ROK Drop Open Thread – August 2, 2015

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8 years ago

Iran Hearings Show Republicans Not Fit to Lead
GOP can no longer be trusted with the presidency.
Over the past several days, congressional hearings on the deal have become a spectacle of dishonesty, incomprehension, and inability to cope with the challenges of a multilateral world.
But the more I watched, the more I saw that the danger in the room wasn’t coming from the deal or its administration proponents. It was coming from the interrogators. In challenging Kerry and Moniz, Republican senators and representatives offered no serious alternative. They misrepresented testimony, dismissed contrary evidence, and substituted vitriol for analysis. They seemed baffled by the idea of having to work and negotiate with other countries. I came away from the hearings dismayed by what the GOP has become in the Obama era. It seems utterly unprepared to govern.
If you didn’t have time to watch the 11 hours of hearings conducted on July 23, July 28, and July 29, consider yourself lucky. Here are the lowlights of what you missed.
1. North Korea. In all three hearings, Kerry explained how the inspection and verification measures in the Iran deal are designed to rectify flaws that led to the failure of the North Korean nuclear agreement. He spent much of his opening statement outlining these differences. This made no impression. When the Senate held its next hearing a week later, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the presiding Republican, dismissed the Iran agreement with a quip: “How did that North Korean deal work out for you?”
2 Israel
3 The IAEA’s “secret deal.”
4 EMP’s
5 Sanctions
6 Pariah
7 Bad Guys
8 Indifference
9 Winning
10 Patriotism

8 years ago

“inability to cope with the challenges of a multilateral world”

The world only becomes multilateral if we let it. Obama, the pseudo-American who is proudly disrespectful during the national anthem and does not believe in American Exceptionalism, is more than happy to give up American power and dominance through assistance to our enemies, betrayal of our traditional allies, goals that do not help America, and ignoring issues that should be addressed.

“They seemed baffled by the idea of having to work and negotiate with other countries.”

Because it is baffling to think countries based on religious fanaticism with stated intentions of harming other countries with weapons of mass destruction can conduct meaningful negotiations.

…though it is probably true, “GOP can no longer be trusted with the presidency”… but only slightly less than the Democrats.

8 years ago

RedState Takes The Kobayashi Maru Out For A Spin
Star Trek clip below…
[Erick Erickson, the captian of the RedState blog has decided to lead his forced-birthers into battle over the lack of willpower to defund Planned Parenthood over the dirty tricks that Y’all Qaeda has long planned:
If Republicans are not willing to make this their hill to die on and even see the government shutdown to stop this, the Republican Party needs to be shut down.”
Please shut it down, Ewick. I’ll be your best pal if you do in the lead-up to the 2016 Goat Rodeo…
UPDATE 1: In a second post (just in case the first one was not clear enough), Dorquemado goes further:
“Republicans in the Congress are beginning to use the word “try.” They will try to defund Planned Parenthood. But the President has a veto and they do not have the votes to override the veto.
“Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) 47% has moved from try to “can’t.” He says Republicans cannot defund Planned Parenthood because of the President’s veto.
“This is really, really simple.”]

8 years ago

2016 Goat Rodeo Rankings ~
SOLIDLY IN: Trump, Bush, Walker, Huckabee, Rand, Rubio, Carson, Cruz … BUBBLE (in for now): Christie, Perry …

BUBBLE (out for now): Santorum, Kasich … CURRENTLY OUT: Jindal, Fiorina, Graham, Pataki, Gilmore.

8 years ago

Will the Republicans living rent-free in tbone’s head please leave him alone next weekend? He needs his beauty sleep.

8 years ago

He must have gotten a particularly strong batch of barnacle remover in his syringe.

8 years ago

Restrict Carbon amounts to reduce climate change ~ what a great idea by our President Obama so why isn’t the GOP behind it?
[On Monday, the Obama administration is going to release the final version of its EPA rule (first announced in draft form last summer) limiting greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. They’re kicking things off this weekend with a social media campaign taking advantage of Twitter’s new native video functions to preview the plan and frame it.
“Climate change is not a problem for another generation — not any more,” Obama says in a video that contends climate change isn’t a hypothetical problem for the future but an urgent crisis that needs to be addressed right now. He refers to “disasters that are becoming more frequent, more expensive, and more dangerous” due to climate change and says definitively “this isn’t opinion, it’s fact.”]

8 years ago

Darren Wilson the unarmed black man murderer speaks with racial undertones to New Yorker/Halpern…What I learned is white mothers are always respected by their children meaning that white children always listen to their mothers and never cause trouble, thank you for that Darren Wilson you black man murdering racist ❗
[Wilson repeatedly insists to Halpern that race wasn’t a part of how he did his job—“Everyone is so quick to jump on race. It’s not a race issue.”—but, in the most telling part of the profile, he goes on to describe a blind, black, single mother who was powerless to stop her kids from causing trouble and allegedly committing crimes, no matter how many times Wilson tried to catch them carrying weapons.
“They ran all over the mom. They didn’t respect her, so why would they respect me?” He added, “They’re so wrapped up in a different culture than—what I’m trying to say is, the right culture, the better one to pick from.”

