ROK Drop Open Thread – May 31, 2015

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8 years ago

Ban Ki-Moon’s United Nations says the South Korean government discriminates against E-2 Visa language teachers in S. Korea. The U.N. sure was slow in making this decision but it’s not like they missed a deadline or anything. What has this got to do with the safety of “foreigners” or Koreans? Given that the S. Korean gov’t hasn’t done anything about safety for Koreans(Sewol sinking), so what you gonna say about it now S. Korean gov’t(immigration and education ministries)?

8 years ago

“United Nations committee on Wednesday reprimanded South Korea’s mandatory HIV testing of native English teachers as discrimination against foreigners, urging the country to abolish the policy.”

“I say, South Korea, consider yourself both reprimanded and urged! And if you don’t end this discriminatory policy, you will be reprimanded and urged again next year!”

“O.K., U.N… whatever you say. Don’t let the door hit your azz on the way out.”

8 years ago

I was too kind with “United Nations says the South Korean government discriminates against E-2 Visa language teachers”

…actually they said the S. Korean GOVERNMENT(MEDIA etc…) is discriminating AND RACIST with the E-2 visa language teachers while also being racist, xenophobia, through stereotyping and/or stigmatizing etc..against other “foreigners” working in S. Korea as well.

I like this part…”The Committee called on the Republic of Korea to grant L.G. adequate compensation for the moral and material damages she suffered.”

Is S. Korea going to force “L.G.” to file a complaint in a S. Korean court for her to get her $$$? If so, this could take at least 1-2 or more years. But as of now let’s consider 20% interest on let’s just guess and say she was to earn $40 thousand for her 2009 contract year and add 20% interest from 2009 until now…that would be $8 thousand per year through 2015 = $40 thou + $48 thou = $88 thou for “material damages” + attorney fees and “moral damages” she suffered. If it takes her another 2 years(in court) to get her money then add at least $16 thou more in “material damages.” But how can she receive “moral damages” since “foreigners” don’t have morals(or “values”) evident by her complaining about S. Korea’s HIV/AIDS testing.

Will the $$$ or damages come from the immigration and/or education ministry? Will both ministries be the defendant(s) in court? Good Luck in court “L.G.”!
“The Geneva-based Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) was considering the case of L.G., whose contract was not renewed in 2009 after she refused to undergo a secondary mandatory HIV test required only of foreigners, arguing it was ““discriminatory and an affront to her dignity”.

In their findings, CERD members noted that the Republic of Korea did not provide any reasons to justify the mandatory testing, from which Korean and ethnic Korea teachers were exempt*. They also noted that, during arbitration proceedings, L.G.’s employers, the Ulsan Metropolitan Office of Education (UMOE), said that HIV/AIDS tests were viewed as a means to check the values and morality of foreign English teachers.

The testing policy, the Committee wrote in its findings**, “does not appear to be justified on public health grounds or any other ground, and is a breach of the right to work without distinction to race, colour, national or ethnic origin.”

The Committee called on the Republic of Korea to grant L.G. adequate compensation for the moral and material damages she suffered. The Committee also urged the authorities to take steps to review regulations and policies related to the employment of foreigners and to abolish, in law and practice, any legislation which creates or perpetuates racial discrimination.

“The Committee recommends the State party to counter any manifestations of xenophobia, through stereotyping or stigmatizing, of foreigners by public officials, the media and the public at large,” members wrote. The Committee has asked the Republic of Korea to inform it within 90 days of the steps it has taken.”

MTB Rider
8 years ago

So, what’s your point, T-BONEHEAD? Are you hoping Ban Ki-Moon will get you your job and employer provided apartment back?

Has this been the point of your weekly rants and spewing on this site?

Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

Achievement unlocked: Walls of pointless copy pasta ignored.

8 years ago

“Are you hoping Ban Ki-Moon will get you your job and employer provided apartment back?”

You have me mistaken for someone else. But what I think I’ll do is get a contract signed from an employer in S. Korea, go to the Korean consulate here in America to get my passport stamped with an E-2 visa, then arrive in S. Korea to go to Korean immigration and when they tell me in order to get an ARC I have to be tested for HIV/AIDS I’ll then refuse and file a lawsuit against the Korean gov’t for the length of my contract. The flood gates have been opened!

8 years ago

So they are pretty much just testing Europeans and Americans for HIV?

That would most likely be a majority white population.

