It’s that time of the year again that if you can spend time in Seoul instead of trying to exit the city with everyone else because it will feel like you have the city to yourself:

The mass migration for Seollal, or the Lunar New Year’s Day, has begun.

More than 16 million Koreans are expected to hit the road during the five-day holiday, according to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

Expressways were clogged and airports and railway stations busy at the start of the traditional pilgrimage for family reunions and holiday-making trips.

The number of travelers is predicted to peak Thursday, Seollal, with 7 million likely to move.

Information on less-congested roads and other traffic situations is available through broadcasts, the ministry’s website ( and its mobile website (

The government has increased the number of express buses, trains, flights and ferries to reduce traffic congestion during the holiday.

For Seoul citizens planning to return late Friday or Saturday, the city government will extend the operating hours of subways and intra-city buses to 2 a.m.  [Korea Times]

You can read more at the link.