Let’s Us Not Forget Tiananmen Square

Today is the 16th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Simon’s World has a great posting to commemorate this tragedy. Here is a preview:

There’s plenty that could change. The CCP plays a delicate balancing game between socio-economic tensions and its grip on power. What’s worse is it is good at it. But without the effective feedback mechanisms that democracy provides the powers-that-be need to hope they remain good at the game. It will only take one slip for the edifice to come crashing down. Which is why in situations like June 4th, 1989, the CCP is likely to err on the side of crackdown and confrontation. There’s no upside in compromise and they hold the guns.

That’s the problem. Firstly it seems almost inconcievable for another 1989 protest to happen as things stand. Secondly if it should happen the question to ask is how would the CCP leadership respond today? The answer is clear – in the same way. The CCP are good at learning the lessons of history.

The CCP has a clear desire to remain in power at all costs. Democracy and freedom is not an inevitability for China. That’s the legacy of Tiananmen Square.

I couldn’t agree more.

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