Is Civil Service System to Blame for Clinton Email Scandal?

This Wall Street Journal article makes a good point, how did the civil service allow Secretary Clinton to get away with using a private email server for so long?:

Forget the new dump of Hillary Clinton emails. Forget the phony claims that the missing communications were all about wedding plans and yoga routines. Forget, too, the many requests from Doug Band in which the Clinton Foundation honcho hoped his quos (hefty donations to the Clinton Foundation) would translate into quids (e.g., special access to the secretary).

Forget them all. The most disturbing aspect about the FBI dump may not be fresh evidence of another Clinton lie. The most disturbing thing about Mrs. Clinton’s continuing email drama may be where she’s telling the truth.

Or at least a half-truth. Mrs. Clinton told the FBI it was “common knowledge” at State that she used private email. Agents further quote her as saying she “could not recall anyone raising concerns with her regarding the sensitivity of the information she received at her email address.”

However unseemly the cashing in of the Clinton family, whatever the trampling of the ethics accord the Clinton Foundation had signed with the White House, even apart from the walking conflicts-of-interests that were Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, the much larger stink here is this: Mrs. Clinton was allowed to spend her four years as secretary of state off the grid.

It isn’t so much that Mrs. Clinton set up a personal server so she would not be accountable the way normal political appointees are held accountable. It’s that no one in government stopped her.  [Wall Street Journal]

You can read more at the link, but in the military I have never heard or seen a senior officer use a private email address.  If someone did it would immediately raise eyebrows and eventually an IG complaint from someone if it continued.

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MTB Rider
MTB Rider
7 years ago

That argument MIGHT have flown back in the early to mid 1990s, when AOL was carpet bombing the nation with those 3 1/2″ disks, but not now.

No one sets up an outside email service, unless they have something shady going on. TheHildabeast(at) is not how you do your daily job for the Government. It is how you run your system if you’re planning on hiding stuff.

7 years ago

If a complaint would of been put in against Hillary for this, I do wonder how far it would actually get before the employee suffered repercussions from it. Yeah, I know whistleblower protection, yeah right, lol.

7 years ago

Everyone know about the Clinton dead…

Tagum City Tim
Reply to  setnaffa
7 years ago

Setnaffa – Is that like the Walking Dead? 😆

Tagum City Tim
7 years ago

Perhaps she was composing a yoga email when her staffer was giving her the briefing on how to handle classified information? 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

7 years ago

What is meant by “The Civil Service” here? Because I know damn sure that every civil position I’ve held included a painful few days of indoctrination. Sometimes I’ve awaken in a sweat at night screaming “Is there a need to know!?!?”

Going back to the time BEFORE Queen Hillary was Sec of State is was ABSOLUTE COMMON KNOWLEDGE across all branches of the military and at the mission levels of the State Department that you DONT USE F**KING personal accounts for official business! End of line a-hole, no discussion. Forget classification, you don’t do it at all for official business. This isn’t some “stuff I heard” or “the way I think it was”, in 2008 I worked in a joint DoD/DoS office in a facility used by both theater command and the embassy so I know without a doubt.

How is it people aren’t seeing the evil that this is? The Sec of State reports only to POTUS and is 4th in line. The Queen didn’t just “send some mail on a Hotmail account” or use it “once and a while” she had an entire private IT operation going with policy, personnel, and assets. In the history of the USA how many people have gone through this level of effort to obfuscate what they were doing at such a high level? No one. No f00king one, this surpasses the level of some Nixon crap (not to say Tricky D probably wouldn’t have tried it in this day and age). What is less American than a top government official conducting business in secret with the full intent of never releasing the information for public scrutiny? With her finger on the delete button the second someone comes poking around? Going back to Tricky D he got his walking papers for his involvement and he was the Pres, how the F does the Queen get a pass?

This is the most outright criminal act I’ve seen perpetrated against the people of the USA and the fact she isn’t being charged or disqualified from federal service is a crime in itself. Who is to blame? Well who the f**k set the whole thing in motion? Not the Civil Service, Hillary did.

