Picture of the Day: Five Guys Opens in South Korea

Five Guys opens 1st store in S. Korea
Five Guys opens 1st store in S. Korea
People stand in line to buy burgers at the country’s first store of U.S. made-to-order burger chain Five Guys in southern Seoul on its opening day on June 26, 2023. (Yonhap)
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10 months ago


…and during Pride Month.

Creepy coincidence or diabolical intent?

Next up:

– a return to trannies with a big shifting knob

– Fischer’s Automatische Gusstahlkugelfabrik takes first place in bearing supply

– mass production of the Antikythera mechanism (non-binary computing)

– increase in drag racing on the streets (but without cars, if yaknowwhatimean)

10 months ago

5 Guys burgers are really not all that great…

Maybe living in Texas has spoiled me; but they aren’t even the equal of Dairy Queen, Burger King, or Braums. Probably better than the last Wendy’s we visited; but not in the same league as “real” hamburger restaurants…

They are expensive — $13.55 for a small and greasy cheeseburger — so maybe that’s the ambiance being sought?

Hard pass from us…

Last edited 10 months ago by setnaffa
Kevin Kim
10 months ago


I don’t know about the Five Guys you went to, but in northern Virginia, the burgers were never scrawny. They were huge and delicious, as were the dawgs, with a good amount of char on everything—even without access to a legitimate grill. On behalf of Five Guys, I apologize for the poor experience you had there, but I hope you have a chance to try Five Guys elsewhere. If you’re ever in Alexandria, Virginia, there are one or two Five Guys joints along the Route One corridor. Or there were last I checked in 2018.

I’m tempted to try the Five Guys here in Korea, but I’m worried about (1) the expense and (2) what the Korean version of their menu will be like. I also worry about the amount of fries they’ll serve on the side. In northern Virginia, they serve an insanely huge pile of fries that they bill as their “small” or “regular.”

Korean Person
Korean Person
10 months ago

How do we know that setnaffa really went to a Five Guys burger joint?

How do we know that the photo itself isn’t something that setnaffa downloaded from the Internet as part of his attempt to spread fake news and misinformation about Five Guys?

Five Guys became famous because of Obama. It wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the pro-Trump Setnaffarians will go all in against Five Guys.

On top of that we all know that setnaffa never tells the truth and instead is well know for spreading fake news and misinformation.

10 months ago

One thing about living in Korea is the flavor strength and quantity compared to America.

When I came to Korea, junk food was dull and flavorless. But now, if I have any American junk food, it is shockingly salty and overpowering in (artifical) flavor.

Also, the portions are big… and the lower the quality of food, it seems the bigger they are.

“Daaaamn, Jim-Bob, you see how much macaroni and cheese they give ya? Hard to finish all that when ya gotta save room for a couple of them deep fried Hershey bars dusted in powdered sugar. But I can finish it if I wash it down with sone of this tea. Sure tastes better when it’s about 50/50 high fructose corn syrup. I’d come here more often but kinda hard to get around since ‘betes took mah feet.”

I find the French style of eating is much better. Small portions of very high-quality food.

But a big greasy burger every couple of months hits the spot.

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