ROK Drop is Back After Technical Difficulties

Thank you everyone for your patience as I have been busy trying to resolve technical difficulties with the site this week.  My webhost provider, Blogs-About who has been hosting the ROK Drop since 2007 I think has went out of business.  I first began to use their service because they were recommended in the WordPress For Dummies book that I used to become knowledgeable on how to use the WordPress blogging software that powers the ROK Drop.  In the past I have never had any issues with them providing needed technical support and the site has run fine for all these years.  However, for this outage I tried to contact them with no success.  For some reason they have not been responding to any of their contact emails or numbers and their support site shows the same error that the site is showing.  I am left to conclude that they have gone out of business?

Whatever did happen has caused me to open up a new webhosting account with which is the largest WordPress webhosting company.  They have so far been great in helping me get the new site up running.  Also since they are such a large webhosting company they should not just disappear overnight like Blogs-About has apparently done.  However, they cannot transfer over my 10 years worth of data or my web address until it is released from the Blogs-About servers which I have had no success with contacting.  Fortunately I do have an XML backup file of my archives that I download every month.  I plan to eventually get the files uploaded on to if I continue to have no success with contacting my old webhosting company.

While I continue to work this issue I plan to continue regular blogging here at  You will see that the new site has the Buddypress social media feature that I have installed.  By registering a username you can create your own social media like presence on the ROK Drop website and post in the Forums I have set up. I receive comments, emails, and Facebook messages with article links all the time that I do not always have time to get to.  The Forums will allow people to post these links there so if I do not get around to publishing the article on the main page readers can still comment on the article in the Forums.

Thank you once again everyone for your patience and if anyone has any advice on how to deal with this frustrating situation feel free to leave a comment or send me an email.

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John McCrarey
9 years ago

Had the same issues with blogs-about last year.

John McCrarey
9 years ago

You might also want to remind folks to change the link on the blogroll to (the .com link didn’t work from my blog anyway).

9 years ago

So the plan is to stay here permanently and try to get DNS updated to direct the .com to this site as well? That sucks you may lose all that data.

9 years ago

I’m glad to see rokdrop is still alive, I figured something was probably wrong with the webhost. Thank God you’ve got the backups and if you get through this whole ordeal by only losing a month or so of data then it’s not that bad. Kinda doubt you’ll ever here from Blogs-About ever again though.

9 years ago

had me worried until I remembered facebook…

9 years ago

blogs-about website seems back up…

9 years ago

Feels weird posting here… like wearing someone else’s pants.

9 years ago

Glad to see things are back up!

If you search for the titles of all your missing posts, you can find the Google caches and then copy/paste the text and comments.

9 years ago


They had this to say about that…

“Web Hosting Packages

We are currently restructuring our services with an overhaul and as a result, are not taking on any new clients at this time. Once our servers have been completely upgraded and our billing/ticketing system revamped, we will reopen services and business as usual.

Thank you for your understanding and patience!

– Blogs About Hosting”

Sounds shady. If there was no notice, no time frame, no replace-servers-one-at-a-time-while-the-system-keeps-running mentality, well… sounds shady.

The other interesting thing is a quick Google search doesn’t have anybody complaining about this.


9 years ago

GI, thanks. I just wish there were more cheap fares to Korea…

9 years ago

Lacking an open thread…

More good news about Nigeria and Nigerians.

“Because his body temperature reached 38.2 degrees Celsius on arrival and he did not clearly state why he wanted to enter the country, he was not allowed in the country by immigration officials. He was then put on another plane heading for Doha early Friday, but the jet had to return to Incheon International Airport after he again experienced a high fever.”

So… the diseased Nigerian who had no good reason to be in Korea was rightfully sent away… but got sicker on the flight out… so the plane returned to Korea and he went into quarantine for suspected Ebola.

It seems he tested negative.

But that is not really “good” news… as… Ebola is not the only nastiness that can come out of Africa and spread in Korea… and… it is likely FEW Nigerians have any good reasons to be in Korea… or anywhere other than Nigeria.

…and, even there, they need to be kept away from internet connections so the world can avoid having any contact with them.

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