Virginia College Student Detained In North Korea Apologizes for Stealing Poster

North Korea always seems to find a way to bash churches even when a dumb ass college student decides to travel to North Korea and steal a propaganda poster.  I would be very surprised if this confession is actually true:

A detained American student tearfully apologised for attempting to steal a political banner in North Korea from his hotel after being paraded in front of the media in Pyongyang.

Otto Warmbier, 21, an undergraduate at the University of Virginia, was arrested in January for committing what North Korea called “an anti-state crime” with “the tacit connivance of the US government and under its manipulation”.

Warmbier said on Monday that he wanted the banner with a political slogan on it as a trophy for a church back home. He said that he was offered a second-hand car worth $10,000 and was told if he was arrested and did not return, $200,000 would be paid to his mother.  [Al Jazeera]

You can read more at the link.

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8 years ago

Well, he did blame Methodists, as everyone knows, the arch-enemy of overweight Narcissists with bad haircuts.

And since I just remembered Dubya was a Methodist, Norkistan must have been drinking Obama’s Koolaid when claiming that the young moron committed “an anti-state crime” with “the tacit connivance of the US government and under its manipulation”.

Trump could probably sell these Norks on paying for the Border Fence… Kinda like buying a cow for five magic beans…

R. Elgin
8 years ago

This guy wants to grab a poster/banner yet the DPRK is running their own balloons over Seoul, dropping their own propaganda for free:

Maybe he should have simply asked about purchasing one.

Jinro Dukkohbi
Jinro Dukkohbi
8 years ago

Ah – the good old days of propaganda leaflets falling from the sky. I wonder if they’re going to put up those leaflet collection boxes all over posts again where you’re supposed to deposit them (and not read or look at them, of course) if you find some…

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