Abortion in Korea

This stat just go to show that children are learning at a young age in Korea that abortion is just another form of birth control

More than one out of four female high school students who have had sexual relations have also had an abortion, the Korea Federation for HIV/AIDS Prevention said Thursday.

According to the agency’s recent survey of 2,898 middle school and high school students in Seoul, 26.9 percent of female high school students engaging in sex have had an abortion.

About 27 percent of middle school students and 47.9 percent of high school students responded that having sexual relations before marriage was not a problem.

While 1.1 percent of middle school students said they have had a sexual relationship, 7.5 percent of high school students said so. The average age for their first sexual relationship was 13.3 for middle school students and 15.2 for high school students. Among high school students who have experience of sex, 67 percent said that they have had at least two sexual partners.

.  According to South Korean law abortion is supposed to be illegal in most instances:

The Criminal Code criminalizes the act of procuring an abortion and administering an abortion. A woman who procures an abortion may be punished with up to a 2 million won fine and one year in jail.

A doctor, or the like, who performs an abortion may be punished with up to two years in jail if no injury occurs to the mother, up to three years in jail if an injury occurs to the mother, and up to five years in jail if the mother dies. Additionally, a doctor may lose his or her qualification to practice medicine for up to seven years.

In 1973, however, the Maternal and Child Health and the Mother and Fatherless Child Health Acts established exemptions from this prohibition.

According to the law, a physician may perform an abortion if the pregnant woman or her spouse suffers from an eugenic or hereditary mental or physical disease specified by Presidential Decree, if the woman or her spouse suffers from a communicable disease specified by Presidential Decree, if the pregnancy results from rape or incest or if continuation of the pregnancy is likely to jeopardize the mother’s health.

However, the law is enforced as strongly as traffic laws in Korea:

Today, a pregnant woman who wishes to abort her fetus usually visits her local obstetrician/gynecologist and the doctor usually performs the abortion or the doctor refers the patient to a clinic that will perform the abortion.

According to a information obtained in a phone call to a local clinic, abortions cost between 350,000 won and 600,00 won in normal cases. Additionally, most clinics will only perform abortions up to 28 weeks from conception, since at the 28-week mark the abortion may jeopardize the health of the mother.

It is kind of amazing that a country trying to improve a birthrate that is the lowest in the world is doing nothing to stop one of the many reasons for it being so low to begin with. 

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17 years ago

Abortion *is* just another form of birth control. Engaging in sexual relations before marriage (or with multiple partners when married, or never getting married at all) *isn't* a problem. Cultures without the Puritan baggage regarding such issues are refreshing.

Race and nation are just categories in a hierarchy. People should strive for happiness, not to create more members of the class into which they were born. If only the birthrate were so low in all nations…

17 years ago

The only thing in Korea more nonchalant than abortion is the sex act itself.

17 years ago

One has to wonder just how old the original conception laws are. Talk about a great time to introduce some new legislation, not that it appears it is needed now.

15 years ago

[…] Abortion in Korea SAVE need to know how it performed and effect to our body, this site shows methods of abortion which are different each stage of pregnancy. […]

Reply to  Mark
13 years ago

Maybe you have been hanging-out on hooker hill. You are dead wrong for most Koreans. Of course, someone who only went to Atlantic City would think that Americans were very immoral.

Reply to  Rvlzr
13 years ago

The Economy will stop if the birthrate does. This is not a good thing! Also, Abortion and birth control are very different. Abortion means killing and birth control means preventing. This is a huge difference! I hate killing babies which is why I like the United States Armed Forces so well in my other posts.

Reply to 
13 years ago

It is a sin to kill except in self-defense. Old ppl. and middle-aged should not be killed, starved, etc.

Katie Patel
13 years ago

what i can say is that abortion is a sin and it should be deemed illegal by all means ‘.”

Dunwoody Garage Door
13 years ago

Bloggers are under appreciated, many thanks for making to post this.

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