ROK Drop Open Thread – August 31, 2015

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8 years ago

Alison Parker’s Dad: ‘They Messed With The Wrong Family’
Father of Virginia reporter shot on air reaffirms push for gun control
Parker hopes for ‘tipping point’ in debate as he calls for background checks

In the end, this Mr. Parker guy will be there(unless he’s executed) to shame the NRA and the GOPer’s scared of the NRA.

FoxNOTnews relentlessly stated…”We cannot talk about this(gun control) so early after someone was killed by a gun.”

The father of the victim(Mr. Parker) disagrees ❗ FoxNOTnews follows the NRA rule: SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN begotten by numerous others from S. Korea’s SAMESUX to 2016 GOP hopeful candidate Chris Christie who repeatedly tells folks to “Sit Down and Shut Up” no matter where he is. 😯

Walmart is smart to quit selling a product that isn’t selling(AR-15s), and their decision ain’t political like FoxNOTnews lies about. Don’t tell me FoxNOTnews is in the Walmart boardroom and knows why decisions are made? FoxNOTnews didn’t report that they were a fly on the Walmart boardroom wall…so how do they know? They don’t ❗ They just report their own created lies as usual.
“I have been in contact with Mark Kelly, who is Gabby Giffords’ husband, who was very gracious to reach out to me,” he said. “And we’re going to get together in Washington. Senator [Mark] Warner has also, you know, told me: ‘Whatever we can do to help and facilitate that, let me know.’ Mayor [Michael] Bloomberg’s people have reached out.”

Parker added: “You always think there’s a tipping point. We always thought that when Gabby was shot, something would happen; with Sandy Hook, something would happen; with Aurora, something would happen, and it never did.”

Parker’s rhetorical approach echoed that of Senator Bernie Sanders, the independent Vermont senator who had appeared on the programme in the preceding interview to repeat his message against the “same old, same old” procession of politics in Washington.


“I was listening to Bernie Sanders … and I like what he said,” Parker said, after promising to “hold the politicians’ feet to the fire”.

“He said, and it applied to another matter, ‘same old, same old’ doesn’t work, and it applies to this issue. The reason he’s doing so well in the polls and Donald Trump is doing so well is that people are tired of the same old, same old.

“The difference in this situation is [such feeling has] got to apply to sensible gun control legislation. Controlling the loopholes in gun shows, doing those kind of things.”

8 years ago

What this man doesn’t realize is that no one is going to make too big of a deal out his daughter’s death. This won’t be the case that makes the gun control cause for a couple of reasons. The main reason being that the shooter was black and killed the victims because they were white.

It was a hate crime by a black man and forcing it on the public too much will get people to go against the other major liberal crusade: special treatment for minorities.

Another issue is that he used a pistol, which is the firearm most used to murder people in the United States. It doesn’t play into the “AR-15’s are evil” narrative. Why aren’t politicians pushing to take away handguns instead of AR-15’s?

Which leads me to a question for you T Bone:

What is the difference between a hunting rifle and an AR-15 style rifle?

8 years ago

What is the big deal? Disarm Democrats and the killings will stop. 😛

8 years ago

“Mark Kelly, who is Gabby Giffords’ husband”

At first, I felt very sorry for Gabby and Mark.

Then, I realized they are just more elitist limousine liberal shytbags pushing for restrictions on others that don’t apply to them.

Then I felt very sorry the shooter didn’t finish the job.

Serves me right for, in a moment of weakness, feeling sorry about misfortune to any politician.

The incident I am referring to is Mark Kelly testifying about how bad guns are… and then buying an AR-15 and a 1911… and then getting caught… and then making up some thin excuse he was trying to demonstrate how easy it was to buy these guns… a non-point with no purpose… especially in the way he bought them. Meanwhile, photos were leaked of Gabby playing soldier to “toughen my image”.

So… guns are a tool to increase political power… and guns are OK for them to buy… and everybody else needs more restrictions. Regardless of ideology, all Americans should recognize and condemn elitist and exceptionalist behavior among those who make/push for rules.

There are some factors in violent crime that are more common than guns… and when politicians are serious about reducing violent crime, they will bring these to pubic attention.

Until then, it is all bullshyt.

8 years ago

“Then I felt very sorry the shooter didn’t finish the job.”

Wishing death on other innocent person(s). Classic EGGHEAD 🙄

I hope your home burns down via flamethrower/shooter, if you get caught in the crossfire well then ~ faceoff… ❗

Flame war. You in, NRA?
“Handheld flamethrowers — yes, the weapons of war capable of spraying streams of fire 25 feet long for more than 30 seconds — are commercially available in the United States for the first time, for the low, low price of $900 (no background check required).

Sane public officials — concerned about, oh, maybe, arson attacks on gas stations? — want to ban or at least make it very hard for people to get hold of the devices, as California and Maryland have already done.

Which leads to the obvious question: Where are the NRA Second Amendment absolutists?

