USFK Servicemembers Accused of Holding Maskless Party on Haeundae Beach

Here we go again, this same thing happened last year at Haeundae Beach:

U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) said Monday it is cooperating with local authorities over allegations some of its members were involved in no-mask parties on a Busan beach over the weekend in violation of social distancing rules.

According to police, around 2,000 foreigners, including U.S. soldiers, set off firecrackers and held parties without masks at Haeundae Beach in the southeastern city of Busan, marking U.S. Memorial Day. 

Korea Times

You can read more at the link.

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2 years ago

What a terribly sad place Korea has devolved into…

2 years ago

Maskless beach parties.
Heaven forbid.

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
2 years ago

It always the “foreigners'” fault in Korea. I suppose a Korean would never dream of having a maskless party on a public beach….sarcasm for those who are easily triggered…

2 years ago

Maybe a good way to maintain social distancing is by carrying a jar of gasoline and a Zippo.

When some busybody invades your personal space to make unnecessary demands that would be even more unnecessary if they minded their own business, simply remove the lid and douse them in gasoline.

Then ready your Zippo and gently ask if there was really anything so important going on that intrusion and disruption was absolutely necessary.


Well then, have a nice day, sir, and sorry about the mess.

The last year of LARPing a post-apocalyptic society has been interesting but now it is time to get back to work.

2 years ago

CH, given what we’ve seen from various Buddhists since the 1960s, that might not be as big a deterrent as you imagine…

2 years ago


Busybodies, scolds, and petty tyrants are easier to deal with if they don’t move around much throughout any steps of a decent immolation process.

It keeps you from having to work them over with a fishbat first to reduce the yapping and squirming.

Gotta be careful, though. Not everyone is Buddhist.

Jews will already have Intel on your plans and will kill you the night before in your bed.

Muslims are likely to splash themselves in gasoline first and then come at you.

Christians only talk about turning the other cheek, until offered the opportunity to turn the other cheek, at which point eternal salvation takes a back seat to living for the moment and just shooting you.

Noisy hipster atheists will scream RACIST at you and gasp in disbelief that the world doesn’t work the way they think it should as they burn.

And agnostics probably wouldn’t have bothered you in the first place.

2 years ago

CH, I can’t speak for everyone; but in my 62 years of puttering around, self-applied labels typically need a disclaimer… But, most of the *actual* Christians I know (i.e., those who do more than show up for church or pay a “tithe”) don’t shoot people for not wearing masks on a beach (or pretty much anything else)…

They might offer a seat at their potluck meal, and you might have to try Zelma’s Jello salad or spend the evening next to older folks talking about how politics has deteriorated since 19xx and assorted medical issues and cures; but very little shooting…

YMMV, of course.

And I don’t have enough experience with most of the other groups to suggest you were wrong about anything.

2 years ago

Setnaffa, that was not a dig against Christians.

It was simply an observation.

I suspect if you douse a large percentage of Christians in gasoline, they will shoot you before turning the other cheek.

I think there are a few videos on the internet of Christians solving problems by sending the other guy to to the afterlife.

I am a big fan of the armed religious right.

I can generally trust their moral compass to do the right thing in such matters, especially on an individual level.

Turning the other cheek is a great policy in dealing with the misunderstood and the misguided. It doesn’t work against evil or crazy. Christians are secretly aware of this.

2 years ago

CH, I hear what you’re saying; but shooting off a firearm while doused in gasoline is essentially suicide. I don’t think most Christians would willingly choose that as Plan A.

Those who use firearms might have shot the nut with the gasoline first, before the fuel was applied. Others might just trust God to either (a) keep them safe, or (b) welcome them to Paradise. There are Bible verses that refer to both approaches, and I think a Christian needs to know what to ise and when.

I agree I cannot speak for everyone. In America, that’s still okay. Not sure being evil or crazy is a successful way to live-especially in Texas. Kinda worse than “fat, drunk, and stupid,” to paraphrase Dean Wormer in Animal House.

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