Tweet of the Day: Trump’s Fascination with North Korea

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7 years ago

I don’t believe Andrei particularly like messy things like individual liberty. Maybe I misread him; but he seems like a nork sycophant. If that’s the case, he may find a less cushy role is there is a war…

7 years ago

“Trump’s obsession with the DPRK will only deepen the humiliation when his efforts inevitably fail”

Sadly, I couldn’t read the article… so perhaps he addressed these points.

Before undertaking any endevor, one must be honest with oneself about the actual goals and what defines success and failure… something that government has stopped doing… especially in military actions.

So what would be success and what would be failure for Trump?

He has no goal for regime change, nation building, increased human rights, reunification, peace and stability in North Asia, or rainbow bridges to the world.

His goal is to stop North Korea from developing a missile and nuclear weapon that can hit the United States… which they have continiously threatened to attack as soon as they complete development.

This goal is quite achievable… perhaps with inevitable success rather than “inevitable failure”.

The key point is that, perhaps unlike any president in memory, the Trump Doctrine is based on America First.

Protecting America does not require great consideration for other countries who are not dealing with the problem… or have even been encouraging the problem.

Trump will accomplish the goal.

How that affects everyone else is yet to be seen… but from America’s point if view, it will be a success.

Reply to  ChickenHead
7 years ago

CH, he sounds like he would give America a knife in the ribs for kicks. He is an apologist for the murderers running North Korea.

Read the book summary on Amazon:

From Wikipedia:

Early life and education

Lankov was born on July 26, 1963, in Leningrad, Soviet Union (modern day Saint Petersburg). He completed his undergraduate and graduate studies at Leningrad State University in 1986 and 1989, respectively. He also attended Pyongyang’s Kim Il-sung University in 1985.


Following his graduate studies, he taught Korean history and language at his alma mater, and in 1992 went to South Korea for work; he moved to Australia in 1996 to take up a post at the Australian National University, and moved back to Seoul to teach at Kookmin University in 2004. Lankov has a DPRK-themed Livejournal blog in Russian, where he documents aspects of life in North (and South) Korea, together with his musings and links to his publications. He has written a column for the English-language daily The Korea Times for 15 years and also for Bloomberg News and Al Jazeera English.

Lankov is fluent in Russian, Korean, and English.

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