Fight Breaks Out on Seoul Subway After Man Refuses to Wear a Mask

It appears even South Korea has anti-maskers though I suspect alcohol is probably more to blame for this confrontation on the subway:

A man in his 50s attacked two passengers who asked him to wear a mask on a line no.2 subway train during morning commute.

The man got angry when he was asked to put on a mask and began slapping the passenger on the face multiple times with his slipper.

Another passenger sitting nearby was also assaulted and verbally abused by the man who attempted to strangle him.

A total of 349 people have been arrested for face mask-related conflicts over the last three months since May 26 when the government applied a “No mask, no ride” policy on all public transportation.

Among them, 164 people were held for assault.

Korea Times
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3 years ago

Korea has many anti-maskers because they know masks do nothing extend the reach of an authoritarian government.

3 years ago

Drunken Anti-Mask Man! Not the hero we want but the hero we need!

3 years ago

Also, CDC has come out and said, to correct earlier misinformation (lies), that CCP virus does VERY RARELY (legal talk to CYA) spreads unless you have active symptoms.

3 years ago

Here in the Philippines (where “face coverings” are mandatory), some of the things that people design to protect them from the #WuhanVirus wouldn’t protect you from a nasty fart, let alone a microscopic virus. Some places have even mandated clear plastic face shields to stop virus particles from entering through the eyes. Once again, an ineffective means of protection because of the air space around the shield where virus particles can enter.

As Flying Sword said, these are not virus control measures, they’re people control.measures. The question often raised in the USA is that if masks work, why do we need social distancing, and, conversely, if social distancing works, why do we need masks? Also, why is showing up at a “protest” wearing a mask okay but attending church is not allowed? Many more questions point to the fact that masks may have started out as a means to slow the spread of the virus, but are now nothing more than a means of social control.

I’m waiting for the “light bulb” moment when governments around the world realize that mask wearing is impeding, not contributing to, herd immunity which is the only real long term way to control a virus. Millions die every year from the seasonal flu (another corona virus, by the way) and nobody bats an eye. Fear and social control are at the root of this latest plandemic and until the masses realize this and accept it, this chicanery will continue.

a listener
a listener
3 years ago

Seasonal flu does not leave lifelong lacerations of the lungs like COVID-19 tagumcitytim

3 years ago

Of course, subway slapper gets less or no jail time compared to the conservative journalists.

Reply to  a listener
3 years ago

A Listener – You should research before you make statements. According to the CDC, with the seasonal flu one can suffer “possible serious complications [which can include] inflammation of the heart (myocarditis), brain (encephalitis) or muscle (myositis, rhabdomyolysis) tissues, and multi-organ failure (for example, respiratory and kidney failure). Flu virus infection of the respiratory tract can trigger an extreme inflammatory response in the body and can lead to sepsis, the body’s life-threatening response to infection.” ( I believe that these complications are much more noteworthy than lung laceration, which, after a time, will heal itself so long as the victim does not have any chronic contributing factors like smoking, lung cancer, or heart disease.

The only serious problems with the #WuhanVirus are improper use of a ventilator in the early stages which can cause lung damage.

3 years ago

Here are two noteworthy links to research: The numbers of COVID-19 Infections and Deaths have been rather wildly inflated, probably for political purposes. As always, pay attention to what they’re not telling you.


1. “Oops: It Looks Like the Vast Majority of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative”

townhall dot com/tipsheet/bronsonstocking/2020/08/29/it-looks-like-a-lot-of-those-positive-covid-tests-should-have-been-negative-n2575305

2. “Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics”
(key quote: When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.)

www dot cdc dot gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm?fbclid=IwAR2-muRM3tB3uBdbTrmKwH1NdaBx6PpZo2kxotNwkUXlnbZXCwSRP2OmqsI


REMEMBER!!! Wash your hands. Don’t lick toilet stall door handles or anything that touched them. See your doctor if you’re sick. And follow their advice. COVID-19 (aka the Sino Sinus Syph

frankie gilbert
frankie gilbert
3 years ago

I feel alot better wearing the mask not to spread to them then not, and feel better when the person close to me is wearing their mask not to spread to me, how much it helps don,t know, but would think gotta help some unless you are in a job that requires wearing that mask for several hours a day then other factors come in like maybe breathing your own CO most of the day. For now my little runs in and out of the stores my mask will be worn but gotta agree the cases are most likely inflated due to political and pure greed, a lot of money has been thrown around and that little $1,200 per person ain,t nothing.

3 years ago

You’re a sheeple Frankie.

3 years ago

Frankie, I hear ya… However, the masks are a health hazard to healthy people. And sick people ought to be self-quarantining or in hospital.

www dot ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/PMC4868614/

3 years ago


3 years ago

Setnaffa – Seems you triggered someone.

3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago

Wow! Ken seems to have some beefs with you Setnaffa. I don’t understand why he brings his beefs with you here though. Perhaps he’s a stalker or a troll?