America’s gun lobby stands mindlessly with those who make and market military-style assault weapons, high-capacity magazines and other efficient killing machines, and against attempts to require background checks for all gun purchases…

…Which is why, in the name of consistency, the NRA and its legislator lemmings must rush to the defense of America’s poor, besieged flamethrower manufacturers. Fire away.”

8 years ago

“Wishing death on other innocent person(s). Classic EGGHEAD”

I wish death on all those who strive to push needless controls upon me which they avoid for themselves.

If there was a more humane solution, such as them just going away, that would be fine, too… but these type of people don’t just go away… as they are never happy until they have complete control over everyone… with extra satisfaction if the controls they push for actually increase their lifestyle.

Therefore, death is really a better solution to wish for.

Tbone, how do you feel when someone pushes you down to build themselves up? Do you lick their boots?

8 years ago

I’m thinking a switch from paint chips to bacon bits on someone’s salad when they were younger might have saved us all a lot of trouble…

8 years ago
8 years ago

“And this comes out:

I suspect people in the know had no doubt this was no lone wolf. When it comes to stuff like this what makes the news is rarely the real news, it’s what (powers that be) want the masses to believe.

8 years ago

Your GOP Kid Shot Dead it is, what do you do ❓ Well you better just sit down and shut up says the NRA ❗

NRA Host Warns Parents Of Slain Virginia Journalists To Not ‘Become So Emotional’
Colion Noir is the NRA’s effort to get a younger demographic. For example, if you’re old enough to have kids. you’re too old to agree with his point that parents shouldn’t be so emotional when their kids are shot to death.
“And to the parents of Alison Parker and Adam Ward, I have no right to tell any parent how to grieve for the loss of their child,” Noir says, “Grief-inspired advocacy can be extremely effective and powerful and I say run full speed to find a way to end violence like this.”
“However, sometimes in a fight we can become so emotional everyone and thing starts looking like the enemy, even if they’re there to help us. I’m deeply sorry for your loss,” he adds.
At one point, Noir says, “Turning this murder into a gun control dog-and-pony show minutes after the shooting because you can’t make sense of what just happened is ridiculous.”
Nor also pointed to Hillary Clinton and President Obama, saying, “and the rest of the gun control Wu-Tang Clan are so full of it” because “they try to take advantage of people’s ignorance about guns and their emotional response to horrible events to win votes and push an agenda that fosters an unhealthy dependence on the government…”

Is Mr. Noir a heartless blob of unconscionable goo ❓

8 years ago

A gun can’t kill a reporter…

…but a black homosexual can…

…so controls must be put in place on blacks, homosexuals, and black homosexuals… and especially black homosexual former reporters which is the most dangerous of them all.

A good proposal is that all blacks must be registered (assisting in voter ID laws, as well) and there needs to be a waiting period (a.k.a. “cooling off period”) before engaging in any homosexual acts. Former reporters must be kept separately from video cameras and items such as high capacity batteries and large capacity recording media should be banned.

It is time to get serious in stamping out this epidemic of gay black former reporter violence.

8 years ago


Don’t tell those fanatics over that rock in the Sea of Japan, but the U.S. President just changed the name of an entire mountain by executive order and the National Parks Service is already printing new maps. 😮

8 years ago

Has anyone here watched Colion Noir’s videos?

He’s got some really good ones.

8 years ago

From that famously Right-Wing organization:

Why do Democrats hate other people so much?

8 years ago

TSA agent fired for molesting Korean college student in bathroom at LaGuardia Airport

8 years ago

TSA is really a government job creation program for the stupidest people on the planet.

8 years ago

Fox Butterfield in the 1990s:

NY Times Currently:

1. Name the political party running Baltimore, New Orleans, Washington DC and St. Louis.
2. Why are all these things happening “unexpectedly” during the second term of “the smartest man to ever hold the office”?
3. How long until President Obama gets back from renaming mountains named after assassinated U.S. Presidents will it take to mobilize his phone and pen to write up another Executive Order making crime illegal? Oh. Wait. Nevermind.

MTB Rider
8 years ago

Better grab your copy of Maxim Korea before they are all sold out, or recalled:

While Maxim here in the U.S. has done well to rejuvenate its image, Maxim Korea is headed 100 mph in the wrong direction with this disturbing cover. The cover depicts a man casually enjoying a cigarette while a woman’s dead body is stuffed in the trunk of his car. The image is for Maxim Korea’s September issue, which has a “bad guy” theme, and features an actor notorious for playing villains, Kim Byung-ok. Next to Byung-ok is the copy, “So girls like ‘bad guys’? This is what a bad guy looks like. Dying for him, right?”

Hmm… Are sales lagging? Trying to brush up some business with a “controversial” cover? Is this in the news in Korea, or just a puff-piece by some SJW at Complex?