That’s not racist….there is no such thing as racism against white people.

8 years ago

‘Migrant workers treated like “slaves” in South Korea’s agricultural industry
South Korea relies on thousands of migrant workers from Southeast Asia to power its agricultural industry. But cases of assault and abuse by employers continue to occur and are rarely punished.’

Isn’t there a Korean law firm for “Tina” that supports and offers free services for immigrant workers(but who hates America/Americans)? Actually, they do Pro-bono work for Koreans as well.
POSTED: 29 May 2015
“Tina” is a Cambodian migrant worker in South Korea, playing a voice recording of the abuse she received from her former employer at a mushroom farm in Cheongju, south of Seoul. She sought shelter at a centre that helps migrant workers, after being fired from her job and claiming she was kicked out without any of her belongings.

“I don’t know what to do. I don’t know whether I should file a complaint or not,” she said. “At that time, I felt panic. The supervisor asked me to meet the employer together with him. He spoke to me with strong words and I cried.

“I miss my parents and my relatives very much. But, I have come to Korea for work because of poverty and because I have seen my neighbours who have gone to work in Korea could earn a lot of money,” she said.

Tina is explaining her situation and seeking help at the People of the Earth’s Station (Earthian) in Ansan, a working-class city near Seoul. She is one of many Cambodians who rely on this non-governmental organisation’s (NGO) services after experiencing trouble at work in South Korea.”

READ the REST…!!!

8 years ago

“That’s not racist….there is no such thing as racism against white people.”

Oh Johnnyboy, what’s wrong with you?

Anything other than pure-blooded Korean is susceptible to racism/discrimination in S. Korea and if there happens to be a few Korean-Americans etc…who can’t find/don’t have their birth certificate that would enable them to get an ‘F’ visa, well, those are the breaks as long as mostly white(American males) are gotten.

8 years ago

You see Johnnyboy, S. Korea lost in its attempt at trying to test American servicemembers for HIV/AIDS(and 1988 Olympic tourists) so they turned their attention elsewhere toward the weak(mostly white American males without their gov’t support) English teachers and succeeded.

Johnnyboy is like Korean apologists ‘Steelrails’ and ‘TheUrbanMyth'(page 7) over at Daves ESL Cafe…

8 years ago

Your sarcasm detector seems to be malfunctioning.

Is it your stance that racism against white people (particularly males) only happens in Korea and never in the U.S.?

Anywho, service members are already tested for HIV every couple years.

8 years ago

Tbone… apart from broad and non-specific complaints about “discrimination”, what exactly is your complaint against foreigners being tested for HIV?

8 years ago

“Is it your stance that racism against white people (particularly males) only happens in Korea and never in the U.S.? ”

You could be more specific, what’s your beef?

8 years ago

Korean woman takes off eye make-up(full video at bottom)…3 million hits
“The power of a good eyeliner! Video of a South Korean woman removing her make up gets over two(or 3?) million hits thanks to her VERY eye-opening transformation”

8 years ago

It cannot be this simple (found in Discus comments somewhere). Yes, even I find this hard to believe (though to their credit they didn’t try to make the anarchist who shot McKinley into a Democrat):

Guns & a Solution

No matter how you feel about guns, you should find this most interesting.

This may explain why there has never been an attempt on Obama.

In 1865 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States.

In 1881 a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States , who later died from the wound.

In 1963 a radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President of the United States .

In 1975 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the United States .

In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan, President of the United States .

In 1984 James Hubert, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant.

In 1986 Patrick Sherrill, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma post office.

In 1990 James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.

In 1991 George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a Luby’s cafeteria in Killeen , TX.

In 1995 James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5 coworkers in a Texas laboratory.

In 1999 Larry Asbrook, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a church service.

In 2001 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the US .

In 2003 Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Martin plant.

In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung – Hui Cho, shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech.

In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner, shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.

In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes, went into a movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.

In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis .

In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people in a school in Newtown , CT.

As recently as Sept 2013, an angry Democrat shot 12 at a Navy shipyard.

Clearly, there is a problem with Democrats and guns.

Not one NRA member, Tea Party member, or Republican conservative was involved in any of these shootings and murders.

SOLUTION: It should be illegal for Democrats to own guns.

