State Department Investigation Finds 91 Cases of Classified Emails Sent to Hillary Clinton

Could you imagine what would happen if this was a random U.S. military commander telling subordinate leaders to send all emails to a non-government email to include classified information?

The State Department has completed its internal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of private email and found violations by 38 people, some of whom may face disciplinary action.

The investigation, launched more than three years ago, determined that those 38 people were “culpable” in 91 cases of sending classified information that ended up in Clinton’s personal email, according to a letter sent to Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley this week and released on Friday. The 38 are current and former State Department officials but were not identified.

Although the report identified violations, it said investigators had found “no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.” However, it also made clear that Clinton’s use of the private email had increased the vulnerability of classified information.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link, but no word from General Petraeus about what he thinks of this.

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a listener
a listener
4 years ago

Meanwhile the U.S. was ordered by it’s comander in chief to literally hand over a multi million dollar strategic base to non ally nation in Syria . BUT HER EMAILS!!!

4 years ago

Get us out of the illegal wars in the mid-east. Anyway, Killary action was cleary illegal, leaving Syria a correct foreign policy decision.

4 years ago

“A listener” seems to think the US owns real estate in Syria. Apparently, those Chinese sanctions are affecting the quality of trolls already.

4 years ago

literally hand over a multi million dollar strategic base to non ally nation in Syria
What exactly were we going to do with the base when we left?
Or was the plan never to leave?

4 years ago

We will never have any idea the extent of damage sending official use only and classified information on unsecured server over the world wide web. But that forward operating base! There are some truly dumb folk on this planet.

4 years ago

Liz, there are people who think handing over indoor plumbing is a sin. We probably left stocks of TP, brushes, and plungers, too…

Also –Oh the horror!– we probably left paved roads, doors, electrical outlets, and working light bulbs!!!

4 years ago

“We abandoned them!”
“We left them too much!”
Hard to keep all the stories straight.

The swamp wants the great minds behind blowing up Libya and the insane plan to move weapons from the Benghazi armory to Syria, for use by Syrian “rebels” to keep doing that great work. Everyone else, shut up or you will be un-personed.

4 years ago

Liz: “Or was the plan never to leave?”

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