Trump Administration Limits Access to North Korea Intelligence Reports

I always figured that the Trump administration would try and keep the perception of progress going with North Korea up to the mid-term elections.  Limiting damaging information leaks seems to be part of this strategy:

The Trump administration is drastically cutting back on who on Capitol Hill gets to see intelligence reports on North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, according to multiple congressional sources.

Under the new rules, only each party’s House and Senate leaders, along with chairs and ranking members of foreign relations and intelligence committees, get direct access to the reports. It is a drastic change from previous distribution of North Korea related intelligence reports which, for the most part, gave access to the entire committees and the staffers on those committees.

The fear on Capitol Hill is that the limited distribution, which has been implemented over the past few weeks, will leave Congress largely in the dark when it comes to what U.S. intelligence has collected about North Korea’s motivations and nuclear developments. Some on the Hill, citing President Trump’s outreach to North Korea, worry that the White House is limiting the flow of information because the reports might indicate Pyongyang is accelerating its nuclear program.  [CBS News]

You can read more at the link.

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5 years ago

Maybe he just wants to limit how much gets back to North Korea? We already know some in Congress cannot be trusted.

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