Book About British & Australian Forces During the Korean War Translated Into Korean

A ROK Drop favorite Andrew Salmon recently had his great book about the British and Australian forces that served in the Korean War translated into Korean:

British Ambassador Charles Hay welcomed the release of the Korean translation of “Scorched Earth, Black Snow: Britain and Australia in the Korean War, 1950” on Friday at the British Embassy in Jung District, central Seoul, expressing optimism that the book will help boost public awareness here and in the United Kingdom of a battle he suggests is being forgotten.

“When we look back over the relationship of the U.K. and Korea since the establishment of diplomatic relations, one of the most important events is the U.K. contribution in the [1950-53] Korean War,” said Hay.

“Unfortunately, as global history developed, the Korean War tends to be largely overlooked in the U.K.,” continued Hay, adding that the phenomenon seems “very strange” to witness from a country where it is deemed such an important part of history.

Hay, who served for five years in the British Army, commended the author of the 735-page book for bringing the war “alive” through personal interviews with British and Australian soldiers who took part in the three-year battle, saying the record of those memories seemed to have “captured the reality.”  [Joong Ang Ilbo]

You can read the rest at the link, but if you haven’t already I highly recommend reading Scorched Earth, Black Snow: Britain and Australia in the Korean War, 1950. It is great that Korean readers will now have an opportunity to learn more about the British and Australians that fought in the Korean War like I did.

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8 years ago

Why does the guy in the back have an odd expression on his face?

8 years ago

“Why does the guy in the back have an odd expression on his face?”

He is thinking…

“What the bloody fukking hell is this crumpet-sucking limey wanker going on about ‘Scorched Earth, Black Snow: Britain and Australia in the Korean War, 1950’ when he is clearly holding up something called ‘To the Last Round’ and I can even see that written in Hangul right there on the back of the Korean version. This Jeeves-looking ponce needs to get off the piss and get his shyt sorted out .”

8 years ago

Andrew Salmon wrote both books… Maybe he still has copies of the first book left…

8 years ago

“Unfortunately, as global history developed, the Korean War tends to be largely overlooked in the U.K.,”

…because fighting Communism became unpopular to the West in the 1960s and 1970s…

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