Tweet of the Day: 70th Anniversary of Chosin Reservoir Campaign
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rocket man
rocket man
3 years ago

I can’t imagine the brutal conditions those guys faced. Our days out in the field during the winter were a picnic compared to what they went through. Real heros and real tough guys!

3 years ago

They don’t even fully simulate that level of suffering in the survival schools.

3 years ago

Must read is a book, “East of the Chosin.” About the 7th Infantry Regiment U.S. Army that was decimated by the Chinese. The Author spent years and tracked down every survivor of the Battle. Some refused to comment. I was especially incensed by the actions of LTC Faith who executed a Korean Augmentee with his .45 Calber Pistol who was hiding under a truck during the attempted breakout.

3 years ago

Tanker, that version might be a bit shy on details. Typically, US Army officers are frowned-upon for killing people on our side. What were the circumstances? Granted that LTC Faith wasn’t as good a leader assome others, he must have had a reason other than Tuesday (or whatever) was his day for murdering a KATUSA.

I may be a bit more forgiving about things GIs did when surrounded by Chinese in North Korea in late 1950. Or not. It depends on the rest of the story.

3 years ago

And in the case of LTC Faith, he was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during the retreat, which might have been the reason which ANY UN troops under his command survived after McLean was killed.

I wasn’t there. I doubt anyone still living saw it happen.

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