8 years ago

EGGHEAD said…”Tbone… apart from broad and non-specific complaints about “discrimination”,”

“L.G.” filed a complaint(via attorney Benjamin Wagner) with at least two S. Korean governmental organizations(which were rejected) before the U.N. CERD so if you would just read you could find the “specific complaints” you lazy EGGHEAD! But of course you could always contact Mr. Wagner and ask him why the complaint wasn’t specific enough(for EGGHEAD to understand)?

EGGHEAD said…”what exactly is your complaint against foreigners being tested for HIV?”

My complaint? They’re in the plural form…
1. They’re racist and discriminatory in the way S. Korea has chosen to conduct the testing and its reasoning behind the testing.
2. Read my #11 comment which shows how the HIV/AIDS testing began for E-2 visa holders in S. Korea.
3. The U.S. Dept. of Defense didn’t allow S. Korea to check servicemembers and contractors like you for HIV/AIDS now did it? Why not? Ask the DOD and I’ll defer to its reasoning. The 1988 Olympic tourists didn’t want to be tested for HIV/AIDS now did they? Why not?
4. That you(your comments on English Spectrum or someone like you) could’ve been part of the reason for the HIV/AIDS testing given your propensity to demean women on this website.
5. That the Korean people/media didn’t mention anything about the complaint to the U.N. CERD exemplifying its attempt to hide racism/discrimination within the S. Korean government and that the S. Korean gov’t was late in responding to the U.N. CERD even though it has promised(signature to the CERD) to abide by the CERD.
6. People like you playing dumb or not reading the history behind the testing before pretending to make an educated comment.
7. The lies(and lack of stats), stupidity/non-logic behind it all i.e. Korean media, politicians, YOU, and others like you…

per the ‘Gusts of Popular Feeling’ site…

“…the references to the conduct of the media and politicians is very pertinent, considering the ‘Citizens Group for Upright English Education’ (also known as Anti English Spectrum) worked closely with the media and had access to politicians when pushing for the creation of the HIV testing policy (among others) in the first place.

As well, national assembly representatives have said a number of negative things about foreign teachers over the year. In June of 2009 Rep Choi Young-hee submitted 3 bills regarding native English teachers to the national assembly which called for drug tests for foreign teachers, with the bills stating that “the crime rate among native-speaking English teachers is getting higher” without offering any proof of such an increase, She also stated that immigration had lost 22,000 E-2 visa holders, but as it turns out, she used the wrong statistics. A few months later, Rep. Lee Gun-hyeon stated that foreign teacher crime was ‘serious,’ but released statistics showing it to be 5 times less than the Korean crime rate. Rep. Park Min-sik would chime in a month later on the “flood of unqualified native speaking teachers”, while National Assembly Rep Lee Ju-yeong stated that “Of foreigners, native speaking teachers are especially potential child molesters” who may have many ‘undisclosed crimes’ and who may fake their backgrounds. None of this quite compares to the racially charged statements made by Kim Han-gil, who was recently the leader of the opposition party, back in 1997 about the “white good-for-nothings” flocking to Korea to teach English, and despairing that the “low culture of English speaking countries is penetrating into living rooms.” He also proved to be ten years ahead of the curve by complaining that foreign teachers “they don’t even have to take drug or AIDS tests.”

8 years ago

@ 16 “SOLUTION: It should be illegal for Democrats to own guns.”

Are you stigmatizing Democrats? If the mentally ill and domestic abusers can have guns then why not democrats?
NRA: Obama Stigmatizing Mentally Ill, Domestic Abusers By Not Letting Them Own Guns

God is Angry like setnaffa…
Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys. 2 Kings 2:23-25 NIV…

8 years ago

So what is wrong with a free HIV test?

A nation has different obligations to citizens and non-citizens.

If a Korean has HIV, the nation of Korea has an obligation to treat it.

If a foreigner has HIV, Korea has an obligation to keep them out of Korea to protect Korean citizens and not become a burden on the Korean medical system.

Why are foreigners freaking out about an HIV test? It is in their best interest to know if they have HIV.

But it seems as if the real issue is not HIV or discrimination at all.

The real issue is the drug test… but that is harder to rationalize a complaint about.

In fact, an observation is the only people who made a big deal about the HIV test were also druggies.

Do you think drug tests are also discrimination?

8 years ago

Leon MORON do you see now why you’re a MORON for suggesting I “engage” with EGGHEAD?

EGGHEAD said…”So what is wrong with a free HIV test?”

