PBS Frontline Compares South Korea’s Coronavirus Response to the U.S.

On PBS Frontline this week there is a really good show about the United States’ coronavirus response. Part of the show compares the U.S. to what South Korea did. ROK Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha was heavily featured in the show.

The major difference pointed out which has been discussed before on this blog is how quickly South Korea was able to ramp up the private industry to produce test kits. They did this in a week. The CDC in the United States decided to create their own test kits which were tainted due to poor manufacturing and caused a month long delay in ramping up testing, which it eventually turned to private industry to augment.

You can watch, The Virus: What Went Wrong at the link.

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3 years ago

Let’s face it. Dr. Fauci and his NIH, the CDC, and the WHO ran against science, ran against standards, lied, published conflicting advice, and generally managed to facilitate people like NY Governor Cuomo who shoved people infected with COVID-19 into exactly the worst places (nursing homes that cared for old people with multiple comorbidities).

Then! These same geniuses said mass protests are okay; but going to a church, a barbershop, a beach, or an outdoor restaurant is bad…

No. We were not served by the best and brightest. They are all partisan liars who tried to kill off the US economy and cover up the source of the Wuhan Death Pox.

And PBS was part of the sham.

To be fair, these same so-called “experts” failed Italy and Spain as well; but the lack of homeless dead, with corpses stacked like firewood, ought to have given us a hint.

Korean Man
3 years ago

But lots of people here say it’s all a hoax. More people die from flu they say. One of the kook, already posted a comment here already.

Anyway, this film blocked for people trying to view from outside the US.

3 years ago

All data supports that dangers of CCP virus was over blown. Now false fears of the virus are being used to control and repress populations of various countries.

3 years ago

Everyone here has posted valid points about the #WuhanVirus and how the whole thing was a cluster from the beginning. Setnaffa has already hit the finer points of the argument of why this was a cluster, so I won’t rehash it.

However, for PBS to be so stupid as to compare the response of a country the size of Indiana with a population one seventh that of the U.S. is ludicrous. Also, I’m sure that the PBS special did not take into account that South Korean industry (the Chaebols) has always been run in an ersatz way by the government, so ramping up response to the #WuhanVirus was much easier than it was in the more free market of the United States.

The “plandemic” as many people refer to this disaster, was just that. I won’t go into my theories on it here but as with all questionable matters that occur, all one has to do to find out what happened is to follow the money. The fact that many U.S. politicians who have been in office for years have substantial financial ties to China, is a good starting point.

3 years ago

Thank you, GI. But PBS was among those calling Trump a racist for his January 31 ban on Chinese travelers.

Too late to do any good as it likely started arriving in November and December; but they played up the leading Democrats inviting everyone to Chinatown. And God knows how many people died as a result of that, pooh-poohing HCQ+Zinc, and the initial lies from Fauci & Friends.

BTW, although I’m too lazy to look it up on my phone, it was people traveling NY who spread COVID-19 to most of the USA. So it should have been more heavily covered.

Not expecting them to tell the whole truth tho’…

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