I don’t know what if any political motive the WSJ may have but to add to the overwhelming arrogance and indifference the Queen and her people have had regarding this by throwing out a leading query that “the Civil Service might be to blame” is a thunderous mountain of 5h1t.

People like TBone want to rail against Trump and his lot that’s fine, but to in turn back this pile of filth that is the Clinton family is traitorous and only deserving of my most sincere hatred. If you vote for Clinton you deserve every kind of cancer.

No smileys on this one.

7 years ago

I read somewhere that the Department of Homeland Security was responsible for overseeing the State Department’s IT security and training. I can’t find where I read that now.

I worked USAF computer security at a few assignments in the 1990’s. I don’t know how much policy has changed since then. If someone put a classified doc on an unclassified system, regardless of if it was a .mil computer or a home computer, both were equally wrong.

Aside from Clinton’s home setup, if it was or still is standard practice at the State Department to discuss classified subjects and cut and paste parts of classified doc into their unclassified emails then they have a much bigger problem. The system is known to have been hacked in recent years.

7 years ago



Everyone and everything is to blame except Hillary Clinton.

At the least, a fixed quantity of blame should be spread out and diluted to the point she hardly gets any.

I prefer blaming the System.

That gives everyone a do-over and really makes sure nobody has to take responsibility for their actions.

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
7 years ago

Corruption in the GS system? I am shocked! Bet all those illegal LQA’ers wished they had a separate server now! Too bad they all living on food stamps now they can’t afford the humble lifestyle they had.

7 years ago

I have heard of people receiving UCMJ for accidentally putting an unclasssified system on SIPR net.

To intentionally set up a network to work around FOIA and then to get caught transferring secret material across it with no prosecution rubs almost every member of the military and most veterans the wrong way, I would imagine.

Some in the general public may not understand just how bad it really is.

Reply to  JoeC
7 years ago

How do you cut and paste parts of a classified document into an unclassified email? If it’s a classified doc, it’s on a classified system and there is no way you can cut and paste from it to a document or email residing on an unclassified system.

7 years ago

Not relevant to this story, but still worth mentioning … our ROK partners do not have the equivalent of an unclassified .mil email system. If you have to send them something, they are going to give you a hotmail, naver, yahoo, etc. email address.

7 years ago

Interestingly enough, Hillary claimed in her interview with the FBI that she didn’t know what the (c) in emails sent to her stood for.

Assange reminded everyone last night that she in the Wikileaks State Department cables from 2010 that she herself used the (c) to mark sensitive information.

Once again, either lying or actually suffering from debilitating memory loss.

Reply to  guitard
7 years ago

I incidents I’ve seen involved removable media. I won’t go into more details.

Reply to  Ole Tanker
7 years ago

Someone’s still p-hurt they haven’t gotten a positive response from 🙄

7 years ago

This non email scandal has been another attack on Hillary coming from(Judical Watch/Brietbart Haters/GOP Extremists etc…) Bengazi where 4 Americans were killed but GOPers don’t care about spending tens of millions of $$$ on investigating Bush’ s 60 Americans dead when 13 consulate/embassy were attacked under Bush’s watch. I do declare we spend 100’s of millions + and 10 years investigating those 60 Americans that Bush killed!

7 years ago

Fairness would require 60 years investigating why Bush allowed 60 Amercans to die at American consulate/embassy locations around the world and wth interest ummm… A billion $$$’s. When shall the GOP begin??? 🙂 Oh wait I’m sorry you really don’t care about those 4 or 60 people now do you? Name one name of the 4 that died @ Bengazi(without Google)? Now name 15 of the 60 that Bush killed 😈

7 years ago

What Scandal? This is what happens when Drumpf pays for play…he admitted it himself…so it must be okay yet ya’ll keep hoping for the not there…Such hypocrites!