I quit reading EGGHEAD’s blah,blah blah after that because it sounds like this…

8 years ago

Tbone, you didn’t quit reading EGGHEAD. You just quit responding…

…and you just quit responding because you cannot respond.

As a druggie, there is nothing really you can respond to without it all coming out as pure bullshyt.

Nobody really cares about mandatory HIV tests except druggies and the secretly HIV positive…

…and UN busybodies who believe it is some sort of human right to spread disease and go through life drugged-up.

8 years ago

FIFA Update and the Lovely Loretta Lynch takedown…

8 years ago

No, I’m not angry. But as to stigmatizing Democrats and the mentally-ill, well, that seems like a self-inflicted thing. All I’m doing is quoting someone who did some research.

As for the boys and the bears, even tbone should be able to count to 42… And in a culture that honors the elderly, to have at least that many “boys” harassing a traveling preacher ought to remind the reader of the rampaging gangs of youth in our bigger cities… There weren’t any innocent children hurt, regardless of your attention span…

MTB Rider
8 years ago

Since I’m out of the country now, I’m not tracking the drought in South Korea. Came across this article, and wanted to get some of your takes on it:

If the crops are looking bad in South Korea, what’s going on in North K? Will the DPRK do something stupid to try and get food? Or will the South just wait them out, waiting on an implosion?

I had high hopes the South would have told the North to p*ss up a rope after they shut down Kaesong, but the businesses relying on slave labor, er, fostering goodwill between hostile neighbors, won out.

8 years ago

A Social Security card, Medicaid card, or Student I.D. card ain’t of any use for voters in Texas, but go ahead and bring you gun permit card, that’s A-Okay(because gunners are apt to vote republican)!

3 I.D. forms of I.D. may not be good enough to vote in Texas.

A clerical error on a 63 year old black man’s birth certificate means he will have to change his name to the clerical error made on his birth certificate if he ever wants to vote.

The voter rights act(but the supreme court said there isn’t any need for it anymore because discrimination doesn’t exist anymore in Texas) used to stop states like Texas from pulling this kind of S***!!!

Hilary Clinton will soon be telling us how to fight the GOP’s attempt to deplete voter turnout throughout the USA.

8 years ago

J Bush investigation go get him Loretta Lynch…

Is Jeb Bush a criminal for breaking the campaign finance law?

You don’t have to say you’re a candidate to actually be a candidate.
“”There are powerful grounds to conclude that the political charade being perpetrated on the American people by former Governor Jeb Bush and his associated individual-candidate super-PAC is illegal,” said Fred Wertheimer, president of Democracy 21.”

Fred Wertheimer wrote the law!

The FEC has no power(though the law is pretty clear) so Loretta Lynch will have to go him, you go girl! Jeb Bush has raised over 100 million dollars without “announcing.”

8 years ago
8 years ago

GOP Senators Hostage or shall I say they hold Congress hostage for their ambition says WAPO(GI Korea’s favorite source or one of them).
“Mike Lee of Utah is part of a vanishing breed — Republican senators who are NOT running for president — and in this role he rose on the Senate floor Tuesday morning pleading for his ambitious colleagues to stop embarrassing the party.

“The American people deserve better than this,” he said, after an intra-party squabble between GOP presidential candidate Rand Paul and Senate Republican leadership caused various counter-terrorism efforts to cease. “Vital national security programs . . . should not be subject to cynical, government-by-cliff brinksmanship. If members of Congress, particularly Republican members of Congress, ever want to improve their standing among the American people, then we must abandon this habit of political gamesmanship.”

8 years ago

“Loretta Lynch will have to go him, you go girl!”

“You go girl” has long ago played out in the gay community.

“will have to go him” never really got a foothold in the English-speaking community.

Tbone, will you ever comment on why you like Loretta Lynch other than she has black skin and Democrat on her voter registration form… but a very predatory white right-wing corporatist mind based on her beliefs and actions which are VERY counter to your liberal sensitivities?

You should be screaming about her destruction of liberal values from the rooftops instead of praising her like your savior for spending time and effort chasing low-priority issues like soccer management and going after a Republican front-runner who likely would do as much (or more) for liberal Democrats than conservative Republicans.

Many political conservatives would be pleased to see RINO Jeb Bush discarded. Glad to know you are on the team, Tbone.

Liberals do make good useful idiots.