3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago

Ken – I was in the Navy from 1980-2000. I’ll do some exploring around the site (you are talking about, correct?) I understand the problems Army and Air Force vets have had with Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam and other places in the Far East. I also know about how the DoD tried to cover up the exposures for years and have only recently relented and started taking care of the service members that were poisoned by Agent Orange.

My intent with my postings wasn’t to defame or criticize the sacrifices you and others made. Your comments came out of left field for me because of the lack of background I had. There are so many crazies on social media sites these days that it’s almost routine to read postings that some might find “out there” in the content.

3 years ago

Ken, I’ve a DD214. I’ve survived cancer three years at this point. And you sound like a troubled person who might need some counseling from a professional. May I suggest you seek help before you harm someone you love?

And frankly, Ken, you sound like the tencentarmy trolls that visit this site, so please get help soon.

3 years ago

The setnaffa poster trashed my service on the profile of Camp Page side of this web page. He still believes he did nothing wrong.

I appreciate honoring my request to delete my post.

I remember there were several posts about cancer and the connection to Camp Page. Those post and my post of 2014 are not on the profile of Camp Page.

After the callous attack by setnaffa I contacted William Abell. I found out my section chief went back to Ft. Sill and died of cancer. Anyone who doubts I was a soldier can contact William Abell his telephone number is posted. He will give a long list of those who can be witnesses to me being a soldier.

To add insult to injury setnaffa is now lecturing me again, saying I need professional help. I believe it is he who has a problem. I invite anyone to read what he wrote about my comment on profiles of Camp Page. William Abel reviewed it and agreed.

William Abell later became a First Sgt and retired from the Army.

Again, setnaffa insulted my service. Insulted my claim of the Agent Orange disposal that I was a part of. Insulted veterans who later had cancer. Since he didn’t serve at Camp Page and is most likely a pretender his post on Camp Page profile should be be deleted. It was dishonorable to say the least.

I believe his post should be deleted concerning me on the profile of Camp Page. Again, I invite anyone to read his comment. It doesn’t sound like he is a veteran nor does he have any understanding of the VA.

I have run into many pretenders for years, I always had a list of things to ask about the Army as proof of service. Again, I appreciate deleting my post, I will not have my honor tarnished by someone like setnaffa.

3 years ago

Added note: in order to find the Camp Page side of this site, one can use Google, type in Korea Camp Page or Profiles of Camp Page Korea, Again, you be the judge, did setnaffa serve in the military, did he serve at Camp Page?

Please read his comment. Tell me, does he really know anything about the military or the VA?

He made a political biased comment. Accusing me of not being a veteran because I wrote about the disposal of Agent Orange. I wrote about the toxicity level of 100,000 times the permissible level.

This low life believes we have a moral obligation to limp around around for the rest of our lives and die from cancer. He defends the VA when it is known of VA callous disregard for Agent Orange and it became a battle in Congress.

Again please read this pretender’s comment.

3 years ago

Ken, seek professional help. You are making yourself more upset by making up stories about me.

Your physical threats against my person are already actionable; but let us assume you were merely upset… And that is why I stated that you sounded like a Chinese troll… How about we call a truce?

I assume you really were in the US Army, served longer and more honorably than me, and were given classified materials as part of your duties. However, you have not been released from your responsibility to never discuss them outside authorized venues–and as admirable as GI’s website is, this is not the right place. You may be committing crimes if you publish any classified information.

As to Agent Orange exposure and disease, there is a very well-established process for submitting the correct documentation. The VA is not your enemy–and is in fact the only place to plead your case:

If you want to talk about unclassified memories of Korea, this is the best blog.

Hot Stuff
Hot Stuff
3 years ago

For anyone interested, Camp Page profile at the link below. The comment(s) Ken is talking about is at the very bottom.

3 years ago

I don’t need to be lectured by setnaffa. What I posted about was nearly 50 years ago. It was an insult to my honor and he still acts as if he is the authority and hasn’t done anything wrong. Death threats to his person was an honorable means to an end.

I had William Abell review it and he said this poster setnaffa was wrong among other things. Anyone can call Abell and Mr. ACTIONABLE Setnaffa can press charges then I can get his name and run a background investigation. I’m sure we will find out he is not a veteran.

WSD/K is a deactivated warhead detachment. There were rumors of a nuclear accident, I wrote one essay explaining this did not happen. This idiot setnaffa posted it was classified. It is not.

Then I wrote about the Agent Orange disposal. It was to help vets with cancer. Satneffa wrote to say cancer was from something else and that I needed to kiss the VA’s ass and then I would be treated.

The story of Agent Orange, the VA and veterans is a well documented story of VA ignoring veterans. And in the Republic of Korea, the Agent Orange story was covered up. I wrote about the Agent Orange dead zones on the DMZ, the disposal of Agent Orange and those with cancer. Too many veterans I knew have died of cancer.

In 2014 there were many posters on that board telling about their cancer. Those posts are no longer posted.

All of the other data in the post was for William Abel to remember. Nothing was classified.

Setnaffa is being disingenuous. Anyone can review what he wrote.

3 years ago

Well, anyone can read your comments, Ken, and see exactly what I have been talking about. And we don’t decide what is classified–even if others wrote about it. The DoD decides.

