New Book Claims that Kim Jong-un was Hitting on Sarah Huckabee Sanders During Summit

So this is this the real reason a peace deal wasn’t struck between Trump and Kim, Sarah Huckabee Sanders wouldn’t take one for the team? 😉

President Donald Trump told Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a former White House press secretary, to go to North Korea and take one “for the team” after Kim Jong Un appeared to wink at her during a summit in 2018, she said in a new book.

In her memoir, a copy of which was obtained by The Guardian, Sanders described an incident at the summit in Singapore with Trump, Kim, and a collection of their aides.

She said in the book, set to be released next Tuesday, that during a session of talks, Kim “reluctantly” accepted a Tic Tac mint from Trump, who “dramatically blew into the air to reassure Kim it was just a breath mint” and not poison. (……)

The former press secretary said that later, in the presidential limousine, she told Trump and John Kelly, who was then his chief of staff, about the incident.

“Kim Jong Un hit on you!” Trump said, according to Sanders. “He did! He f—ing hit on you!”

Sanders replied, “Sir, please stop.”

“Well, Sarah, that settles it. You’re going to North Korea and taking one for the team!” Trump told her, Sanders said. “Your husband and kids will miss you, but you’ll be a hero to your country!”

Trump and Kelly then “howled with laughter,” Sanders said.

Business Insider

You can read more at the link, but if Trump was to hold another summit and brought current Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany with him Kim Jong-un might just surrender on the spot. 🙂

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3 years ago

I believe her as much as I believe CNN…

3 years ago

I would have had him winking at Ivanka.

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