8 years ago

Charlie Rangel says The GOP 2016 presidential candidate Field ‘Looks Like An Audition For Saturday Night Live’


Rick Perry(a GOP indicted and/or alleged Texas criminal and former Governor waiting for his day in court) will Announce his presidential campaign/candidacy This Week


This is REAL SNL material… “LEON the creative” couldn’t even come up with this type of stuff.

Lindsey Graham(GOP announced presidential 2016 candidate) Believes We Should Stay In the Middle East Forever


Sounds like the USA Pentagon/DOD will be adding to its NEVER audited and DUH…WHERE DID THE 8.5 TRILLION DOLLARS go?????

F****** IDOITS in the DOD and employees working for/surrounding them!!!!!

Walker(GOP presidential candidate): says…”Pregnancy From Rape Only An Issue In ‘Initial Months’”

Huckabee Wishes He Could Have Been Transgender To Shower With Girls

Pataki To Huckabee: Show Respect, Not Mockery For Jenner
Huckabee wished he could’ve identifying himself as female in high school so that he could shower with the girls in the locker room.

8 years ago

Tbone, spit out the pubic hair, get your hands off whoever’s diick you are stroking, and type out why you are so hot on Loretta Lynch… who seems to share few values in line with the cut-n-paste jobs you seem to find so joyous.

…unless you are actually a LINO (liberal in name only) and agree with far right values like the War on Drugs, indiscriminate asset forfeiture, the protection of Wall Street fatcats, etc.

Kindly get your diick-fondlers off the ^C ^V keys and tell us your own opinion on these issues in your own words.

Side note about the Rick Perry indictment…

Super-liberal, anti-gun, Obama/Hillary-supporting Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz stated that “The two statutes under which Gov. Perry was indicted are reminiscent of the old Soviet Union — you know, abuse of authority. The idea of indicting him because he threatened to veto spending unless a district attorney who was caught drinking and driving resigned, that’s not anything for a criminal indictment. That’s a political issue.” He added, “it’s so important to put a stop to it now, to say the criminal law is reserved for real crimes, not for political differences where a party in power or out of power gets revenge against the other party. That’s just not the way to use the criminal justice [system].”

His politics are frequently questionable… but his views on the law seldom are. Take that for what it’s worth.

It does no good for anyone to use the legal/tax/oversight/regulatory/ect. systems for political purposes. The other party will retaliate at the first chance… and that hurts America and all Americans.

8 years ago

An Observation on the Baltimore Situation

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby won’t let the defense examine the knife and won’t release the autopsy report for Freddie Gray.

Interesting, no?

If this was a solid case… or even a realistic case… the “illegal knife” and the autopsy showing police violence on a drug-free aspiring rapper would have been forced on the public weeks ago to much fanfare.

This stupid Mosby cuunt has written some big liberal checks with her self-serving mouth that her racist azz can’t cash… and she is going to drag this out for as long as possible… sucking up the Vogue interviews and Prince concerts until she gets Nifonged… disbarred, disgraced, and removed from the public eye.

The only good point is she knows that is coming… and it must be causing her a great deal of stress… though it will fuel her hate as she generates needless stress and expense for everyone else involved.

The tax payers will foot the bill for both the creation and the cleanup of her needless mess.

Activist prosecutors pushing nonexistent cases, mostly over racial issues, is a bad trend.

This is Obama’s legacy. The one president in a perfect position to unify all races instead surrounded himself with angry racists in powerful positions, legitimized agitators such as Sharpton, stirred the black population by running his mouth with inflammatory nonsense, and encouraged all other races to despise blacks by promoting and excusing bad black behavior… not to mention championing the worst possible examples of “innocent” black “victims”.

Leon, it is a true shame you cannot recognize the lost opportunity and perhaps the willful sabotage involved here as you constantly excuse Obama… ridiculing a fringe crowd of Obama-haters instead of discussing actual problems and issues that affect everyone.

Tbone, it is a true shame that you, and those like you, encourage and justify these actions which have been bad for all Americans… but has especially been bad for America’s black population. It seems, those who cry the loudest over injustice to blacks do everything possible to insure this injustice continues… perhaps to give them a reason for existing.

8 years ago

“Interesting, no?”

No! What is more important is how did an innocent man(unless eye contact with a cop = GUILT) die in the hands of police?