Death threats to his person was an honorable means to an end.

If you find yourself filled with uncontrollable rage because you disagree with something another person wrote on the internet, you may need to get that checked out. Like cancer, it won’t get better by itself. And the odds are, you may hurt the people you love.

May you find inner peace.


BTW, here is what set him off (complete with my typos):

“Ken”. If that is your name. If you were an American GI. You sound exactly like North Korean agitprop. And the data you spew about commanders has been published elsewhere, so that’s not even evidence.

First, talking about “special weapons” is not something we do. And you know that, no matter which side of the DMZ you favored with your presence.

Second, you absolutely do not talk like any of the GIs I met while I was fighting cancer nor afterward in the hospitals and clinics. None of them. And there are many iof us who are “of an age” to have caught something from chemicals, tobacco, radiation, or just DNA going sideways.

Maybe you should try not being a jerk. Even if you aren’t a parasite-infested commie tool. You should read Dale Carnegie’s book and make some friends. It’s easier to be an influencer that way.

If you really are sick, and it really is from Agent Orange, the VA ought ro help you; but again; being a jerk qorks against you in every situation.

Try meekness, patience, and diligence. The people at the VA are not incompetent monsters. They do have rules to follow, so everyone gets a fair heari g. And being General Custer and charging into the middle of the Lakota and Cheyenne nations with guns blazing always has the same result.

I don’t know Ken; but he wants to kill me over that…

3 years ago

I made a factual report on my service at Camp Page. I gave testimony on the disposal of Agent Orange, dead zones in the old 7th division area and 2nd division range. I gave a report of no nuclear weapons accidents in Camp Page and South Korea.

I gave a report on the VA history of Agent Orange and the cover ups.

Nothing was classified.

There has been no poster challenging a soldiers service on that board. You were way out of line. You should not have been posting on that board. It is meant for those who served at Camp Page.

That is my honor among honorable soldiers on that board. Those men are telling about their HONOR.

What you did was insult my honor in front of the men I served with. Yes, I will kill you for it.

3 years ago

“And the data you spew about commanders has been published elsewhere, so that’s not even evidence.” I knew from this you weren’t a veteran. An NCO and a Lt are not “Commanders”.

I wrote of team one and team two NCO Necase and Forbes, and I wrote team 2, 2nd Lt Nepil, he’s called a Team Leader. I didn’t mention one commander.

A commander is the officer in charge of WSD/K. When he signs his name, it’s LTC his name and then WSD/K, then COMMANDING. I have letters from him.

In another unit, 1/31 FA A battery the battery has a commander he’s a Captain. The Lt is called a Platoon leader.

In another unit, Hq and Hq company 8th USA Korea, the company commander is a Captain. He’s a commander. I worked for the General Staff as Top Secret courier. The commander was a four star General. He’s the Commander of the 8th Army.

You’re a pretender, it was too easy to see. You’ve never been in the military and this about classified data and the DOD will determine that is more BS. And the whining I will kill you because of nothing. You’re full of shit.

You insulted my honor because you were never in the military. Please take me to court, complain so I can get you in court to find out who you are. It doesn’t matter if you’re in Korea or not. I speak fluent Korean and can do just about anything in Korea.

Bring it on.

3 years ago

GI, I’ll let you handle this troll. He’s obviously unwell.

3 years ago

Who is the troll? You attacked me on a blog meant for veterans to explain about their service.

It’s interesting, I noted on the critical analysis I wrote of the VA it was flooded with general discharge under honorable conditions. In the 90’s, I read a report about the army, it said around 40 something percent of enlistments didn’t complete their contract. When I was in the Army, if one didn’t earn an honorable discharge then it was like a felony, not today.

You said you have a DD-214, and had limited time in service. Did the comment about the VA and general discharge under honorable conditions make you attack me?

Were you kicked out of the military because you couldn’t meet standards or did you just quit?

below is the other post you posted on Profiles of Camp Page

setnaffa December 6, 2018

Why was Camp Page named after an officer with poor eyesite?

I wish I was that brave…
Can you tell us about your military service and why you believe you have a right to write a post attacking my service?

I believe the site admin GI Korea should delete your insults on Profiles of Camp Page.

You’re a sociopath who can’t take responsibility for your actions. You kept using the strong word of someone you “love” referring to my reaction to your insane insults. Have you hurt someone YOU love?

You again, attack me here calling me a ” And frankly, Ken, you sound like the tencentarmy trolls that visit this site, so please get help soon.” What does “tencentarmy” troll mean?

Who gave you authority to attack people on this side and the Profiles of Camp Page side? Since you weren’t in the military for a long time, then how can you determine what’s classified or not from nearly 50 years ago?

I don’t have cancer, I was writing about Agent Orange for the men who served with me. I found out from Abell, my section chief returned back to Ft. Sill and died two years later from cancer, he was young. Many I knew at Camp Page have died of cancer. What makes you the authority to say, they didn’t die from cancer from exposure at Camp Page?

Again, you show all the signs of a sociopath, it is you who needs professional help.

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