Wilson noted that another inconvenience he’s suffered as a result of his killing of Michael Brown—other than occasionally being forced to think about Michael Brown, as a person—is that he has to be pickier about where he eats out.
“We try to go somewhere—how do I say this correctly?—with like-minded individuals,” he told Halpern. “You know. Where it’s not a mixing pot.”]

8 years ago

What you left out was that Wilson’s mother was a worse criminal than Brown’s mother ever was or even Brown himself so where does he get off talking about(and coming to conclusions about a culture) one particular blind black mother? Wilson entered racist police offices where talking about race wasn’t accepted by his fellow white cops and they didn’t believe in getting to know the people they were suppose to “serve” as Wilson’s training officer(Mike McCarthy) did, perhaps that’s because his McCarthy was gay and respected by the mostly black people he “served.”

[In 2009, Wilson got a job in Jennings, a town on Ferguson’s southeastern border, where ninety per cent of the residents are black and a quarter of the population lives below the poverty line. “I’d never been in an area where there was that much poverty,” Wilson said. Interacting with residents, he felt intimidated and unprepared.

A field-training officer named Mike McCarthy, who had been a cop for ten years, displayed no such discomfort. McCarthy, a thirty-nine-year-old Irish-American with short brown hair and a square chin, is a third-generation policeman who grew up in North County. Most of his childhood friends were African-American. “If you just talk to him on the phone, you’d think you’re talking to a black guy,” Wilson said. “He was able to relate to everyone up there.”

Wilson said that he approached McCarthy for help: “Mike, I don’t know what I’m doing. This is a culture shock. Would you help me? Because you obviously have that connection, and you can relate to them. You may be white, but they still respect you. So why can they respect you and not me?”

McCarthy wasn’t surprised that Wilson had difficulty interacting with residents. Police officers are rigorously trained in firing weapons and apprehending suspects but not in establishing common ground with people who have had different experiences. “If you go to an academy, how much is on that?” he asked me. “Basically, nothing.” A recent survey by the Police Executive Research Forum revealed that cadets usually receive fifty-eight hours of training in firearms, forty-nine in defensive tactics, ten in communication skills, and eight in de-escalation tactics.]

So GI Korea believes D. Wilson’s story even without a trial…”So the gentle giant robbed a store, attacked a policeman, never had his hands up, and was not shot from behind. There was absolutely nothing racial about the arrest and shooting,”

In the video I saw Wilson get assaulted by the store worker/owner and GI Korea believes whichever witness he chooses as there were many. The prosecutor did not act as a prosecutor, he acted as a defense attorney but GI Korea believes the Wilson story which the prosecutor(Ooops, I mean defense lawyer(S) anyway).

GI Korea believes Wilson even when Wilson “struggles to respond.”

Correction:(for Wilson’s quote below)…”pre-gang BLACK culture…” where blacks consist of 90%. You see, Wilson saw black teens a gang members even before they became gang members. DUH ❗ Did you expect Wilson to say “Pre-gang BLACK culture?”

[…Wilson struggled to respond. He said that he meant “pre-gang culture, where you are just running in the streets—not worried about working in the morning, just worried about your immediate gratification.” He added, “It is the same younger culture that is everywhere in the inner cities.”]

8 years ago

“What you left out was that Wilson’s mother was a worse criminal than Brown’s mother ever was”

You are not really in a position to criticize criminal mothers, Tbone… but you probably will anyway.

“In the video I saw Wilson get assaulted by the store worker/owner”

How does one make it in this world being so detached from reality? Perhaps one doesn’t . Tbone isn’t exactly making it.

Anyway, in the video I saw, this big black gentle giant was teaching this little raghead looking guy some new dance moves… and that is OK. There should be more tolerance in minority gay communities.

8 years ago

Chickenface slash EGGHEAD gets personal attacking my mother. F*** YOU EGGHEAD ❗

We’ll never know what happened, whether Brown’s stealing of cigars was just theft or robbery? Either way, it doesn’t give the racist white cop Wilson permission to kill a J-walker. Wilson should’ve never sat/kept his lazy butt in his car when he saw Brown J-walking and started cussing him out calling him N*****.

The police, courts, etc.. in Ferguson has deep-seated racism. Local authorities target black residents, arrest them disproportionately and fine them excessively. Darren Wilson was part of a corrupt and racist system, and now to his compulsive thief mother TONYA DEAN…
…”Wilson, who is from Texas, is the son of a woman who repeatedly broke the law. His mother, Tonya Dean, stole money, largely by writing hot checks. After completing high school, she married Wilson’s father, John, who had been her English teacher. They soon had two children to support—Darren and his younger sister, Kara—but Dean spent wildly. She left John Wilson for another man, Tyler Harris, who ran a Y.M.C.A. They had a child, Jared, and Darren and Kara lived with them. “Tonya had me in debt—almost twenty thousand dollars—that first year,” Harris told me. Dean, it seems, often repaid debts to one person by stealing money from someone else.”

Darren Wilson was a trouble-maker himself but the police still hired him. Why don’t they recruit black “trouble-makers?”


McCarthy(Darren Wilson’s training officer) said that police officers resist discussing racism, past or present. “If an officer speaks out, they are ostracized,” he said. “They don’t want anything negative to be out there. But we’re humans—there’s gonna be negative. Be honest about it. If you acknowledge it, that’s the first step.”
Wilson strongly disagreed with McCarthy about this.

