Western Women Increasingly Attracted to Korean Men Due to Korean Dramas

It is interesting that activists advocate for western women to act more masculine and now these women are attracted to guys that are effeminate:

After visiting eight hostels and interviewing 123 women, mostly from North America and Europe, Lee came to the conclusion that many had been drawn to the country by what she calls “the Netflix effect.”

Hit Korean television shows like “Crash Landing on You” and “Goblin,” were selling more than men with beautiful faces and chiseled bodies like their stars Hyun Bin and Gong Yoo. They were offering a glimpse into a world where men were romantic and patient, an antithesis to what the women saw as the sex-obsessed dating culture of their home countries.

The women Lee interviewed were fascinated with Korean men who were portrayed on TV as being in touch with their emotions and willing to embrace their “effeminate sides,” Lee said. 

They considered Korean men cultured and romantic while complaining that men in their home countries often neglected their appearances and had one-track minds. 

Grace Thornton, a 25-year-old gardener from the United Kingdom, traveled to Seoul in 2021 after watching K-drama “Crash Landing on You” on Netflix. 

She was struck by how men in the show did not jeer at or catcall women on the street, as happens in her home country. 

In her eyes, Korean men are “gentlemen, polite, charming, romantic, fairytale-like, chivalrous, respectful.” She said it also helps that Korean men dress well and groom themselves.


You can read more at the link.

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1 year ago

Watch out Korean Men! They may try to emasculate you like the feminazis are doing to men in American colleges.

1 year ago

There’s someone out there for Korean Man too.

1 year ago

Setnaffa, too chicken to click on a CNN link? Here’s the third from last paragraph.

‘A temporary pleasure’

Unfortunately, some women find after their arrival that the men they encounter are not as perfect as the ones portrayed on their screens.
Mina, a 20-year-old student from Morocco, said K-pop and Korean TV shows influenced her decision to come to the southern city of Busan in 2021.

The men she saw on TV were depicted as “respectful, good looking, rich men who are protective of you,” she said.

But during her nights out, she was groped in a bar and propositioned for sex from strangers on the street. She felt some Korean men tended to believe that foreign women are more open to casual sex than local women.

“We are temporary pleasure,” she said, adding, “Men are men, humans are alike everywhere.”

Since then she has lost her enjoyment of Korean TV shows and no longer wants to date Korean men.

… Busan ajeossi though. Not really as metro as the Seoulboys …

Korean TV shows are written by Korean women about their ideal/dream Korean men. What the scriptwriters, and their Korean female audience, wish Korean men were like. Korean women regard K-drama as escapism from the reality of ajeossi behavior.

Believing in K-drama is akin to American women believing all American guys are like MacGyver and can fix anything.

Korean friend: You should get a Mercedes like me when you go back.

Me: Why would I want a Mercedes?

Korean friend: You can pick up hot girls and drive them around.

Me: American women have their own cars … and drive around in them.

Korean friend: Next you’ll be saying American women know how to change a flat tire.

Me: Doh!

1 year ago

Korean movies provide a much more accurate portrayal of Korean life than K-dramas.

1 year ago

I don’t know, Stephen… I am skeptical.

Korean women were attractive before I came to Korea…

…and I have yet to be disappointed.

Alcohol heightens this effect.

1 year ago

Why should I click on a garbage link?

CNN gets paid per click you simple-minded patsy.

Meanwhile, how much are you paid to advertise for an international corporation?

1 year ago

I just wanted to see the goods in the red dress, so I ran down the Youtube video to check her out. Good on any Korean guy that can bag a western girl, there’s plenty for all of us to share in multicultural sexual experiences.

Truth be told, she’s ‘fat’ by Korean standards and I can’t see her being a long term solution for any Korean guy, especially after blowing up like a can of biscuits from a kid or three.

Last edited 1 year ago by Bob
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