8 years ago

Victory is when they sign the contract you wrote…

MTB Rider
8 years ago

I wonder how long it will take until we see drone vs. drone air to air combat:

SEOUL, Sept. 2 (UPI) — South Korea said North Korean drones trespassed into the South’s side of the demilitarized zone several times during the high-level talks in August – but Seoul’s military was unable to shoot them down even after they entered South Korean airspace.

The drones flew across the midpoint Military Demarcation Line inside the DMZ from Aug. 22 to 24, and even flew over General Outposts, where the military keeps a close watch over the border, Yonhap reported Wednesday.

The DPRK flew one (or more) of their hobby shop UAVs over the DMZ during the recent negociations, and the South launched attack helecopters and fighter aircraft to possibly shoot it down.

Really? A multi-million dollar fighter jet to take down a photo recon drone? I have a feeling that in the future, there will be swarms of anti-drone drones stationed in the DMZ area, to create a defense in depth buffer zone.

8 years ago

If the VC and NVA were able to down choppers and low-flying aircraft with essentially medieval spear and stone throwing gear, it would amuse me to watch the DPRK reaction to ROK anti-drone spears and slingshots… Much better if in fact the weapons were designed to be ineffective against actual aircraft and mass-produced and deployed

Lawfare: The Treason of the Professors (

8 years ago

I’m sure my oldest son could take out a drone with his slingshot. He’s a little deadeye, and that thing packs a wallop. He took out a portion of our wrought iron gate before. We’re ready for the zombie drone hordes!

8 years ago

Issue sacks of 1/4″ steel pellets and “wrist rockets” to each guard post. sign in/out like with other weapons. used to knock the propellers off drones, punch holes in the fuselage, etc. Use requires report so they can’t just use it to kill rabbits or ducks.

MTB Rider
8 years ago

Looks like the guy who attack Ambassador Mark Lippert might be doing some serious time:

15 years. I don’t recall many criminals getting that much time, but I didn’t see that many criminals in the news in Korea that weren’t drunk soldiers, or drunk and drugged “Englishee” teachers.

For longer term residents, and Korean speakers who watch the news, is this a common sentence for a knife attack, or is Kim, Ki-Jong getting Bonus Time based on who he attacked?

8 years ago

Those of you who talk of shooting down drones with slingshots have never shot at drones with real guns.

Protip: good luck with either

8 years ago

I don’t think they could hit a “real” drome with a slongshot’ but the Norks are flying stuff from Walmart… 😀

8 years ago

Arg. Slingshot. Drone. Never try and type while making coffee… 😳

8 years ago

That’s the point… little fixed-wing drone are really, really, really difficult to hit.

(The robust flying rather than the slow fragile hovering type)

…and when you hit them, they don’t crash unless the motor or elecronics are hit.

Whatever the case, don’t be coming near my drone with your schlongshot. Im not really into that…

…unless you are a 6 foot German woman in a latex catsuit.

8 years ago

Two people were flying drones over our home recently.
Apparently it was a really expensive one with a “30 pound payload” according to the retired policeman who came to our home to warn us about some middle eastern looking guys flying a drone over our home.
Weird stuff.
But, as I mentioned we are prepared (slingshots, and other stuff).

8 years ago

Flying a drone, should’ve said. There was only one.
The cop chatted them up and they bragged about the “payload” and so forth. It’s unusual here. We live on an Island, very small community and everyone knows each other.

Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

drone freedoms restraint
hovering over my head
shotgun defiance

8 years ago

By golly, your haiku spoke to me Leon.
We need a shotgun.
Like birds in the sky
My family will shoot down
Don’t mess with my sons

8 years ago


shoot drone out of sky
civil and criminal case
will be lost by you

8 years ago

The Iranians captured one of our most advanced UAV’s apparently by just jamming its control signals.

If the South starts dropping the North’s drones after they cross the demarkation line and display the collection on spikes for the North to see, the North would probably reconsider.

8 years ago

In Kentucky, a clerk was jailed because she refused, allegedly on religious/moral grounds, to obey the law. She, a Democrat, refused to issue wedding licenses to certain couples.

What penalty should the President, Hillary, and other Democrats face for refusing to obey judges on immigration, secret documents, and payment of taxes?

Why are there two laws in the US, even for Democrats? Who is supposed to obey or be sent to prison–and who can safely ignore the law with no consequences?

8 years ago


Windows crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.

comment image

8 years ago

“shoot drone out of sky
civil and criminal case
will be lost by you”

What about privacy rights protection? Seems to me whether they are legitimate targets or not, the subject of mechanized intrusion (i.e. drones) is an interesting one. If surveillance cannot be accomplished by a person on the ground from property where the surveillor (whether government or private) has a right to be why should they be entitled to hover over the air in that spot?
Reasonable expectation of privacy applies. If one is hovering over an area open enough to the public where privacy would not be expected, it’s one thing. Some drone hovering and taking video footage of a guy’s teenaged daughter sunning herself on a private roof it another. Can the government get a search warrant if they had footage of her smoking a joint in an area that one would assume a reasonable expectation of privacy?

