Taliban Government Wants Diplomatic Relations with South Korea

I figure once the Biden administration recognizes the Taliban government, that is when everyone else will:

Abdul Qahar Balkhi, an official of the group’s Cultural Commission, attends a press conference in this photo provided by him. 

The Taliban wants South Korea to recognize it as a “legitimate” government of Afghanistan and hopes to strengthen economic cooperation and other exchanges between the two countries, a Taliban spokesman said Monday.

Abdul Qahar Balkhi, a member of the Taliban’s Cultural Commission, made the remarks in an exclusive interview with Yonhap News Agency, calling for Seoul to maintain “cordial” ties with the country “replete with untapped mineral resources.”

It marked the first interview a Taliban official has held with a South Korean media outlet since the Islamist movement took over Afghanistan as the United States withdrew troops from the war-torn nation.


You can read more at the link.

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2 years ago

Why not? I mean, anyone who burns women alive for bad cooking can’t be all bad if we can make some money of ’em, right?

2 years ago

Plus she was probably uppity.

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
2 years ago

Think of the renewable resource…poppies!

2 years ago

“Think of the renewable resource…poppies!”

I thought you meant women until I got to poppies….

…carbon neutral, clean burning, 4000 to 9000 kilocalories per kilogram of heat and light.

Poppies mean nothing. Big Pharma has no further need of pushing opiates off on hillbillies when there is unlimited government money for unlimited booster shots as we enter the vaccine by subscription phase of the grift.

Bonus: Anybody want to take bets there will be a few Americans still in Afghanistan after the August 31 deadline? When Taliban leadership was livestreaming from the presidential palace, there should have been a flock of cruise missiles slotted for that target.

There are going to be a lot of tears in the coming months.

Americans deserve what they tolerate.

2 years ago

CH, that’s a nice paraphrase of Ben Franklin: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

2 years ago

Actually, it shouldn’t be hard to get through Taliban blockades and make it to the airport.

I hear if you yell “misogynist” loudly enough, you eventually get your way.

Or maybe Taliban culture is more “Get woke, get smoked”.

Guess we will know in a couple of weeks.

2 years ago

They already recognize the mullahs in Tehran and Fatty up north. What’s 1 more murderous regime?

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