8 years ago

When did Darren Wilson’s father first have sex with his student and future(compulsive thief – Tonya Dean), mother of his child(Darren Wilson) and how old was she when Darren Wilson’s father F*** his little English student? How many other students did Darren Wilson’s father F*** and how old were they?

8 years ago

GOP Goat Rodeo now has Mark Everson as a declared 2016 presidential candidate and what about Jim Gilmore? Stay tuned until tomorrow to find out who will be part of the GOP FoxNOTnews debate. Now polls are bowing out because they don’t trust FoxNOTnews use of their polls. DUH ❗

8 years ago

“Chickenface slash EGGHEAD gets personal attacking my mother. F*** YOU EGGHEAD”

But you attacked Darren Wilson’s innocent mother who was just a misfortunate product of her environment. Then you attacked his hard-working father just trying to provide for his family.

Tbone, why do you think blacks teens should have welfare and free cigars but think little white babies should starve.

You are a despicable racist, Tbone.

I’m sorry you are so sensitive about your mother, Tbone. I wouldn’t be proud of her either. You need to let your mommy issues go, Tbone.

8 years ago

“But you attacked Darren Wilson’s innocent mother who…”

His mother was in the article and I simply pointed out what was written, my mother wasn’t in the article you dumbazz ❗

GI Korea is a flip=flopper because at one time he didn’t want Chickenhead/EGGHEAD talking about other people’s mothers but now it’s okay.

8 years ago

Oh… so it’s OK to talk about other people’s mothers if someone else did?

So you are not only a racist… you are a gossip.

8 years ago

GOP and Democrats are the same aye? Who are the EGGHEADS that said that? Chickenhead, Leon, and who else? Democrats aren’t for the “WAR ON WOMEN” while GOPers are for the “WAR ON WOMEN.”
Senate vote to defund Planned Parenthood went like this…53-46. Only one GOPer voted against defunding Planned Parenthood while only 2 lily livered spineless Democrats voted for defunding it. There were 3 “pro-choice” and “moderate” republican women that voted against women’s health care or to defund Planned Parenthood as well. So now GOPers will not stop in their attack on women/attempt to defund women’s health care. GOPers will attempt to force the GOVERNMENT TO SHUT DOWN. Hey, then servicethemselfmembers won’t get paid hehehehehe!!!!!
“Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz told reporters the GOP should use “any and every procedural tool available” to defund Planned Parenthood. When pressed if that meant forcing a government shutdown over the issue Cruz, argued Democrats should be the ones asked if they supported “continued taxpayer funding for an organization that has been caught on film, apparently repeatedly admitting multiple felonies — to buying and selling body parts.
Cecile Richard, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, called the failed GOP effort on the bill on Monday evidence that the issue was a “political non-starter.”

“While some extreme Republicans may continue to insist on shutting down the government in order to deny health care, including birth control, to millions of women, that is a fight the American people have zero appetite for and a fight these extremists will not win,” Richards said in a statement.”

8 years ago

Tbone, you misunderstand.

Republicans are trying to save all those innocent little black babies that are murdered by Planned Parenthood while Democrats encourage irresponsible animal-like promiscuity in the black community which promotes both the slavery of welfare dependence and shameless baby killing.

Tbone, are you proud of your oppressive racist baby killers?

Why are you even here?

Don’t you have some racist baby butcher’s mother to gossip about?

8 years ago

If the US Stock Market cannot stand a single company failing to meet its numbers, I think that means it’s a house of cards. Especially when it’s a company that essentially makes toys.

No wonder tbone’s upset. This failure is all on Obama’s watch…

8 years ago

BTW, did anyone ever post the Markle Transcripts? I’m assuming that a conviction in lieu of any other evidence means he did it. And it has been widely used as an example by US and Korean leftists:

Pages 156-157

Both before and since the Kwangju Uprising, an incident seems to occur every decade that further destabilizes the already frail U.S.-ROK alliance. The 7th Infantry Division withdrew in the 1970s, one of two American Army divisions that had been in Korea since the end of the Korean War. The 1980s saw the Kwangju Uprising, and the 1990s brought the murder of Kum E. Yoon, a Korean prostitute, by a 2d Infantry Division (2ID) Soldier. In the first decade of the twenty-first century there was the uproar over the decision to resume the importation of American beef.

It is difficult to overstate the deleterious impact on the alliance brought about by the rape and murder of Kum E. Yoon by Private Kenneth Markle. At the time of the crime, Markle was assigned to 2ID and stationed at Camp Casey in Dongducheon. Yoon worked as a “juicy girl” in one of the camptown clubs. On 28 October 1993, Markle raped Yoon and bludgeoned her to death with a soda bottle. Yoon’s landlord discovered her naked, blood-caked body. Her legs had been spread apart, a bottle inserted into her vagina, and an umbrella inserted eleven inches into her rectum. Markle had also covered the body and the entire crime scene with laundry detergent—apparently believing it would act as lye and destroy the evidence. Markle was sentenced to fifteen years in prison by a Korean court.

