Tag: purges

National Intelligence Service Believes Kim Regime Has Resumed Political Purges

This sounds more like business as usual in North Korea than an actual purge:

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has resumed his purges, the National Intelligence Service here said Thursday.

In an audit by the National Assembly Intelligence Committee, NIS officials said Kim has stepped up surveillance of senior officials and resumed purges and executions to create a climate of fear.

Lawmakers quoted officials as saying Kim sent several senior editors of the Rodong Sinmun daily to a reeducatiom camp for failing to celebrate a missile launch on the front page, and executed a senior officer of an anti-aircraft battery in Pyongyang for corruption. [Chosun Ilbo]

You can read more at the link.

Kim Jong-un Executes Four Star North Korean General

Here is the latest purge in North Korea:

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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un executed an army general last month in his latest purge of senior officials.

General Pyon In Son, head of operations in the Korean People’s Army, was killed for expressing an opinion different to that of Kim, a South Korean official told reporters in Seoul on Wednesday, speaking on condition of anonymity as per government policy. The official didn’t say what they disagreed on.

Kim still mistrusts the military, the official said, adding that senior officers are growing increasingly uneasy. The “Supreme Leader” also removed Ma Won Chun, a National Defense Commission official overseeing construction design, from office in November for alleged corruption and a failure to follow orders.

Kim has relied on purges to consolidate his grip on power since he took over a country with a nuclear arms program and 1.2 million troops in 2011. After killing his uncle and one-time deputy Jang Song Thaek in 2013, he executed about 50 officials last year on charges ranging from graft to watching South Korean soap operas.

“The purge of Pyon sends a message that helps to discipline the military,” said Kim Yong Hyun, a professor of North Korean studies at Dongguk University in Seoul. “The execution is a symbol that will help tighten loyalty.”  [Bloomberg]

You can read more at the link, but it seems at some point if these purges continue the top brass in North Korea are not going to stand for it.