Korean Police Claim Robert Holley Used Meth With His Gay Lover

Things just went from bad to worse for television personality Robert Holley:

Naturalized celebrity Robert Holley is taken to the Suwon District Court for a warrant review for his arrest on a drug charge on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Police said Wednesday they began investigating naturalized television personality Robert Holley last year after an alleged drug user claimed he was Holley’s gay lover and the two had used methamphetamine together.

After being placed under immediate arrest on Monday at a parking lot in western Seoul for illegally purchasing methamphetamine online and using it, Holley – also known by his Korean name Ha Il – attended a warrant hearing for his arrest in Suwon, Gyeonggi, on Wednesday. 

“To my family, friends and the public who have protected me for all this time, I want to say I apologize,” Holley told reporters as he entered the courthouse.

The court rejected the detention warrant Wednesday evening, setting Holley free. It said it was hard to believe Holley would destroy evidece.

According to the Anyang Dongan Police Precinct, which investigated Holley’s case, this was the third time the law enforcement authorities have probed him for drug use, after inconclusive attempts in July 2017 and March 2018. 

In last year’s attempt, according to Anyang police, a 34 year-old man arrested for drug use, identified only by his surname Cho, claimed he was Holley’s gay lover and that they had taken meth together before engaging in sexual intercourse. Police said they confirmed that Cho had visited Holley’s home multiple times through CCTV footage, and had other evidence for Cho’s claims. 

Joong Ang Ilbo

You can read more at the link.

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5 years ago

I have great compassion and sympathy for his family. I’m thinking people don’t really understand what TV cameras everywhere really mean…

5 years ago

I hear Korean prison isn’t so bad.

Kevin Kim
5 years ago

“The court rejected the detention warrant Wednesday evening, setting Holley free. It said it was hard to believe Holley would destroy evide[n]ce.”

Contrast this with (same article):

“But police were unable to charge Holley with narcotics after he passed a chemical drug test on hair samples. Police say Holley showed up to the drug test after having shaved off body hair and receiving a full body wax. He had also dyed the hair on his head. Investigators ultimately ended up having to use small follicles of hair that remained on his chest, a police source said, but the results were negative.”

It’s a circus, it is.

5 years ago

Sheesh didn’t take long for this to pop on his Wikipedia page, buncha rat finks. 😛

5 years ago


Very unfair. Robert gets arrested and Smokes is still free.

5 years ago

Nothing unfair about it.

I didn’t inhale, in either case. 😎

5 years ago

Let’s talk about the mask…
It’s pretty easy to look up what he looks like in the unlikely event you don’t know already so why bother? 🙄

5 years ago

“Let’s talk about the mask…”

Maybe when he says “innocent”, nobody wants to risk that explosive T spraying them with a bit of meth and semen infused saliva?

In other news… it is possible he did meth with a gay lover.

It is also possible some detective lied for reasons of his own and everybody involved up the chain knows he lied but no other investigator, prosecutor, or judge wants to bring attention to themselves by going against the accepted story.

…and any journalist who can prove the detective lied and exposes it risks fines and jail.

Such are the kimchee courts.

5 years ago

As a former cop, and drug dog handler whose made hundreds of drug busts, I can tell you how easy it is to “embellish” your search warrant affidavits, plant evidence, and continue with the small embellishments in your arrest reports.

Once you have a warrant, and the report is filed, then it becomes official record, and it’s all officially true.

And don’t even get me started about those Becton-Dickenson field test kits for drugs. The list of things that can cause false-positives are through the roof. Same with urinalysis.

This case shouldn’t make it past the preliminary hearing if his defense attorney is worth a hill of beans.

5 years ago

Kimchee courts are not like American courts.

If it makes it to any sort of equivilant to a preliminary hearing, the assumption is that the person is guilty… even if everyone knows they are not.

The alternative is admitting the investigators were mistaken or lied… and that would be a scandal… and nobody in the police or courts would side with you.

So everybody goes through the motions.

The defendant is told if they admit guilt the penalty will be less… even when everyone knows they are not guilty.

The defendant spends 10 minutes in court, admits guilt for something they did not do, and the judge gives a suspended sentence.

Everyone walks away.

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