Yoon’s death brought the widely acknowledged but seldom discussed topic of crimes committed against Koreans by USFK Soldiers to the forefront of the Korean psyche. Per the National Campaign for the Eradication of Crime by U.S. Troops in Korea (an umbrella organization composed of forty-six Korean non-governmental organizations formed in response to Yoon’s murder), American Soldiers in Korea committed 39,452 criminal offenses between the years 1967 and 1998. In the year Yoon was murdered, USFK Soldiers committed 850 crimes.

8 years ago

@ 3 & 18
‘Man Behind Planned Parenthood Videos Attempts To Explain Ties To Anti-Choice Extremists’
David Daleiden and his group, the Center for Medical Progress, have been in the news a lot in recent weeks due to the release of propaganda-laced, heavily edited videos which purport to show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal tissue to interested buyers.
Tuesday morning, Daleiden was questioned about his group’s ties to violent anti-choice groups during an appearance on CNN’s morning show.
CNN host Alisyn Camerota directly asked Daleiden:
“Critics of your organization say that you’re not journalists as you purport to be on your website, but rather you’re violent extremists. They say that you are operating under the guise of investigative reporting, but really you’re trying to shut down all Planned Parenthoods and women’s access to things like birth control and other services that they provide. Do you have any ties to Operation Rescue?”

To which Daleiden replied:
“I’m not a violent person and I never have been and I never will be. Troy Newman is one of the board members of the Center for Medical Progress.”
And who is Troy Newman? He’s the president of Operation Rescue, which, over the years, has threatened family planning clinics with violence, harassed women who show up for appointments, and championed people who shoot and kill doctors who perform legal abortion services.
But Daleiden attempted to pretend that Operation Rescue doesn’t have a tie to extremists:
“You know, I don’t think that’s true at all. You would have to talk to Troy specifically about, you know, the full history of Operation Rescue and some of those details. But I don’t think that’s a fair characterization at all.”
Camerota also noted that biotech companies have confirmed that Planned Parenthood never sold fetal tissue and that the group was only reimbursed for the cost of storage and processing, which is allowed by federal law.
Daleiden’s response to that query was to tell Camerota it was “really cute.”
Which doesn’t exactly answer the question, now does it?
Near the end of the interview, Daleiden promised that his group has more lies they plan to disseminate via video:
“You’re going to see evidence in it of Planned Parenthood is actually willing to sell fully intact fetuses to buyers of aborted fetal tissue. It’s prima facie evidence of born alive infant cases.”
But when you consider the company David Daleiden and his group keep, it quickly becomes clear that what they say is not credible in the least. If they want to investigate something, they should start by looking in the mirror.”

8 years ago

Tbone, I’m glad we are both pro-choice!

I side with you and the Democrats and choose to have all those little black babies sucked right out before they get born and become larger problems. While it might hurt the future voting pool, Mexicans can make up for that with a lot less hassle… as even the rich, white, uptight limousine liberal leaders of the Democratic party don’t care too much for the Negroes except when they are of immediate use.

Every dollar that goes into Planned Parenthood is hundreds saved down the road in social services and criminal justice. That frees up government cash for more carbon reduction, diversity training, and gun control.

The GOP War on Women trying to push all that personal responsibility stuff is crazy talk… like trying to teach monkeys not to throw poo.

While infanticide is not the most ideal form of birth control, it sure beats more unwanted daddy-issues thugs of color, on welfare, strong-arm robbing liberal academics of their iPads and stealing the rim off of Prii (the plural of Prius).

See, Tbone, we can agree on something after all.

If you can just let bygones be bygones, this could be the first step in a beautiful friendship.

Who knows… we might bump into each other someday at a Planned Parenthood groundbreaking ceremony in a minority neighborhood or splitting the abortion bill for some nigress not sure which one of us is the babydaddy.

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

Sadly, I predicted this. When people like Cruz, Abbott, and Paul feed the ignorant, low information radicals this is totally expected.

Are these heroic sons of the Confederacy, fighting gubmint oppression and persecution, or is it a false flag so the gubmint can go nukular with the oppression and persecution against the highly strategic redoubt that is Hattiesburg?

8 years ago

Where was the outrage when the last couple of radical Muslims actually killed soldiers, Leon?

You are starting to sound like the media.

Muslim killers are lone misguided misfits if they succeed… and terrorists if they fail (to pad crime-busting statistics).

Lone white guys doing stupid stuff full of fail are part of a well-organized vast conspiracy of low-information anti-government racist Tea Party Christian Republicans gun nuts.

Somewhere the message is lost that…

A. Much of the Muslim world would like to harm America and Americans… and other on-Muslims.

B. The government is not really ever doing anything to help you… except by accident when it is a side effect of helping itself.

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

…and more.

ree men were arrested in Gaston County, North Carolina after allegedly amassing an arsenal and making their own bombs out of fear that the government was about to enact martial law, the Asheville Citizen Times reported.

Federal investigators said two of the suspects, 50-year-old Walter Eugene Litteral and 30-year-old Christopher Todd Campbell, voiced their skepticism regarding the Operation Jade Helm military training exercises, which conspiracy theorists believe is the prelude to a military takeover.