I quit reading after that because as usual I’m sure it all would’ve sounded like this…

8 years ago

“Obama/Hillary-supporting Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz stated…”

HEhehehehe!!!!! EGGHEAD quoting Alan…

Here is the deal, as in updated criminal Rick Perry wannabe 2016 president info…You should note that there is another GOP’er criminally charged and involved in a current multiple sexual abuser court case…so where are the GOP’ers threatening him? Ohhhh, GOP’ers only threaten drunk driving fellow politicians(if democrat) aye?
“Mr. Perry has another problem that could hurt his campaign: a criminal indictment. A grand jury in Austin indicted him in August on two felony charges of abusing his official capacity and coercing a public servant.

Mr. Perry pressured the Democratic district attorney in Austin’s Travis County to step down by threatening to cut off state financing to the anticorruption unit in her office.

The district attorney, Rosemary Lehmberg, who had been arrested on a charge of drunken driving, remained in office, and Mr. Perry ultimately vetoed $7.5 million for the anti-corruption unit.”

Vermont Republican not resigning despite multiple rape charges: ‘I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong’

Where are the Rick Perry type GOP threats for Vermont state legislator Norman McAllister to step down?

8 years ago

“No! What is more important is how did an innocent man(unless eye contact with a cop = GUILT) die in the hands of police?”

1. Was Freddie Gray “innocent”? Running from the police was reason to stop Freddy Gray, based on Supreme Court ruling(s). If the knife was illegal… or more specifically, if a “reasonable police officer believed it to be illegal”… it was grounds for arrest. With only that information, it seems the chase, capture, and arrest of Freddie Gray was legally correct.

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby is concealing the knife in every way possible. You are welcome to speculate why this is. Until then, the best explanation is, after all the talk of the “legal” knife and false arrest, it is actually clearly illegal and the arrest was valid.

2. So how did Freddie Gray die in the “hands of police”? The autopsy report would go a long way toward answering this question. Again, if it supports the prosecution’s claim that police abused Freddie Gray, it would certainly be released with much publicity. You are welcome to speculate as to why it is not being released. Until then, the best explanation is that it falls somewhere between not demonstrating that police had any involvement to clearly showing Freddie Gray injured himself.

The reality is that this grandstand/conceal/delay/hope it fades scenario has played out over and Over and OVER. Those who do not recognize it are a bit foolish.

Tbone, are you still a big Loretta Lynch supporter?

You are, aren’t you! You are SUCH A SUCKER!

…not just supporting the corporatist right wing but doing so while claiming to be a liberal. You closet Republican, you. Ha!

As usual, the most evil of the Republicans are smarter than the most evil of the Democrats… hiding a fascist agent in black skin to infiltrate the Democratic party… protecting Big Business, stealing from the middle class, and doing nothing for the darkies except breaking families and ending lives through the War on Drugs.

Tbone the Fascist Republican. Who knew?

8 years ago

EGGHEAD is a Man of Putin(RUSSIA) and LOVER, said time and again so…


EGGHEAD the GOP’er Genocider and Mass Murdering American Industrial Congressional WAR DOG(YES MAN of WAR HAWKS) Communist for KILLING.

8 years ago

Maybe the fault is mine, Tbone… but I have no idea how that related to Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby.

Is it possible for you to stick to a topic, lay out your beliefs on an issue, and answer skeptical questions with reasonable explanations while asking intelligent counter-questions?

If you can do that, you might feel some personal self-worth.

If not, your only value is serving as a warming that autism and substance abuse don’t mix well.

8 years ago

P.S. I don’t “love” Putin.

I respect him for showing action and interest in the success of Russia that American “leaders” seem to be lacking as they chase politically-correct media-friendly whims to satisfy immediate goals that contradict the long-term social, financial, and political success of America.

If you are unable to see this, we could discuss is further…

…if you are capable of actually maintaining a discussion.

8 years ago

“in the success of Russia”

What is there to discuss when you think Putin is a success? Please, stop being an EGGHEAD!!!

You started this tripe a couple few years ago about the time when Jim Rogers suggested everyone buy Russian Rubles, but guess what happened since?

8 years ago

EGGHEAD does love Putin. He wants to “discuss” …how Putin is better than Obama and how the Russian media is better than…?

MTB Rider
8 years ago

You can’t talk to T-BONEHEAD. His brain is too fried from huffing that fine gold spray paint.

But I’m sure T-BONEHEAD will say everything in this video is 100% true:

Not sure if a Facebook video will come through to ROK Drop. I hope it does, it was quite funny.

8 years ago

I think it is impossible to have a conversation with you, Tbone.

