Are Asian-Americans Being Blamed for the Coronavirus?

There is no doubt there are stupid, racist people out there, but it seems to me the media is just eager to create another victim group and sensationalizing a few random incidents:

Eddie Song a Korean American entrepreneur, arrives at his motorcycle storage garage wearing a video camera clipped to his cap and a face mask due to COVID-19, Sunday April 19, 2020, in East Village neighborhood of New York.

When Eddie Song leaves his Manhattan home, it can feel like heading into battle. The Korean American startup founder and avid rider dons his armored motorcycle jacket, motorcycle gloves, a skull face mask and a GoPro camera.

“The GoPro is on all the time whenever I leave the house now. Basically it’s a rolling camera,” Song said. “With the combination of looking intimidating and having the camera — if they pick a fight with me, they know I’m prepared.”

As the coronavirus first seen in China now ravages the U.S., Asian Americans are continuing to wrestle with a second epidemic: hate. Hundreds of attacks on Asian people have been reported, with few signs of decline. Rather than feel helpless, many are filming their interactions or carrying guns.

Associated Press

You can read more at the link, but the AP article of course gives the obligatory reference that this is all Trump’s fault for calling it the “China Virus”.

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4 years ago

So it’s OK to demonize and blame Russia for trying to destroy our democracy because all caucasians aren’t Russian, but it’s not OK to blame China for mishandling the outbreak because all Asians are Chinese. Got it.

Korean Man
Korean Man
4 years ago

When Trump says it’s a “Chinese Virus”, he means that this virus is spread by Chinese people. In America, most non-Asian Americans think of Asian Americans as “Chinese”. They do not make any distinction that Asia is a whole continent of collection of different countries with different cultures, economies, and political systems. So they immediately associate “Chinese virus” with Chinese looking Asian peoples, mistaken to be all Chinese. That is why Asian Americans who are not Chinese, are concerned with Trump’s remarks.

As for your example of Russians, there is no such stereotypes in America that all white people are Russians, as there is for Asian Americans who are all mistaken to be “Chinese”. In the West, there are not going to be any attacks against a French person for what Russia did, nor are there going to be any attacks against a Polish person for what Britain did. Compare that to what happens when China does something. Non-Chinese Asians of all backgrounds are attacked for being “Chinese”. So your example, Motorrad, is completely faulty because you fail to acknowledge these differences and general attitudes to the different groups.

4 years ago

“When Trump says it’s a “Chinese Virus”, he means that this virus is spread by Chinese people.”

Maybe he means that the virus originated in China in a suspicious manner, spread in China while the Chinese covered it up, and was exported to the world from China which locked down locally but not internationally.

Trump isn’t turning Americans into racists by constantly fighting Chinese propaganda through reminding everyone the Chinese Coronavirus is from China.

This is simply whining by a few social justice Asians looking for attention… and getting it from a clickbait fake news media.

I’m all for Asians wearing GoPros and carrying guns. If they get menaced by a racist, they can stand their ground and down them faster than a hot bowl of bat soup.

But most of the reports of “He spit on me and yelled, ‘Leave Trump Country and go back to China, you disease carrier! MAGA!'” all have a very Smollett ring to them… and the few examples that are legitimate involve people that have mental health issues unrelated to Trump or Asians or disease or anything rational.

In reality, it is easier to talk about racists among 328,000,000 Americans than actually find them.

4 years ago

the Chinese 100% created and gave us the 19th version of the novel corona virus. every morning I beat my Chinese American wife because of the virus and I never got it. I hate china.

4 years ago

I’ve worked in Korea for 10 years, dont go all holier than thou on me Korea Man. Koreans in Korea who arent named Moon Jae-In know exactly where this virus originated and what the CCP did to cover it up.

4 years ago

Biggest population of the Hmong where I live. I’ve felt bad reading some of these stories. None of those stories have happened here though.

4 years ago

Well, in NYC, one could believe it’s dangerous. But not just for narcissistic Asians. There’s neighborhoods you do go into as a stranger without a local. Been that way since at least the 1830s..

But the AP is another outfit that prints leftist fantasy pr0n, so I wouldn’t suggest anyone get their panties bunched up just yet.

4 years ago

A quick search found lots of talking about anti-Asian racism and not any examples… odd in today’s Everyone Has A Video Camera All The Time age… where any annoying white woman is videodocumented and spread within a day.

There was one Asian guy going around getting close to white people and then coughing… claiming their moving away was racism.

Good job.

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