The FBI began investigating the two men, along with 41-year-old Christopher James Barker, last month after receiving a tip that Barker and Litteral were trying to make homemade explosives, which the latter reportedly called “game changers.” The bombs were allegedly made by filling tennis balls with ball bearings, then covering them in nails and coffee cans.

WTVD-TV reported that Litteral bought body armor, Kevlar helmets, and radios. He also reportedly planned to buy an assault rifle and ammunition for Barker, who was ineligible to do so himself because of prior convictions for possessing cocaine and stolen goods.

The three men reportedly planned to test their weapons out in Shelby, with Litteral allegedly saying, “It is going to be great.”

After being arrested on Saturday, the three suspects face federal charges of conspiring to violate federal laws regarding firearms and explosive devices. Campbell also faces a separate weapons charge. They are due back in court on Thursday for detention hearings. It was unclear as of Tuesday night whether they had attorneys.

Reports of the arrest came on the same day that two men allegedly opened fire on a “Jade Helm 15″ training site in Mississippi.

Watch WTVD’s report on the arrest, as aired on Tuesday, below.

ALL of them are religious terrorists at their root . All are equally reprehensible. I don’t need to target outrage. Expressing outrage about these acts in no way diminishes the rage toward those who do evil whatever the reason. The hate and vitriol has created both.

Stop making excuses. But but but What about the Muslims starts to sound like But but but Bush.

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

Once again, the reason for posting is I predicted exactly this would happen – and it shouldn’t be and likely wouldn’t be without prominent douche bags playing off the nuts. Watch them scatter and disavow now. They’ll be all “support the troops” in the morning (even the draft dodgers). Watch that traitor Abbott tell the “Texas Guard” to stand down.

.As far as Muslims attacking, what’s the surprise there? Too bad Bush I made it illegal for troops to carry guns in 1992, isn’t it?

There’s no defense for this. I’m also pretty certain these guys do not have a democrat voting record…

8 years ago

Per Planned Parenthood,
I don’t understand the hubbaloo over the organ thing. What exactly is shocking there? Yet people are Shocked! Shocked I say…that they are discussing baby lungs/kidneys and so forth. Did they think those late term aborted fetuses had bat wings and purple feathers?
The human in this instance has been killed and “devalued”. It isn’t devaluing the human more to harvest its organs, if anything using those organs to save another baby (the actual purpose) would seem a good thing rather than sluffing it into the sink or a body bag.

And, candidly, if profit is the problem the numbers that video described were very very low…look up an adult human kidney and see how much that goes for (last i heard it was around 100,000). Harvesting organs is ALWAYS a gruesome process on a cadaver, whether a baby, child, or adult. It’s also a difficult endeavor that requires a very high skill set. This really has nothing to do with abortion (unless the babies are actually being aborted FOR their organs, and since late term abortions are very expensive and risky and elective abortions are not covered by insurance cost to gains wise that doesn’t figure).

8 years ago

Anyone who has checked ‘yes’ on that organ donor card should be aware that they keep you “alive” (at least, parts of you…not the brain) to keep those organs fresh while harvesting. I’m not sure why it is inconceivably horrible for a procedure to take out the infant’s brain and then remove the body intact while simultaneously acceptable to stab its body and rip the baby to shreds instead. Yeah, that’s much better. Good grief.

8 years ago

“the three suspects face federal charges of conspiring to violate federal laws regarding firearms and explosive devices.”

The operative word may be “conspiring”.

Though there will never be a follow-up, one could guess there was more talking about bombs than building bombs… and we know there was no blowing up bombs.

…just as clever cops tricked one of these hillbillies into talking about plans to buy a gun for someone who couldn’t buy a gun… or something… as “reportedly planned to buy an assault rifle and ammunition” doesn’t really mean much when you think about it and wonder just who reported it and how well that will stand up in court.

When looked at objectively, this seems like one of those operations where the FBI finds some Muslim retard, gives him a target, hands him a fake bomb and teaches him to use it, drives him to the target, and then declares another win in the war on terror when they send in the SWAT team… assuming they don’t misplace any of their military surplus rifles in the process.

These guys sound like one of the drug snitches they did meth with was told he needed to come up with something more than misdemeanor possession charges if he didn’t want his parole revoked.

“Well them boys wuz talkin bout makin bombs to fight that Jade Helm gubment takeover. And I’d like to report they wuz gonna buy a rifle if they ever got themselves some money.”

“Take them some tennis balls and nails. Possession of that should make the conspiracy charge stick. We will leak all this to the media and have another public victory on home-grown white Republican gun nut terrorists.”

I’m kinda messing with you, Leon. I understand and accept your points.

Liz, that is unpopular talk… but so true.

8 years ago

Leon was probably one of the slobs shooting (and missing) at the military base… hands too slippery from that gummint cheese…

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

setnaffy – I’m very pro-military. You have me confused with the end of worlders. 😛

CH, I understand. I think I recall some Muslim extremists who were arrested for conspiring as well. Either way, while I’m against police overreach – I’m glad no troops were harmed by anyone – regardless of their motivation.

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

…and again. The guilty frothing anti-American anti-military idiots are reaping what they have sewn.

One person was detained and is being questioned in connection with a report of shots fired for a second consecutive day near a Mississippi military facility where part of the “Jade Helm 15″ training exercise is expected to take place.