Teadrinker was an idiot… but he was not stupid.

It was somewhat possible to have a conversation with him… as he could maintain a thought long enough to communicate it.

He was simply blinded by wishful idealistic thinking and incapable of fully grasping reality.

Being a low-income closeted homosexual didn’t help his mental state.

You, Tbone, seem to be blinded by your position on the autism spectrum amplified by substance abuse for self-medication.

So, think whatever you want, Tbone. You opinion does not count in the world…

…and neither do you.

MTB Rider
8 years ago

Celeb Couple of the Year, Kim and Kanye:


8 years ago

“But I’m sure T-BONEHEAD will say everything in this video is 100% true:”

Okay MTB and the sky is blue, 100% true aye?

But there is truth to that stupid Facebook link, Koreans are afraid of/non-friendly to Korean neighbors so if you don’t think they’re afraid of “foreign” neighbors then you don’t know reality.

Korean SNL is really BAD and it only took them 40 years to attempt BADLY at humor.

MTB says…Huffington Post is bad but Facebook is good(hehehe!!!).

8 years ago

Hey EGGHEAD, I tried to get something out of you but you quit already. You knock Obama(respect Putin more) and American media so tell us how Russian media is better?

MTB Rider
8 years ago

Oh, it’s way to late to try and sound reasonable, BONEHEAD. That ship sailed long ago.

You add nothing. You flood this page with whatever leftist drivel you find, but don’t even know what you are talking about. You only post that stuff to annoy people, but the magic of the scroll wheel lets everyone flip past without even bothering to read any of it.

You came to this site, begging for sympathy after getting kicked out of your employer supplied apartment. You then bragged how great your life would be once you got back to the States. So, why do you keep coming back to this site? What happened to your plans and hopes and dreams once you got away from the hell that is Korea? It’s not the place, it’s you. You are your own worst enemy, and everyone sees it.

8 years ago

“Okay MTB and the sky is blue, 100% true aye?”

…except at night… so 50% true right off the bat.

…and then there are overcast days…

…and sunrise and sunset…

…and Tbone is, yet again, an idiot…

8 years ago

MTB says…”You then bragged how great your life would be once you got back to the States. So, why do you keep coming back to this site?”

So I’ll take it your life isn’t “great” because you keep coming back to this site. Congrats MTB and GOOD LUCK, I hope things change for you(hehehe)!!!

8 years ago

MTB says…”You came to this site, begging for sympathy after getting kicked out of your employer supplied apartment.”

Again, you must have me mistaken for someone else but entertain us on the “begging for sympathy” part(link)?

8 years ago

EGGHEAD says…”so 50% true right off the bat.”

Your future doesn’t look as though you’ll ever be anything other than an EGGHEAD.

“Okay MTB and the sky is blue…”

is a quote, I didn’t say the sky was blue but your dumbazz thinks it is(at least 50% or less of the time). You’re such an EGGHEAD!!!!!

8 years ago

Hey EGGHEAD did you know my farts don’t ever stink?

MTB Rider
8 years ago

Dude, I come here because I actually liked Korea when I lived there, and look forward to returning. I’m also retired Navy, and work as an Army Civilian. I like to keep up with what is going on in Korea regarding the military, and the civilian expat population. Besides my friends in the Army and Army support civilians, I have a lot of friends in the teaching community because of my bicycling hobby.

As for my job here, its going quite well. I make good money, have a challenging and enjoyable work schedule, and get every other Friday off.

You on the other hand have nothing to look forward to except your next welfare check so you can make a trip to Lowe’s for your next can of gold spray paint. You cruise the most Leftist websites between your trips to Backpage and Craigslist looking for pole to smoke, and post the most nonsensical craap every time G.I. Korea starts a new Open Thread.

If you believed any of it, you would make an effort to defend your beliefs, but that would require cognitive thinking. That is something you have never been able to do, as seen in your YouTube videos when you got kicked out of the apartment you were squatting in.

You’re all happy Loretta Lynch got the nod as AG, but you have nothing to say about her defense of corporations, or support of asset seizures. Other than her skin color, why do you like her, knowing she is in favor of jailing young black substance abusers such as yourself?

Should I post the links to your starring role? We all know how to search YouTube, and watching you melt down just gives me a chuckle knowing that mo matter how annoying and childish you are on this site, you have always been, and always will be the biggest loser I’ve ever encountered.