8 years ago

I think the FAA is a big hurdle for drone delivery services. The biggest one.
I have no doubt it will happen, but air traffick issues are a real potential concern.
I have friends (drone operators) who have started their own business, own the drones, and have lots of business contacts just waiting…and the above is what they have told me.

8 years ago

And the debate drones on and on… 😉

Is coffee mix good?
Taster’s Choice packs are OK.
So… Are you buying?

Zombie Haiku:

Brains… Brains… Brains… Brains… Brains…
Brains… Brains… Brains… Brains… Brains… Brains… Brains…
Brains… Brains… Brains… Brains… Brains…

Pizza Haiku:

I like Dominos.
Yes I agree they are bad.
But they deliver.

Hmmm… this could be bad…
My prose is not better… BUT!
I still hate haiku.

8 years ago

I don’t advocate shooting at something without a backstop, unless it’s necessary to save a life.

Most of the types of drones we have been addressing are (at present) annoying but not lethal. Lethal drones sent across a border are a clear Act of War, just like warplanes, warships, armored vehicles, or commandos.

I suppose a high-powered laser might be a better tool. Even if it didn’t disable the drone, it might disable any optical devices (cameras, etc.). Not sure portable “death Rays” are available yet. And thpse described in Popular Science aren’t on my budget.

8 years ago

Kim Davis will NOT be getting rich since GoFundMe changed its policy 😛
This woman is liar and a hater ❗
“High profile homophobic bigots like Kim Davis who are portrayed as martyrs on GOP Right Wing hate talk radio and on hate tolerant websites like Breitbart can no longer enrich themselves using GoFundMe accounts due to a recent policy change.

Sorry Kim Davis, GoFundMe’s New Policy Prevents Conservatives From Raising Money For You

As we’ve seen a dizzying amount of times, conservatives have used the popular fundraising site GoFundMe to enrich and support people who they believe are on their side of the “culture war” – including officers who have killed unarmed black teenagers, Tea Partiers who got sick after refusing to sign up for Obamacare, and an endless number of bakeries run by Christians who want to discriminate against gay people. Watching these bakers and cops make fortunes (literally) just by “standing up” for conservative values has had the effect that anyone with a conservative point of view and a desire to be flooded with money can milk the conservative GoFundMe cash cow.”

8 years ago

Young black man jailed since April for alleged $5 theft found dead in cell
Jamycheal Mitchell, 24, had been held in Virginia jail without bail for nearly four months, accused of stealing a Mountain Dew, Snickers bar and a Zebra Cake
BUT HE WAS INNOCENT ❗ Show me a young white man jailed for four months on an alleged 5 dollar theft ❓

8 years ago

If you take a deeper look into Jamycheal Mitchell, you will find the real story.

He was a career petty thief… going to jail every now and then for exactly the same thing… chronically ripping off the productive class for instant gratification… and that is only for the times he got caught or the victim was willing to press charges.

He was in jail awaiting transfer to a mental health facility, where he had spent time before.

He stopped eating and taking care of himself… so the reality is he committed suicide… which is why it is being treated that way.

He was simply another professional parasite and he killed himself for not getting his way.

Black, white, or anything in between, good fukking riddance.

8 years ago

So is tbone against elected Democrats? Kim Davies is one. Or does he just go after the white wimmin?

Just more libtard on libtard violence. Nothing to see. Move On.

8 years ago

BTW, constant quotes from dailykos and the guardian mark paintchip as a possible contender for the next $5 cell…

Mentally weak and obsessed with other folks’ stuff..

Best to get out and get a job. I hear they need computer repair in Madison, WI…

8 years ago

In fact, is a healthy site for underemployed folks looking to better their situation.

Less fluff than LinkedIn and less politics, too.

Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

I think DAC wouls approve of me altering this little ditty ever so slightly…

Hey, F@!ck Kim Davis
Who the Hell is she
Telling all them faggots
That they can’t be free
Throw that bitch in prison
Then maybe she’ll see
Just how much them goddamned homosexuals mean to me
Because they…
Wash your clothes
Clean your cell
Help you drain your hose
Give you smokes
Laugh at jokes
Sew up all your clothes
Rub your feet
Beat your meat
Heaven only knows
What I’d do without those homosexuals
They all
Read and Write
F@!ck all night
Clean your fingernails
Help you dress
Play you chess
Lay you down some rails
Be your wife
Take your life
In a jealous rage
Who says we don’t need them homosexuals
I tell you
Some are big
Some are small
Some are in-between
Some are yellow belly queers
And some of them are mean
Some are killers
Some are thiefs
Some are singers too
In fact Kim Davis
Some act just like you
So, f@!ck Kim Davis
Who the Hell is she
Telling all them faggots
That they can’t be free
Throw that bitch in prison
Then maybe she’ll see
Just how much them goddamned homosexuals mean to me
Because they…
Wash your clothes
Clean your cell
Help you drain your hose
Give you smokes
Laugh at jokes
Sew up all your clothes
Rub your feet
Beat your meat
Heaven only knows
What I’d do without those homosexuals
They all
Read and Write
F@!ck all night
Clean your fingernails
Help you dress
Play you chess
Lay you down some rails
Be your wife
Take your life
In a jealous rage
Who says we don’t need them homosexuals
I tell you
Some are big
Some are small
Some are in-between
Some are yellow belly queers
And some of them are mean
Some are killers
Some are thiefs
Some are singers too
In fact Kim Davis
Some act just like you

8 years ago

Kim Davis is a woman of principles.