Officials at Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center told reporters that shots had been fired for a second consecutive day near the base in southern Mississippi. No injuries were reported in either incident.

Lt. Col. Christian Patterson said that at about 8 a.m. Wednesday August 5, soldiers training at Camp Shelby reported shots fired. Patterson described it as the same area where soldiers reported gunfire shot from pickup near troops standing guard the day before.

The description of the shooter was the same for both incidents: a white male in a red pickup truck, make and model unknown. The facility has been at heightened alert and all personnel are accounted for.

After hearing of the shootings, Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant urged soldiers statewide to “defend themselves as necessary”.

Around noon, Mississippi Bureau of Investigation officers took into custody a man they say is a “person of interest” in the shootings.

MBI spokesman Warren Strain reported that authorities took the man into custody for questioning. Strain declined to identify the man or say where he had been taken for questioning.

In a local news video (below story), the driver is shown getting out with his hands raised and backs out toward two armed law enforcement officers. The man lowers himself to his knees, lowers his arms and clasps his hands behind his back.

At around 2:15 p.m., Mississippi Bureau of Investigation reported that bomb personnel have been dispatched to the site where the suspect was taken into custody.

At around 2:15 p.m. a bomb-disposal vehicle and an explosives-sniffing dog arrived at the location where authorities pulled over the suspect. Bomb personnel had been earlier dispatched to the scene. Two long pieces of white PVC pipe were visible sticking out of the back of the bed of the suspect’s pickup truck.

The Biloxi-based unit traveled to the rural location in Perry County, east of Hattiesburg. Sheriff’s deputies suspect the pickup’s bed may contain some sort of explosive.

As of 3:15, p.m., the AP reports that officials have cleared the area where they stopped a man near Camp Shelby. The bomb squad removed a black parcel from the man’s pickup truck and took it inside the bomb disposal van before the pickup was loaded onto the tow truck Wednesday.

8 years ago

More than method in that guy’s approach… look up that license plate and you find an interesting set of coincidences… Another Democrat who should have been disarmed… but wasn’t…

Odds are his weapons weren’t from Fast and Furious (unlike those used by the dead carpet cleaners who attacked a convention in Garland); but there’s a lot you won’t get from alphabet news or Fox… Like why was this guy still free?

8 years ago


Intetestingly, these “low-information white Christian Republican gun nuts” are VERY pro-military…

…as long as the military is somewhere else kicking some non-American azz.

When the military is poking around their stomping grounds with unclear intentions, they are not so pro military.

You may form your own opinion on this observation.

8 years ago

setnaffy – “I’m very pro-military.”

@33 Leon…

Correction/Translation: I’m very pro-WAR ❗

8 years ago

GOP caucus is just like the Iranian extremists/hard-liners that chant “Death to America” says our great President Barack Obama.
“It’s those hard-liners who are most comfortable with the status quo. It’s those hard-liners chanting ‘Death to America’ who have been most opposed to the deal,” Obama said. “They’re making common cause with the Republican caucus.”

8 years ago

My question to any of those in the GOP Goat Rodeo on Aug. 6th ~ because FoxNOTnews won’t ask anything like this..
As part of the 1982 transportation bill, President Ronald Reagan agreed to increase the gasoline tax from 4 cents to 9 cents saying… “When we first built our highways, we paid for them with a gas tax.” So, do you think Reagan was correct at that time, and as President(if you’re truly American) would you raise the gas tax by 5 cents a gallon or more today so we can pay for our highway bill, which is now stalled in Congress over funding?
Ooops forgive me, I have a 2nd question…
How can any of you from the GOP run, win, and govern from the right-wing base of the GOP when you and its billionaire donors are just like the angry anti-science, anti-tax, anti-government, anti-minorities, anti-gay rights and anti-immigration ideals of the Tea Party and its media enforcer, Fox News?

8 years ago

Catching Blackness from our great President Barack Obama…(Video)
NH Voters to Luntz: Still Upset at Christie for 2012 ‘Hug’ of Obama
“It’s just a hug,” Luntz said to the group, but they were not convinced.

“I can’t get the picture out of my mind … when he just cuddled right up to him,” a woman said.

8 years ago

GOPer Rand Paul is part of the 2016 Goat Rodeo but for how long since his Super Pac/Sugar Daddy has been indicted for bribery? That makes 2 GOP 2016 president wannabee’s being indicted(or close enough) for crimes. Can you guess the other)? Will any GOPer/Iran extremist like ask Trump how many “illegal aliens/immigrants” he currently employs?
Rand Paul super PAC head indicted over alleged 2012 campaign finance violations

8 years ago

“One person was detained and is being questioned in connection with a report of shots fired for a second consecutive day near a Mississippi military facility”

While the White Christian Republican Gun Nut shooting at Jade Helm soldiers will live on in the public conciseness, the reality appears to be a truck that os known to backfire.

…but, since there must be blood, the old guy with a beater truck was charged wiith disturbing the peace.

Your move, Leon.

8 years ago

I wonder… Can tbone prove it wasn’t him? He reminds me of a guy I knew in college from Mississippi…

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

…as long as the military is somewhere else kicking some non-American azz.

