Analysts Believe Biden Administration Will Take A More Conventional Approach to North Korea

It is believed that the Biden administration is going to take the more conventional approach to North Korea policy that gave us the nuclear armed Kim regime we have today:

Analysts say that once Biden takes office in January, he is likely to take a far more conventional approach to relations with North Korea than his predecessor—who famously eschewed formal diplomatic channels and instead put his faith in his personal relationship with Kim.

“I strongly suspect the Biden Administration’s approach on North Korea will rely on pressure and sanctions to raise the cost to North Korea of its nuclear and missile programs,” Revere says.

Having served as Vice President from 2008 to 2016 under Barack Obama, Biden comes into office familiar with the North Korea question. The Obama Administration took a starkly different approach to Pyongyang than the outgoing Trump administration did, refraining from any high-level dialogue as part of a policy dubbed “strategic patience.”

The core of the policy was waiting for international sanctions to cut off North Korea’s sources of outside revenue, eventually forcing Pyongyang to take verifiable steps toward denuclearization as a way of winning sanctions relief and gaining access to the international trade system.

The policy achieved none of its objectives, however, as North Korea expanded its nuclear capability throughout Obama’s term.

TIME magazine

You can read more at the link, but I would not be surprised if the Biden administration lets the Moon administration lead the way on North Korea policy making. That means and end to the Korean War declaration followed by the easing of sanctions on North Korea for cross border projects for little to nothing in return from the Kim regime.

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2ID Doc
2ID Doc
3 years ago

So in other words, Biden will ignore Norkistan and hope it goes away. I’m not saying Trump’s buddy buddy routine was the correct route or even useful but it did prompt Kim fatty the third to leave his cave for a day or two and speak to someone other than emperor xi or his toadies.

3 years ago

Doc Trump got Kim Fatty III to stop testing nukes and ICBMs.

When someone like BiteMe is elected, folks like KF3 and the Ayatollahs in Iran get friskie because they know how to extort money from amoral cowards.

Trump is/was no Messiah; but he’s the first President in a long time who never started a war or made one bigger. Can’t even claim that for Ronaldus Magnus.

Time will tell.

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