaced by bugs, etc…

…the people and organizations pushing all this don’t really want this. They only want it because they know you DON’T want it and there is nothing you can do about that.

They own you.

If you had any balls, you would take to the street with a rifle but you are broken.

And it is only going to get worse until they sense it can’t be pushed further.

The rest of the Raging 20s is going to become increasingly insane.

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