She stands with God against those who would destroy the sanctity of marriage.

All you haters who support the perversion of flighty gay marriage over the solid bond that only a man and a woman can share, should look to the leadership of Kim Davis and support the lifelong commitment that only true marriage can offer.

My argument might be a bit stronger if Kim Davis hadn’t been married 4 times… including, for the win, divorcing her first husband because she got pregnant through adultry with the guy who would later become her third husband after having twins out of wedlock and then marrying her second husband.

She might only have a doublewide and a stack of divorce paperwork to her name, but at least she has Jesus to guide her.

8 years ago

Yep, Kim Davis is a hypocrite.
That’s like a person who has had 4 abortions taking a job at a public health clinic and refusing to prescribe oral contraceptives as soon as she’s too long in the tooth to get pregnant.

8 years ago

She kind of reminds me of Cindy Sheehan.
If I were the gay lobby, I would pick exactly this sort of person to “make a stand”.
Maybe we’re being played.

8 years ago

Davies is a Democrat sacrificing herself for the time, just like Zimmerman shooting Obama’s imaginary son.

8 years ago

Kim Davis is an illegal citizen right Gi Korea? She’s also a dumb hating racist & homophobic who can’t find anyone to support her but GOPer’s and GOP presidential WACKO candidates i.e. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Mike Huckabee 😳

8 years ago

Police LIE of course DUH ❗ ❗ ❗ Officer shot his own patrol car, Massachusetts police say

I’ll report on other BAD COPS being BAD LIARS soon…
(CNN)A part-time Massachusetts police officer lied when he said somebody shot at his patrol car, causing it to crash and catch fire, a police sergeant said Thursday.
“We have determined that the officer’s story was fabricated,” said Mills, Massachusetts, police Sgt. William Dwyer. “Specifically that he fired shots at his own cruiser as part of a plan to concoct a story that he was fired upon.”
The officer in question is 24-year-old Bryan Johnson. He is facing charges of misleading a criminal investigation, communicating false information to emergency services, malicious destruction of property over $250 and unlawful discharge of a firearm, according to Mills police.”

8 years ago

One of the differences between communist and free countries is the amount of coverage of police or government wrongdoing. I wouldn’t expect Paintchip to understand; but the original tbone would have…

8 years ago

Read this Book written by Premilla Nadasen
Bookworm: ‘Household Workers Unite’ powerful and inspiring but the voices and their memories are what matters. ~ The untold story of African American Women who built a movement
“Edith Barksdale Sloan pushed the movement along when she became head of the National Committee on Household Employment. Other influential women bore their share of the movement, just as today’s activists help protect the workplace rights of caregivers, personal helpers, and domestic workers of all races.
Imagine seeing a federally funded monument to the “black mammy,” standing in our nation’s capital. Yep, in 1924, the United Daughters of the Confederacy tried to build exactly that, and it was “furiously opposed.”

That’s just one of the stories you’ll read inside “Household Workers Unite.”

This isn’t your curl-up-in-front-of-a-fireplace kind of read but it is a pleasure, especially if you’re a historian, feminist, or domestic worker yourself. “Household Workers Unite” will make you think as it eats up every speck of your time.”

And here a new favorite song of mine…
Jamie Kilstein and singer Tessa Claire Hersh perform “Sad White Boy Blues” from Kilstein’s upcoming studio album.

8 years ago

setnaffa links to a boring hollywoodreporter article(no video), so here is something more interesting…I didn’t know Norm was a GOPer, but that explains a lot.

Don’t joke about the bible says Norm in a blah blah blah explanation, Roseanne Barr reacts…Norm sounds like EGGHEAD in the video below ~
Is Norm Macdonald best thing to happen recently to reality TV? The Last Comic Standing’s judging roster — joining a returning Roseanne Barr and Keenen Ivory Wayans — You’re never quite sure what Macdonald is going to say about a performance, but you can’t say anything about the bible.

8 years ago

Colin Powell chooses peace over war this time(video) ~
“It’s a pretty good deal,” he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Critics concerned that the deal will expedite Iran’s pursuit of a nuclear weapon, Powell added, are “forgetting the reality that [Iranian leaders] have been on a superhighway, for the last 10 years, to create a nuclear weapon or a nuclear weapons program, with no speed limit.”

