Sexual Slavery of North Korean Women in China is a $105 Million Industry

Here are the modern day comfort women that you never hear the left in South Korea ever talk about. Instead they bash Japan for things that happened nearly 75 years ago while saying nothing about the modern day Korean comfort women in China:

The sexual exploitation of North Korean women and girls generates an estimated $105 million annually for Chinese criminal networks, according to a report released by a London-based human rights group Monday.

The Korea Future Initiative, a non-governmental human rights organization, described a year-long study of thousands of North Korean women and girls forced into marriages and pregnancies, organized prostitution and cybersex work in China. 

The report found that the victims, generally between the ages of 12 and 29 and overwhelmingly female, could be trafficked directly from North Korea or coerced, sold or abducted in China. They are subject to abuse thanks to a demand for sex slaves in China. 

Some victims – including a nine-year-old girl – were trafficked into Chinese cybersex dens, where they are sexually assaulted or forced to perform graphic acts in front of webcams live-streamed to a paying global audience – including South Korean men. A single live-stream session featuring a North Korean pre-teen can cost as much as $110. 

Joong Ang Ilbo

You can read more at the link.

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4 years ago

Give Fatty time and it’ll become a billion dollar business!

4 years ago

Meanwhile Amnesty International is compla2 about Israel not illegally blicking NRO from marketing software.

As if we needed any additional reasons to have contempt for the commie front group.

4 years ago

Could have been worded better; but you know what I mean.

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
4 years ago

The rest of the world looks at what we do with our Southern Border and know the real deal. America is full of “do as I say not as I screw” retards. .

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