South Korea Warns U.S. State Department to Stay Out of GSOMIA Dispute with Japan

I guess the Moon administration does not like hearing the truth:

This photo, taken on May 24, 2019, shows First Vice Foreign Minister Cho Sei-young speaking during his inauguration ceremony at the foreign ministry in Seoul. (Yonhap)

South Korean First Vice Foreign Minister Cho Sei-young on Wednesday asked the United States to refrain from public messaging against Seoul’s recent decision to terminate a military information-sharing pact with Japan, a source here said.

Cho met with U.S. Ambassador Harry Harris to make the request as Washington has repeatedly expressed disappointment and concerns in a rare public rebuke of Seoul’s decision to end the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA).


You can read more at the link, but remember that Ambassador Harris was the former INDOPACOM commander and the GSOMIA was a major accomplishment during that timeframe that INDOPACOM is a facilitator of.

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