He said the reduction in centrifuges, Iran’s uranium stockpile and their agreement to shut down their plutonium reactor were all “remarkable.”

“These are remarkable changes, and so we have stopped this highway race that they were going down — and I think that’s very, very important,” Powell said. “

8 years ago

Black Couple Sues White Neighbor After Years Of Racial Abuse, sounds like the white boy and the city will have to pay the black couple. 😎
The couple says they were targeted for years by their neighbor in Gainesville, GA.

A black couple who moved with their kids to a house in Gainesville, Georgia, is filing a lawsuit under fair housing law against the white neighbor who targeted them for years with racist abuse — and the city that employed him for not doing anything to stop it. Gregory and Sophia Bonds say the abuse by Roy Turner Jr. began the day they moved in and sometimes occurred when he was working as a city garbage collector. Once he pointed a gun at Gregory Bonds, leading to a police standoff. Turner admitted calling them a slur to an AP reporter. “I said ‘porch monkey,’” he said, laughing. “That’s just a joking-around term.”

8 years ago

I think I might like the new neurosurgeon Republican candidate.
Does anyone know anything about him?

8 years ago

Did tbone just out himself as a domestic worker? Is that how he was forced to eat paintchips? Will he ever be free of the stigma?

8 years ago

Q: How many dead hookers does it take to change a light bulb?

A: It must be more than 5 because my basement is still dark.

8 years ago

CH, you often provide information that is, shall we say, both suspect and in greater quantities than desired. Have you not learned that you cannot shoot first and ask questions later? 😯

8 years ago

“Have you not learned that you cannot shoot first and ask questions later?”

If you feel under some obligation to ask questions, you didn’t do enough shooting.

8 years ago

Rumps Believers are Morons and Rump Himself Thinks so. You Suckers ❗
“Donald Trump is a leading presidential candidate. How is this possible? Only through the sort of extreme gullibility usually seen only in casinos or fundamentalist religious revival halls. There is no other way. Donald Trump is not a politician. Donald Trump is not a thinker. Donald Trump is not a theorist, or a moral leader, or a man who possesses philosophical convictions other than egoism. Donald Trump is a cartoon clown whose immutable role is “Grossly Exaggerated Rich Guy Stereotype” in the drama of American pop culture. And now, thanks to a high polling number, we are all forced to listen to the media discuss his “policies,” as if he has any. One might as well put a pig in front of a microphone and thoughtfully transcribe his oinks as you interview him about supply-side economics.

“I love the Bible,” says Donald Trump. “Nothing beats the Bible.” Can you conceive of a more blatant piece of hucksterism? Every single syllable drips with the utmost condescension for the intelligence of its listeners. Donald Trump, a born-rich real estate developer with gold faucets in his penthouse, standing on stage in Iowa or Alabama or Michigan, telling you that he loves the Bible. At least corrupt televangelists have the decency to memorize a few Bible passages to bolster their scam. Trump’s crude version of Bible-thumping consists of nothing more than uttering the word “Bible” and watching you, the credulous salt-of-the-earth Christians, clap until your palms are red. It disgusts me to even have to go through the charade of pretending to contemplate whether or not Donald Trump is truly a Good Spiritual Christian. It is time wasted engaging seriously with sheer idiocy. Donald Trump hops from his garish branded helicopter and immediately tells you, the crowd of agog yokels, that he loves nothing more than the Bible, the book of love and humility, and you all accept this at face value, because you too love the Bible, and you think helicopters are really cool. Donald Trump is a third rate carrot peeler salesman at the county fair, and you are the knot of bored marks entranced by his patter, rushing to shell out your dollars for his bauble.”

8 years ago

Freddie Grays Family Gets $6.4 million in settlement and the police union ain’t happy 😆 Now the criminal trial for 6 cops that murdered him will begin. Freddie Gray was worth more than 6.4 million dollars. 🙁
“Former Mayor Kurt L. Schmoke said the settlement — expected to be approved Wednesday by the city’s spending panel — was a “very positive development for the city.”
“The mayor and her staff are trying to do all they can to heal the wounds in the community, and this is a step in the right direction,” said Schmoke, president of the University of Baltimore. “This settlement will give some people in the community at least some sense of justice.”

Under the proposed settlement, the city is accepting all civil liability in the April arrest and death of the 25-year-old Gray, who suffered a spinal injury while in police custody. The city does not acknowledge any wrongdoing by police, according to a statement from Rawlings-Blake.

“The proposed settlement agreement going before the Board of Estimates should not be interpreted as a judgment on the guilt or innocence of the officers facing trial,” her statement said. “This settlement is being proposed solely because it is in the best interest of the city, and avoids costly and protracted litigation that would only make it more difficult for our city to heal and potentially cost taxpayers many millions more in damages.”

8 years ago

CH, I’m sort of a “Strategic Thinker” along the lines of Curtis LeMay. Must be the time I spent in the Air Force (back when Jimmah was CinC).

