I am a big supporter of radio programming into North Korea because it is a proven way to challenge the Kim regime’s propaganda machine within the country.  Many defectors have said that listening to illegal radio programs is how they learned about the outside world and inspired them to defect.  The BBC is now going to join the Korean Broadcasting System, the Voice of America and Radio Free Asia as producers of North Korean radio programming:

The BBC World Service will launch a daily radio program aimed at North Korea as part of its biggest expansion since the 1940s.

The Korean service will be transmitted in short wave in a bid to evade the communist regime’s government censors, the Financial Times reported.

It’s one of 11 new language services announced Wednesday by the British Broadcasting Corp. as part of an expansion financed by a $360 million funding boost from the British government.  [Stars & Stripes]

You can read more at the link, but it will be interesting to see if the BBC becomes a target of North Korean cyberattacks due to this announcement.