Otto Warmbier’s Parents Believe Their Son Was Tortured with Pliers

As I have said before I have little sympathy for people who travel to North Korea fully knowing the risks of being used as a pawn by the Kim regime.  With that said he did not deserve what happened to him and I feel very bad for Otto Warmbier’s parents to have to deal with such a traumatic death for their son:

The parents of Otto Warmbier, the U.S. student North Korea detained and who died soon after returning home in June, have described the horrific details of his condition.

Fred and Cindy Warmbier disclosed to Fox News on Tuesday what the communist state did to their son and criticized the country for claiming to be a “victim” of the United States’ push for war.

Fred described North Korea as “terrorists” and said they kidnapped and tortured Otto.

The student’s family saw him when they went aboard an air ambulance on June 13. But Otto’s mother and sister left the plane in shock at the initial sight. They said Otto had a shaved head, a feeding tube in his nose, was blind and deaf and was staring blankly.

The father said Otto also had a large scar on his right foot and a high fever.

“It looked like someone had taken pliers and rearranged his bottom teeth,” Cindy said. “We could not call it a coma and were not prepared (to see Otto in such a horrific condition).”  [Korea Times]

You can read more at the link, but unfortunately we will probably never fully know what happened to Otto Warmbier in North Korea.

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Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
6 years ago
6 years ago

It would’ve helped if they’d allowed an autopsy.
FWIW, tooth fractures can happen with tracheal intubation (particularly with an unskilled technician).
I’m betting that’s how it happened.

6 years ago

This whole deal is full of shyt.

North Korea is full of shyt. Of course.

But the parents are more full of shyt.

In a coma but howling… rearranged teeth not noticed by medical examiner… refusal to have an autopsy. Lots of other details that are unusual… making the whole deal hard to believe.

When I see this type of pattern in families dealing with (mostly self-created) crisis, they are almost always complete shytbags.

We have seen these inconsistencies in story and avoidance of doing everything possible to collect evidence and information a number of times… mostly with shytbag family members supporting shytbag GIs who unquestionably engaged in shytbag crimes.

I call shytbag on the whole deal.

6 years ago

This is my theory. He wasn’t tortured. He was probably a victim of North Korea’s poor medical facility. He probably fell ill due to the stress of his arrest, poor food, or some kind of minor illness. It could have been food poisoning as they say it was. But the illness got worse since North Korea’s medical facility is absolute shit. North Korean doctors probably made his illness worse with either a wrong diagnosis or a wrong/poor treatment. But of course, North Korea won’t admit that their doctors/hospitals didn’t know what they were doing. My theory is that it was an unintended killing because North Koreans do not kill nor torture Western civilian hostages based on the recent 20 to 30-year history. North Korea always used them as bargaining chips.

6 years ago

My theory is he had a seizure (perhaps a series of seizures). They intubated him and kept him on a ventilator for a time after, which is when the tooth damage occurred.

6 years ago

Just to add, this link might be helpful and add some context into what I’m talking about here:

6 years ago

I”m also sure they probably don’t do a lot of preventative care in the DPRK for this type of thing (teeth, skin, and so forth). Patients in this condition have to be moved frequently or they get pressure ulcers. It’s hard to prevent even with the frequent repositioning (bony prominences, and feet). His condition is no surprise really. (even Christopher Reeves ultimately died of blood poisoning from a pressure ulcer and his care was the best available I’m sure).

6 years ago

Pressure ulcers must not be curable with STEM cell research:

6 years ago

Ugh, Johnnyboy. LOL
But enough about the Warmbier and the DPRK….
How’s about that NFL? 🙂

6 years ago

“even Christopher Reeves ultimately died of blood poisoning from a pressure ulcer”

That wouldn’t have happened if he was Christopher Walkin’.

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