7 years ago

The Disgraced and Little-Known Generals Backing Donald Trump

But wait, are they for Drumpf’s privatization of the VA??? I doubt they’ll answer that question or even talk about it. And what about military pension funds transferring to Wall Street???
Trump’s top brass is kind of tarnished.

Among the 88 generals and admirals who endorsed Donald Trump on Tuesday was a commander who once reportedly demanded President Obama produce his birth certificate, an Air Force general who was reprimanded for his role in a deadly 1996 crash, four commanders who were present at one of the biggest scandals in Navy history, and a special forces general known for spilling secrets and trying to turn military campaigns into religious crusades.”

Reply to  guitard
7 years ago

She didn’t run exact copies, or “copies and pastes” of State, NSA, CIA, DIA, etc., cables through her server.
She told subordinates to copy and paste some and send them.
The main accusation was (and is, again, proven) that she discussed TS/SCI and other classified material over this unsecure, off-the-books server, and also discussed it with persons not cleared for it.

7 years ago

Tbone… let me put this very gently.

“But Bush” is so… uh… in the past… like zeppelins, slavery and women not being able to vote. Let it go.

If you insist on “But Bush”, consinder “But Nixon” who did far less than Hillary.

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
Reply to  Smokes
7 years ago

Wrong smokes. I turned down a job in KOOREAAA over a year ago. Too krooked for my taste and my wife and i am quite happy where I am now:) 😉

Reply to  Ole Tanker
7 years ago

Good move, federal service in Korea is a tarpit.

Reply to  ChickenHead
7 years ago

I liked bush, now days there’s too much shav… oh we’re not talking about that bush. 😛

7 years ago

“But Bush” is so… uh… in the past”

You don’t get it, obviously 🙄

The point is that the GOP politicians did not care about 60 American lives, 13 consulate & embassy attacks 10 years ago and suddenly now they still do? Don’t be such an EGGHEAD :silly:

What changed with the GOP?

Ooops, I forgot it’s falling apart and it doesn’t care about anything else but Hillary emails via Bengazi. Watch what the GOP led congress does not do this month because it’s sticking to more Hillary email hearings rather than “changing” as Drumpf wants or what most Americans want(doing your job)!

7 years ago

Poor Tbone.

“The point is that the GOP politicians did not care about 60 American lives, 13 consulate & embassy attacks 10 years ago and suddenly now they still do?”

Attacks on American diplomatic facilities during the Bush administration did not take “60 American lives”.

The total deaths were 3 American civilians and 21 workers, some of which were American and some not. The rest were non-American civilians at the wrong place and time.

None of the victims were ambassidors. None of the attacks lasted half a day while the State Department did nothing. None of the attacks were blamed on a movie when the State Department knew a movie was not to blame. None of the victims parents were ridiculed by the Secretary of State.

The list goes on.

Between the Bush administration and the Trump administration will forever be the But Bush administration.

Trump will have to clean up a lot of Obama’s messes and will get the blame for the continuing results of a lot of Obama’s failures… but it is very likely he will never cry, “But Obama”.

That will be refreshing.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tbonetylr
7 years ago

Wow Powell writes like a bit of a dumba55. So what’s your point? Investigate, prosecute, and disqualify him from running for president, just like they should’ve done to Hillary. 😐

Seriously man is part of being a Democrat that you have to act like such a zealot? Do you have to sign something saying if you ever think, say, or write anything bad about the party you forfeit all as5ets and firstborn to them? It’s pretty much the most corrupt organization in the US (next to the Organization for the Promotion of Corruptness) and you sheep are so self-blind to it. Can’t you all just go live in Antarctica or something? ➡

7 years ago

If little Colin told Hillary to jump off the bridge, would she?

Once again, everybody but Hillary is responsible for Hillary’s crimes and lack of ethics.

Reply to  Tbonetylr
7 years ago

Hillary told the FBI that she did not get the idea from Powell. So who is lying? Hillary or tbone?

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