North Korean Uranium Enrichment Facility at Yongbyon Continues to Operate Normally

It appears that the North Korean uranium enrichment facility has never slowed down operations during the recent peace initiative:

This image shows North Korea’s main nuclear facility at Yongbyon. (Yonhap)

North Korea’s main nuclear complex shows continued activity around its uranium enrichment facility, indicating ongoing operations at the plant, a U.S. monitor said Wednesday.
38 North, a project run by the Stimson Center think tank, said recent commercial satellite imagery shows the movement of vehicles, equipment and personnel near the uranium facility at Yongbyon.
“Our observation, that periodic material transport (e.g., possibly to deliver liquid nitrogen) has continued at the Uranium Enrichment Complex over time, provides a new indicator that the complex is operational, and therefore that it is also most likely producing enriched uranium,” 38 North said on its website, citing satellite imagery from past months up to May 28.
“However, we do not have any definitive means to determine either the actual levels of enrichment or the total production throughput of the ~4000 centrifuges at this time,” it added.
North Korea has built nuclear weapons from both plutonium and uranium, with some estimating that the regime now holds an arsenal of 20 to 30 nuclear weapons.


You can read more at the link, but the original 38 North article can be read at this link.

I can still remember the days when the North Korean apologists were all saying that former President Bush was lying about North Korea having a uranium program. Now many of these same people are still giving advice about North Korea.

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4 years ago

well do you really want an uranium enrichment facility operating abnormally?

4 years ago

Flyingsword, LOL!

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
4 years ago

If kin fatty the third is there, I want Homer Simpson in the control room!

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