North Korea Invites US Congress and “Imbecile” Secretaries to See Their Fertilizer Plant

This is actually pretty tame rhetoric compared to the racist and sexists remarks they have made before:

North Korea has challenged the entire US Congress to come and inspect a bio-tech institute in Pyongyang that US experts have suggested is a facility for mass-producing anthrax for the military.

A spokesman for the powerful National Defence Commission angrily stressed that the facility in Pyongyang was solely dedicated to the manufacture of pesticides, after a report published last week on the website of the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University suggested otherwise.

“A thousand pairs of ears cannot match a pair of eyes,” the spokesman said, accusing the US government of spreading wild rumours about the North’s biological weapons programme.

“Come here right now, with all the 535 members of the House of Representatives and the Senate as well as the imbecile secretaries and deputy secretaries of the government who have made their voices hoarse screaming for new sanctions,” the spokesman said.

“Then they can behold the awe-inspiring sight of the Pyongyang Bio-technical Institute,” he added.  [AFP]

You can read the rest at the link.

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MTB Rider
8 years ago

What the heck is up with KJU’s hair? It looks like a One-Up mushroom from the Super Mario games! YIKES!

Bruce K. Nivens
Bruce K. Nivens
8 years ago

#1 – He probably grew that when he was bestowing his wisdom at the mushroom factory a while back.

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