Chinese Fishing Boat Captain Arrested in Taiwan for Mass Murder at Sea

Yet another example of the deadly violence at sea by a fishing boat captained by a Chinese national:

Aldrin, a cook on the Ping Shin 101, brandishing a rifle. (Karsten Von Hoesslin)

The men are helpless in the open water, clinging to floating debris, tossed by the rolling ocean waves. Several large fishing ships circle. None of the victims have life jackets, but no one makes a move to help. This isn’t a rescue.

A voice, off camera, shouts in Mandarin: “In the front, to the left! What are you doing?” Then: “Fire! Fire! Fire!”

Bullets spray the water around one flailing man. One round catches him. His body stills. Blood plumes in the blue ocean. Later, deckhands laugh and pose for photos.

Grainy video of the 2012 killings, which shows the systematic slaughter of at least four men in the Indian Ocean, has been circulating in the darker corners of the Internet for more than seven years. Now, authorities in Taiwan have arrested a suspect: a 43-year-old Chinese national whom they believe to be the man who shouted the orders to kill. And investigators are hoping he leads them to others.

Yahoo News

You can read more at the link, but the Chinese captain is defending himself saying the people that 10-15 people shot at sea were pirates. Filipino crew member witnesses from his boat claim they were other fishermen that were shot. It is pretty clear that the intense competition for fish has turned the high seas into the Wild West.

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3 years ago

What a horrible, horrible thing.

3 years ago


A fisherman with a mullet
fingered his trigger to pull it.
He said, “It’s no stretch
to say the deadliest catch
is when you are catching a bullet.”

3 years ago

A mullet, eh? Yeah, if that’s all they could catch, they deserved to be fired. But maybe not fired on…

3 years ago

They missed a chance for a brilliant headline… something like:

Boat Captain Arrested in Fishnet Stalkings

3 years ago


The pirates were rather in peril
with sailors one step above feral.
They had no regrets
to put down their nets
and try shooting fish in a barrel.

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