The anti-religion group MRFF has found another cause to attack the military with:

A religious freedom and diversity group is demanding that a naval air station in Japan remove a Bible from a POW-MIA table on base. 

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation sent a letter Friday to Naval Air Facility Atsugi’s commander, Capt. John Montagnet, after receiving 15 complaints about the table from personnel at the installation, group founder Michael Weinstein told Stars and Stripes in a phone call Monday. (…..)

Over the past five years, the MRFF’s petitions resulted in the removal of Bibles from POW-MIA tables at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; four Veterans’ Administration offices in Pennsylvania, Texas and Ohio; and an allergy clinic at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link, but if someone wants their religion represented on the table I am sure no one would have a problem with another book added to the table. I wonder if this group’s ultimate goal is to go after military chaplains and try to get them removed?

Anyway if any is wondering why the MRFF’s founder Michael Weinstein is so adamant about attacking the military all you have to do is follow the money.