Korean Man Argues He Did Not Illegally Have Sex with A 13-Year Old Because She Helped Pay Hotel Bill

Gusts of Popular Feeling has a translation of this Joong Ang Ilbo article about a 20 year old man found guilty of prostitution with a 13-year old run away girl in Uijongbu:

Love Motels in KoreaKorean love hotel image via Flickr user For 91 Days.

A man in his twenties who even received the motel fee from a 13-year-old schoolgirl found guilty of prostitution

A man in his twenties who met a 13-year-old runaway schoolgirl for sex but argued he wasn’t guilty and said that “The schoolgirl paid more of the motel fee so it wasn’t prostitution” was found guilty.

Seoul Eastern District Court announced on the 16th that is that it [sentenced] Mr. Lee (22), who had been charged with contravening the Law for Sexual Protection of Children and Youth, to a one-year sentence suspended for two years and ordered him to attend 40 hours of sexual assault treatment classes.

Mr. Lee came to know A (13) on June 10, 2015 via a smartphone chatting application. Learning that A had run away and needed a place to sleep he promised, “If you come to my house, I can put you up,” and the next morning he called her out to the Uijeongbu Station area.

When he met A, Lee said, “It’s hot right now, so let’s go and rest,” and took A to a nearby motel. The motel fee was 20,000 won but Lee had only 8000 won in his pocket. Lee asked A, “Can you pay a little bit?” and got 10,000 won from her and, after getting a 2000 won discount, paid the motel fee.

After they had sex, Lee said, “My parents came home early so I can’t put you put you up,” and left A and returned home.

In court Lee claimed that “Since I had never promised to put her up at my house and I paid 8000 won of the motel fee but A paid 10,000 won, it wasn’t buying sex.”

Subsequently he protested that “Since A looked 20ish in her chatting program profile photo, in which she was wearing makeup, I didn’t think she was a minor.”

However, the court said, “It doesn’t make any sense that you saw her face and didn’t know she was 13.” “Seeming to offer to put up a runaway victim at your house and meeting [her], you acted to buy sex to satisfy your sexual desire, and the fact that even after that you left her and ignored the fact that she was penniless because of you makes the nature of the crime very bad.”

It added, “Because she expected that the defendant would give him a place to stay afterwards, she readily gave 10,000 won.” “The defendant fully acknowledged the fact that he promised to provide payment for things like a place to stay and that, expecting this, A acceded to sex.”

A court official said, “The amount of money when providing payment for prostitution does not matter; if it’s true that payment is provided, then [the fact of] prostitution is established.”  [Gusts of Popular Feeling]

I guess the moral of this story is that if you are going to trick a thirteen year old runaway girl to have sex with you make sure she pays for the entire hotel bill.  That is because as Gusts of Popular Feeling discusses in his article the age of consent in South Korea is 13 years old.  Read the rest of the article to better understand why the age of consent is so low.

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7 years ago

What, impossible! Chickenhead said the age of consent was19 so this cannot be true.

7 years ago

With Korea’s law in this matter……
If a local Korean man has consensual sex with a 13 year old American girl on base, he wouldn’t be charged with statutory rape? That sounds outrageous!

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