When the military is poking around their stomping grounds with unclear intentions, they are not so pro military.

Unclear intentions? These are training exercises. US troops have trained on US soil for over 240 years. These are nothing new. They will continue. I as involved in training exercises all over the southwest when I was in the army. I was all over Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Also, we were quite often off the installations on private property to which the owners had agreed – just like now. It is nothing new. Where was the uproar and the Texas Guard monitors and the governors and senators “looking into” the situation?

These yokels may consider themselves “pro-military” but that doesn’t match their current timbre and actions. Of course I realize blind hatred can cause some folks to lash out at the things they love.

8 years ago

@9 “With that all said though I have to say that Wilson is approaching George Zimmerman stupid. He needs to stay out of the media and not bring attention to himself which just further inflames tensions.”

What tensions do you(GI Korea) mean? The tensions that show how well Darren Wilson was trained or how pathetic he was at grasping/using his training for any worthwhile length of time? That white boy raised stupid trouble making red neck could never “mix with the pot” yet his job was to serve the mixed pot and while the dummy says he wants to “forget the past” he’s still trying to be a cop. The one officer that trained Darren(RACIST) Wilson was an outliar(not accepted by the majority white “straight”/closeted gay red necks) within that Missouri police force(thieves of the poor/no Robin Hoods there/office/town and by Darren Wilson, the rule was that no cop shall talk about race(while beatings still happen as they did in the 70’s/80’s). Or those tensions that taught Darren Wilson to not want to eat with the “mixed pot” because they weren’t “like minded” to his stupid racist white boy mind?

Let me quote below as I did before yet GI Korea just doesn’t get it/see/know racism when is slaps him in the face. 🙄


“Wilson noted that another inconvenience he’s suffered as a result of his killing of Michael Brown—other than occasionally being forced to think about Michael Brown, as a person—is that he has to be pickier about where he eats out.
“We try to go somewhere—how do I say this correctly?—with like-minded individuals,” he told Halpern. “You know. Where it’s not a mixing pot.”

8 years ago

Darren Wilson wants(is trying very hard) to forget Michael Brown yet he’ll NEVER be able to do so but by attempting to do so allows him to continue being the racist that he was(and still is of course) before he ever saw Michael Brown for the first time.

8 years ago


The reason it is easy to deny a large degree of racism exists among whites is because race does not factor into any decisions I make… and I do not see it factoring into the decisions of other whites I know.

In almost all cases, it would be foolish to base decisions simply on race.

The few whites I have met in my lifetime who actually based decisions on race, instead of other more important factors, generally had problems similar and/or equal to the minority communities who are constantly manufacturing charges of racism to mask their areas of social and cultural

Behavior, attitude, and appearance are all important things to observe and base decisions on. Race is one of many minor factors one should observe… but more on line of what car they drive or what watch they wear… as it does not reliably demonstrate the true values a person has.

America is full of white people who never seem to catch a break. When this happens, their behavior, attitude, and appearance are blamed.

When blacks get treated less than perfectly, even when they are shyt-attitude hoodie-wearing thugs actively engaged in a career of crime, everyone blames the racism of whites.

Tell me, Tbone. As a life-long loser who has squandered every opportunity given to you and left a trail of bad feelings behind you, do you blame racism or personal dysfunction?

8 years ago

CH, when you’re right, you’re right. Every “racist” I’ve ever met was never the one one responsible for their own poor decisions. It was always someone/something else. Classic Freudian Projection. And we all know how uncool the projectionists were in school…

“The Blacks did this, the Jews did that, the Whites did something else, the Koreans were too Korean, it was too hot/cold/wet/dry, my boss…, my ex-wife…”, et cetera ad nauseum.

8 years ago

North Koreans have been living in their own world, under their own calendar, and now they’re reverting to their own timezone.

It truly is a real life Twilight Zone.

8 years ago

That is one nice looking c*ckpit in that passenger plane photo link above.
Maybe that’s why KJU uses a cessna as his “go to” means of air transportation?

8 years ago

Yeah .. That is pretty scary. I worked on avionics equipment in the ’70s that was more modern that much of what I see there. A lot of that still used vacuum tubes.

His father and grandfather feared flying and traveled by train for the most part.

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

“The Blacks did this, the Jews did that, the Whites did something else, the Koreans were too Korean, it was too hot/cold/wet/dry, my boss, Obama…, my ex-wife…”, et cetera ad nauseum.”

8 years ago

Ok, Leon, if you don’t like that, try this version:

“Honest… I ran out of gas. I… I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD! ”

There’s other folks who blame the GOP for stuff that happened while the DNC controlled Congress and 1600 Penna. Sorry, you can’t keep your doctor or insurance plan you liked.

Nothing is ever their fault. A US Ambassador and 3 other brave men died waiting for help that never came; but “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?”

No, illegals didn’t cause factories to shut down in America and move overseas. That was tax rates. Legislated by the Congress and signed by the President. No, “a border fence won’t help”(without La Migra patrolling behind it); but don’t try climbing the fence around the White Hose. BTW, La Raza likes Jeb Bush.

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

You went Benghazi, how cute!