8 years ago

“Hey EGGHEAD did you know my farts don’t ever stink?”

Well, my farts not only don’t stink…

…they smell like freshly-baked cinnamon buns.

P.S. MTB just won the Internets

8 years ago

White cop pulls gun on unarmed teens swimming and takes down black female teen in bikini…

8 years ago

MTB stands for Meet The Bone or meettheboner so bend over MTB and take a ride you Rider. You think and act like you know me but again you have me confused with someone else but for kicks…

What color am I thinking of?

MeetTheBoner says…”You’re all happy Loretta Lynch got the nod as AG, but you have nothing to say about her defense of corporations, or support of asset seizures. Other than her skin color, why do you like her, knowing she is in favor of jailing young black substance abusers such as yourself?”

Again, you don’t know me and I’ve already given my thoughts on Loretta Lynch but nice bait n switch. It wasn’t really about what I thought of her but why it took so long(5 months) for white men to vote her in as attorney general.

8 years ago

“Again, you don’t know me”

Would you like me to help make the introduction? Just say the word.

“and I’ve already given my thoughts on Loretta Lynch but nice bait n switch.”

No you have not… just a lot of “black woman” hype… or, maybe, those ARE your thoughts… your ONLY thoughts. Whatever.

“It wasn’t really about what I thought of her but why it took so long(5 months) for white men to vote her in as attorney general.”

Because black people vote along racial lines… but some white people actually had a problem with her values and beliefs… which, quite interestingly, you seem not to.

She represents none of the compassion of liberals and much of the corruption of conservatives.

While she chases FIFA, though soccer has little affect on America, she does nothing with Wall Street, which has done far more damage to America.

If you look at her history, you will notice she worked on the defense for an Arthur Andersen partner who got caught cooking the books for Enron. She served on the board for the New York Federal Reserve, working directly under Tim Geithner, who became famous for turning a blind eye to Wall Street’s high-risk gambling schemes that led to the 2008 financial crisis. Her first job out of law school was at Cahill Gordon & Reindel… “the go-to law firm for New York’s financial crooks “.

Every Democrat and every liberal would scream from the rooftops if she was white and “Republican”… as she represents the worst aspects of both.

8 years ago

EGGHEAD Communist Putin Lover says…”Because black people vote along racial lines… but some white people actually had a problem with her values and beliefs… which, quite interestingly, you seem not to.”

Nice bait n switch azzholeEGGHEAD!!!

I wasn’t talking about the “people” rather white GOP politicians who did not have a problem ultimately voting for her without hardly a word in 5 months why they wouldn’t vote her in as AG despite their well known hatred for the black AG Holder.

8 years ago

Meanwhile in Texas, the end of the rainy season has seen a reduction in flooding and a surge in AC Repairs as the temperature climbs above 90. I finally migrated away from R22 to R410a and will have to drive my old car until the new AC is paid off. I’ll probably miss visiting Korea this year because of that.

So I’ll be mildly jealous of those of you who have found a way to stay there. Please have a seasonally appropriate beverage and enjoy your fortune.

8 years ago

In movie news, who knew he had fans?

This is the guy who couldn’t even do a straight movie on Heinlein’s Starship Troopers! I mean, come on now!!! He could have built a following bigger than Lucas or Peter Jackson; but he couldn’t stay away from his own politics…

8 years ago

EGGHEAD says about Loretta Lynch…”she does nothing with Wall Street.”

She just began as AG on April 27th you EGGHEAD so blame Holder not Lynch. However, she did investigate Citigroup over mortgage securities sold by the bank, resulting in a US$7 billion settlement; and was involved in the US$1.2 billion settlement with HSBC over violations of the Bank Secrecy Act.

So you’re WRONG about “nothing” you EGGHEAD!!!

MTB Rider wannabe EGGHEAD or MeetTheBoner(MTB) Rider says…”she is in favor of jailing young black substance abusers”

Are you for the legalization of all drugs/substances for black youth?

If what you mean by “in favor of ” means doing her job then I suppose since Loretta Lynch joined the Eastern District as a drug and violent-crime prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s office in 1990.

Are you against her prosecuting violent-crime suspects too?

It would help if you had anything significant to offer rather than being against Loretta Lynch doing her job?

8 years ago

“asset seizures”

Again, she was doing her job. Her job wasn’t to make/write the law you dummies. You’re all barking up the wrong tree.

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