Activist Group Asks President Trump to Tweet About Human Rights In North Korea

The Committee for Human Rights In North Korea has published an open letter to President Trump asking him to use his Twitter account to promote human rights in North Korea:

To be sure, the national security of the American people and that of our allies is incredibly important and certainly your number one responsibility. However, human rights for the North Korean people are important as well.

In the Art of the Deal, your closing words include, “In my life, there are two things I’ve found I’m very good at: overcoming obstacles and motivating good people to do their best work.” You have also demonstrated a mastery of highly effective and spontaneous communications. Your unconventional communication and problem-solving talents are sorely needed, now.

Much like you have reduced the influence of the conventional news media by communicating with the American people directly through your Twitter account, an approach to North Korea’s problem sets is needed to blast through the traditional conventions that have not worked.

So beyond thumbing through the playbook of failed engagement and negotiation strategies, or placing over-reliance on an unreliable China, do what you do best—communicate directly to the people through Twitter. Use this venue to talk directly to the 25 million North Koreans who suffer under a brutal, multi-layered system of repression. Yes, North Koreans do not have access to your Tweets, but nearly everybody else does and numerous human rights groups have ways of sending those tweets into North Korea through surreptitious means.  [HRNK]

You can read the full letter at the link.

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7 years ago

That won’t happen. Trump only cares about America, nobody else. Why would he care about some starving tortured peasants in North Korea? Don’t hold your breath.

7 years ago

“Trump only cares about America, nobody else.”

About goddamn time.

“Why would he care about some starving tortured peasants in North Korea?”

There is no real reason to.

But before getting the vapors due to excessive moral outage, consider that every world leader who has addressed the issue has done absolutely nothing.

“Caring” is only meaningful when coupled with action.

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
7 years ago

Indeed. You can “Care” deeply and fully, with every fiber of your heart, and with enough sincerity to summon the Great Pumpkin all you want, but if you’re not going to actually “Do” anything about it, you’re doing nothing at all.

Also a free Pro-Tip: Liking/Commenting/Sharing on Social Media to “Raise Awareness” does exactly diick to fix the problem. You’re still just “Caring,” you’re not actually “Doing” anything.

Me? I’m hoping someone in North Korea actually does something useful. A banana peel at the top of the palace steps would be an excellent start. Or a better timing switch on a fuel oil/fertilizer bomb, like the one that missed Fatty’s Daddy back in 2004. Missed him by “that much.”

My favorite method is easy: Just keep giving Fatty all the cheese and Hennessey he wants, and let clogged arteries do their work.

Reply to  MTB Rider
7 years ago

I regret I have but one like to give for many of these posts.

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