Where was the outrage from all the other embassy attacks? What was different between all the others and that one? Hmm. Can’t quite put my finger on it…

8 years ago

Leon, could you give us some examples of other embassy attacks where:

– the ambassador’s diary contained personal security concerns (google CNN vs State Department)

– additional security had been requested but denied (google Eric Nordstrom)

– the “U.S. Intelligence Community” informed “key officials at the Department of State” that “that Benghazi was increasingly dangerous and unstable, and that a significant attack against American personnel there was becoming much more likely” (google United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs report, “Flashing Red: A Special Report on the Terrorist Attack at Benghazi”)

– the State Department circumvented their own Overseas Security Policy Board (OSPB) standards for diplomatic security (google Scott Tylor)

– every aspect of the presidential and State Department response was an obvious lie designed to cover for ineptitude, irresponsibility, and a general amateur approach to so many aspects of the Obama administration’s foreign affairs dealings…. as well as hide the incompetence of a presidentially-aspiring Hillary.

While 5 ambassadors have been killed, none were killed in a diplomatic facility under US control with the State Department responsible for security.

But you are welcome to try to make the Benghazi attack seem like a normal event, the death of the ambassador to seem like a common situation, the competence of the State Department to be business as usual, and the response of the Obama administration to be honest.

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

With all the things I’m sure the dirty ass Clinton’s have done, this is what the brain trust of the GOP strategists decide to go after? A tragedy, absolutely. FUBAR beyond all recognition, you betch ya. Bureaucratic incompetence at its worst, most certainly, but a crime?

Besides, the ambassador was teh gay. I have it on good authority that GOD smote him. I don’t understand why so many lack the faith to see this and why they can’t see that the State Department and Muslim terrorists were His instrument. Well not everyone lacks faith. I know quite a few GOP’ers reveled in and celebrated the Lords Divine Judgement of, and wrath on, the sodomite. Amen!

8 years ago

Leon’s points:

1. The Clintons have done worse. Why make a big deal of this?

That is a good question. The answer is probably because this incident clearly shows many of Hillary’s faults in one easy-to-understand package… incompetent, incapable, inattentive, uncaring, and untruthful… all due to her self-serving nature.

…and this easily translates to an expected performance as president.

2. God blah blah blah

Well, if there was ever a case for God, Allah, and the Republicans to work together, this would be it… as, not only should no sodomite go unsmited, it can be blamed on a godless Democrat.

Leon, while you sucessfully argued that Benghazi was a somewhat minor example of Clinton shytbaggery… and you repeated a tired joke through a bland and worn-out presentation.

I hope you now see why it is a minor but important example.

8 years ago

None of this matters. Hillary will win because Trump will obtain a sizeable portion of the conservative vote and go Independent.
(waves tiniest flag in the world. Yeah, rah)
Maybe Trump is actually a Clinton strategy?
(pulls tin foil froggie helmet down harder)

8 years ago

Democrats don’t deserve to win…

…but Republicans deserve to win less.

However crazy, self destructive, and misguided, the Democrats at least pander to their base of crazy, self destructive, and misguided voters.

The Republicans no longer represent the Americans they once did. Therefore Trump is getting support.

When Republicans get their act together, the will deserve to win.

Maybe they don’t want to win?

8 years ago

Why couldn’t Steve Forbes have this sort of following?
He’s an actual good guy (relatively).
This is how we get the government we deserve.
Give me some happy news, CH. I need happy news.

8 years ago
8 years ago


8 years ago

Amy Schumer, of the new movie Trainwreck, was recently interviewed on an Australian radio show.
She shut down the interview when one questioner implied that she was a “skank”.

That seems really weird she was off-put like that since I played her podcast backwards and definitely heard the words, “Skanken rocks….skanken rocks….”
(that was for you, Leon)

8 years ago

Trump is so thin-skinned about insults I don’t want him in charge of the IRS…

8 years ago

Even if Trump doesn’t make it in politics, his fans can take consolation that his alter ego is making a comeback.

8 years ago

USA Servicethemselfmembers to fight against Planned Parenthood if Huckabbee wins: VOTE HUCKABBEE ❗
Huckabee: Deploying Troops ‘One Of The Ways’ He’d End Abortion
“Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee did not deny over the weekend that he would consider using federal troops or the FBI to stop abortions because he said that fetuses deserved “due process.”
At a campaign stop in Iowa late last month, the former Arkansas governor said that he would invoke the Fifth and 14 Amendments to give fetuses the rights of people. When he was asked if he would use U.S. troops or the FBI to back the guarantee of equal rights for fetuses, Huckabee replied, “We’ll see, if I get to be president.”
On Sunday, Huckabee claimed that the media was trying to put words in his mouth, but he still declined to say that he would not use federal troops to prevent abortions.
“What I’m saying is that the real issue here is not whether we’re going to give money to Planned Parenthood,” he explained. “Yes, that’s important. But the bigger issue is, is that unborn child a human being? Because if it is then the Fifth and the 14th Amendment apply because we’re dealing with personhood.”
“It means that you guarantee due process under the Fifth Amendment before you deprive someone of their life and liberty,” Huckabee continued. “It means under the 14th Amendment there’s equal protection under the law. Exactly how that plays out is one of the ways that we discover. What does it take for Americans to finally wake up to the fact that we are violating the constitutional rights of human beings?”

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