1. “We should always avoid armed conflict. But if you get in it, get in with both feet and get out as soon as possible.”
2. “War is never cost-effective. People are killed. To them, the war is total.”
3. “Successful offense brings victory. Successful defense can now only lessen defeat.”
4. “We can haul anything.”
5. “If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting.”
6. “To err is human, to forgive is not SAC policy”
7. “The price of failure might be paid with national survival.”

My best friend had tee-shirts made up for his crew that said “Nuke ’em ’til they glow… Hunt ’em at night…”

8 years ago

Peter Hitchens is very eloquent:

Every one of the posturing notables simpering ‘refugees welcome’ should be asked if he or she will take a refugee family into his or her home for an indefinite period, and pay for their food, medical treatment and education.

If so, they mean it. If not, they are merely demanding that others pay and make room so that they can experience a self-righteous glow. No doubt the same people are also sentimental enthusiasts for the ‘living wage’, and ‘social housing’, when in fact open borders are steadily pushing wages down and housing costs up.

MTB Rider
8 years ago

I guess you can’t buy North Korean beer any more:

WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 (UPI) — The Justice Department has suspended a Korean American importer of North Korean beer – and has banned him from working as a foreign agent representing Pyongyang.

Steve Park, also known as Park Il-woo, is a veteran businessman and president of Korea Pyongyang Trading U.S.A. Radio Free Asia reported in 2011 Park received permission from the U.S. government to import North Korea’s Taedonggang Beer, but Park’s failure to file tax returns starting in 2008 was one of the reasons his agent status was recently terminated.

So, if you’re willing to file the paperwork, AND your taxes, you can take over one of the rarest beer imports there is.

Has anyone ever tried this? I don’t remember it being for sale at the DMZ when I did the tour. They had a very few NorK items for sale, but they did sell NK won and a few handicrafts, I think.

8 years ago

@48 Dupe setnaffa says…”BTW, constant quotes from dailykos”

setnaffa dupe is a liar like all GOPers, how can “constant” be true when I’ve rarely linked to dailykos? setnaffa is an EGGHEAD just like EGGHEAD no.1

I guess EGGHEAD setnaffa better not ever link to the following websites since they all reported the same story…

No, Kim Davis, You Can’t Beg for Money on GoFundMe dot com /no-kim-davis-cant-beg-041235821.html

Kim Davis barred from raising money by GoFundMe : news
https://www.reddit dot com

Unlike Memories Pizza, Kim Davis May Not Be Eligible for …
http://www.mediaite dot com

Jailed Bigot Clerk Kim Davis Banned from Raising Money … dot com /watch?v=8LyzA26vCH0

No GoFundMe For Kim Davis: Crowdfunding Puts the Brakes On the Disturbing Bigots-Get-Rich-Quick Trend
http://www.alternet dot com

No GoFundMe for Kim Davis: Crowdfunding puts the brakes … dot com

No GoFundMe for Kim Davis: Crowdfunding puts the brakes …
http://www.discussionist dot com

No GoFundMe for Kim Davis: Crowdfunding puts the brakes …
snapzu dot com

etc…etc…etc… ❗ ❗ ❗

8 years ago

Obama Punk-Slaps the Entire GOP Field!
Folks, I thought First-Term-Obama was special–but this Second-Term-Prez is truly special. Today, at a labor day speech in Boston, he punched republicans in their political faces eight times:
1. They are trying to “re-brand themselves as the party of the middle class” while opposing efforts to raise the minimum wage and bragging about busting unions.

2. “You can’t say you care about working people and then do things that hurt working people.” Obama said in a Labor Day speech to the Greater Boston Labor Council.

3. Obama signed an executive order requiring federal contractors to offer employees up to seven paid sick days a year.

4. He said: “I say to Congress: find a way to make paid family and medical leave a reality for all Americans,” the president said. “It will be good for business, not bad for business.”

5. “Republicans know that with a quality education, a good job and the freedom to make their own economic choices, there is nothing an American can’t accomplish.”

6. Without naming names he said: “one Republican was “bragging about how he busted unions in his state.” The president was clearly referring to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who became nationally known for restricting the collective bargaining power of state employee unions as part of his efforts to cut the state budget.”

7. He also slammed Christie for saying: “a union deserves a punch in the face.” New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said last month that the American Federation of Teachers deserved a punch in the face for endorsing Clinton.”

8. “Quoting Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy, Obama said, “What is it about working men and women that they find so offensive?”

This is who we are!

This is what we stand for!

The only way we can win is to be aggressive. We can’t “policy-wonkify” our way through this process, we have to speak with one singular voice as Obama did and punch them in their political faces.

