New York City Councilwomen Upset that Too Many Asians are Moving Into Public Housing

Could you imagine what the media reaction would be to this if it was a white Republican claiming too many (enter ethnic minority) group was moving into public housing?

A Brooklyn city councilmember on Thursday made the bizarre claim that a wave of Asians has invaded public housing developments in her district.

Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo made the unusual statement at a hearing Thursday on the Housing Authority’s funding problems.

Addressing NYCHA Chairwoman Shola Olatoye, Cumbo — who represents a wide patch of Brooklyn from Fort Greene to Crown Heights — asked why “certain ethnic groups come in” to a NYCHA development “in blocks.”

NYCHA has a waiting list of 250,000 hoping for public housing, and tenants are picked strictly in chronological order, with preference given for homeless families and victims of domestic violence.

So a clearly perplexed Olatoye asked Cumbo to elaborate.

Cumbo then stated, “We have a large Asian population in our district — and we love them.”

Without identifying specifics — such as which development she meant — she claimed that this particular ethnic community “had the opportunity to move into a development in large numbers.”  [NY Daily News via reader tip]

So I guess the councilwoman loves the Asian community, just not enough to allow them to move into public housing.

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9 years ago

In this more nuanced version of that report, her inquiry was not about Asians in general but about how a single specific (unnamed) Asian group that “speaks the same language” was being given slots in public housing in “large, sudden ‘blocs’ of people in all at once.”

“I don’t know how to explain to the residents why their number hasn’t been called but they’ll see a large migration average of the same ethnic group,” she said. “It’s not as if it’s one person from this country, another person from that country. How does the authority handle certain situations such as that?”

Yet, if she has to come back and clarify comments a good politician should have prepared, she has a problem in art of communicating without offending.

9 years ago

The real question is why public housing is being given to immigrants.

If they cannot fend for themselves without taxpayer subsidies, back on the boat they need to go.

Shocking how America is buying the rope it is using to hang itself… or, more accurately, charging that rope on the credit card.

I am still highly offended at this woman’s blond hair. It is the blackface of hairstyles.

I must give her credit, though. She is not without a self-aware sense of irony.

It is a bold statement to wear a chain around her neck.

9 years ago

She and the black people are upset because 5 Vietnamese immigrants moved in recently, into her mostly black district full of tens of thousands of welfare recipients who all have one dark colored skin who likes to burn down neighbours.

9 years ago

What desperate Asian people would want to move into those Negrotis projects where they will shoot you for your $50 coat? I don’t believe this woman at all.

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
9 years ago

You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!

9 years ago

And again, Leon wins the Internetfor today.

9 years ago

“You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!”

Two great races that taste great together.

Anybody for sweet and sour chitlins?

…sounds like Seoul food.

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
9 years ago

Perhaps she’s upset because she pumped them for votes and they refused? Trollish yes, but it fits the narrative. If you believe the sidestream media, President Obama allowed the illegal aliens into the southern border in order to vote for Democrats (although they can’t quite explain how illegals will be able to vote).

9 years ago

Wait, I thought Asians were so much better than the blacks? This will hurt the servicethemselfmembers and USA Military Industrial Complex/Military Industrial Congressional Complex from getting its fascist and/or communist funding.

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