Tell them to their faces to quit lying about supporting the middle-class and back it up with facts. I’ve learned all of their code words now:

1. “small businesses” really mean large corporation
2. “simpler tax” means more tax cuts for the wealthy
3. “secure medicare” means destroy it
4. “repair and replace obamacare” means destroy it
5. “secure the borders first” means treat Hispanics as second-classed citizens
6. “all lives matter” means we need to shut-up and take our murders like men
7. “horrified by planned parenthood” means I really need evangelicals in my camp
8. “take America back” means get them AAs out of our White House!
9. “the economy is in turmoil” means obama saved America from a great depression
10.” I won’t lead from behind” means I’m starting wars with Iran, Syria and maybe Russia too.

That my friends is their story and we need to make them choke on their own words.

8 years ago

Right Wing GOP War Hawks in the Senate are planning to vote on a resolution of disapproval on President Obama’s HISTORIC diplomatic agreement with Iran on Friday, September 11. They are shamelessly using the deaths on that tragic day(9/11) to try and instigate another war of choice.

The good news is that our President Barack Obama has 42 Democratic and Independent senators who support hid diplomatic agreement and are willing to give peace a chance(GOP HATES PEACE like servicethemselfmembers ~ tools of WARHAWKS and…The military–industrial complex/Congressional complex, comprises the policy and monetary relationships which exist between legislators, national armed forces, and the arms industry that supports them.

Our President Barack Obama can secure his deal and prevent another war on FRIDAY if all 42 of these senators stand firm and filibuster the resolution of disapproval. 😎

8 years ago

Medals of Honor awarded since the decorations’s creation in 1861…equates to 3,471 to the nation’s servicethemselfmembers/sailors/airmen/marines/and coast guardsmen

The President of the United States, in the name of the United States Congress, has awarded 3,471 Medals of Honor to the nation’s soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and coast guardsmen since the decoration’s creation in 1861.

Question ❓ How many of those 3,471 awards went to women ❓

8 years ago

“Question? How many of those 3,471 awards went to women?”

The REAL question is, “How many of those 3,471 awards went to people of Sentinelese descent?”

The United States military has a real problem with Sentinelese being underrepresented in many aspects of military participation, from leadership in combat units to awards of valor. In 2013, not a single person of Sentinelese descent was promoted. Further, while records appear to be intentionally not kept, it appears nobody of Sentinelese descent was admitted to West Point since, at least, 2010.

It is time Congress step up and address this tragic discrimination against the Sentinelese and perhaps establish a quota system or reduced standards to allow them to be more fairly represented.

8 years ago

Not a single award for brain surgery was given to a woman prior to 1950 even though not a single patient died on any female brain surgeon’s table. A 100 percent success rate!

8 years ago

Thought I’d link to this post on a blog here:

The man was abandoned at age 2 in Pusan, with his sister who was about three years older. He has been looking for her for a long long time.
“My name is Jason Chandler Cushman and I was born in Pusan, South Korea in 1981. I have a sister who is a few years older me. I believe she is probably 37 now and her name is “probably” Ahn Jong He. Our mother left us on a street when we were young. I was 2 years old and my sister was 5 or 6 I believe. We were taken to an orphanage and my mother later returned for only my sister. That was the last time I saw her. I found this out when I returned to Korea in 2000 during a Holt International Motherland tour. I was 18 years old at the time. (snip)

Sister – if you find this post and feel the urge to reach out to me I will be waiting. As I have been waiting since 1983.

-Opinionated Man
Jason Chandler Cushman

Ahn Soo Jin

8 years ago

Oh crap, too many links….
Trying again…
Thought I’d link to this post on a blog here:

The man was abandoned at age 2 in Pusan, with his sister who was about three years older. He has been looking for her for a long long time.
“My name is Jason Chandler Cushman and I was born in Pusan, South Korea in 1981. I have a sister who is a few years older me. I believe she is probably 37 now and her name is “probably” Ahn Jong He. Our mother left us on a street when we were young. I was 2 years old and my sister was 5 or 6 I believe. We were taken to an orphanage and my mother later returned for only my sister. That was the last time I saw her. I found this out when I returned to Korea in 2000 during a Holt International Motherland tour. I was 18 years old at the time. (snip)

Sister – if you find this post and feel the urge to reach out to me I will be waiting. As I have been waiting since 1983.

-Opinionated Man
Jason Chandler Cushman

Ahn Soo Jin

8 years ago

I’d be a lot more interested in Paintchip’s view of US Military Awards for Valor if he had a DD-214 of his own. Or if he could refer to a member of his immediate family that served honorably in the US Military. Otherwise, it just sounds like a badly-transcribed bowel movement…


8 years ago

Random Thought:

Yahoo wants to spin off its stake in Alibaba. Of course, it wishes to do this with the least tax liability possible. The IRS refuses to give any guidance… preferring to keep their random method of interpreting tax rules a secret until after the fact.

This is what America has become… a nation of flexible rules rather than a nation of clear laws… wielded selectively by a vindictive government and wrapped in secrecy until used to punish those not on the favored list.

The government is no longer working for the people… and generally not for America… and sometimes not even for big business… and frequently against its own long-term best interest.

8 years ago

CH for President!

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