Foreign English Teacher Allegedly Assaults Korean Driver

Via Gusts of Popular Feeling comes a Korean news report about a foreign hagwon teacher who is driving a scooter and reacts angrily to being cut off by a Korean driver.  He later pulls in front of the car to stop the driver and then punches him in the face.

scooter incident

Video of the incident can be seen at this link.  Not that it is a good thing to try in the first place, but considering all the cameras in Korea it would be hard for a foreigner especially to get away with an assault like this.

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8 years ago

I understand that the main focus of the video is geared towards the driver of the scooter, but what about the uproar when the driver illegally changed lanes in the first place when there was traffic in the right lane. You can clearly see that he was encroaching onto the right lane when there was active traffic who clearly had the right of way. This practice of inching the nose of your car into traffic NEEDS to stop. It’s dangerous and illegal. I feel for the scooter driver. I’ve gotten off my bike a couple of times and had to say a few choice words to fucktard drivers here, but it never got physical.

8 years ago

Ya can’t fix stupid…

8 years ago

“Hopefully he learns something from it.”

1. Keep your license plate covered with mud or obscured by some object lashed to your bike at all times.

2. Yell, “Ta mere suce des ours dans la foret!”

3. Hit him in the face a couple of times.

4. Yell, “Vive le Québec!”

5. Make a u-turn so he cannot run you down.

6, Laugh about the news report where an unknown Canadian is being sought in a road rage incident.

7. Use this incident to belittle Canadians and scold them for their temperament and public manners.

8. To any Korean who brings it up, apologize profusely for Canadians and explain that’s just how they are.

8 years ago

He only did what most of us want to do every day. Usually, at least twice weekly I am nearly run over as I cross the street in a crosswalk with a green signal, and that just the start of it. Korea, first world cars, third world driving.

8 years ago

And only reason this is newsworthy is it a foreigner. Happens probably 100 times a day between Koreans around the country, never see it on the news. Just like a while back delivery scooters were a problem but only scooters of foreign owned business (Dominos, McDonalds, etc). News didn’t say boo about all the Korean business delivery scooters….

8 years ago

That only means you don’t watch Korean news and only find about incidents involving foreigners, when sites like this post the stories only because it involves foreigners.

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

This is what you keep some loose ball bearings in your pocket for.

8 years ago

“This is what you keep some loose ball bearings in your pocket for.”

…so you can drag the azzhole driver out of the car and shove them up his azz one by one while explaining that not only is his windshield still pristine but his anal sacrifice is also saving other drivers from being secondary victims and collateral damage from loose ball bearings rolling around on the streets.

One thing I noticed in Korea is that, for the most part, bad Korean drivers are simply clueless. Much of this cluelessness may be based on selfishness and general lack of concern… but it is still mostly ignorance-based… and “teaching lessons” to bad/dangerous Korean drivers is met with cluelessness and indignance rather than resistance and anger.

Many bad American drivers do so out of malice… WANTING to have some bad effect on the people around them… such as the old “I’m going the speed limit so nobody has the right to pass me” attitude.

Teaching these people a lesson is met with a ready crowbar and “Oh, yeah? Ya wanna start some shyt, biitch?”

…rather than wide Korean eyes and “Why are you kneeing a dent in my door at this stoplight? I didn’t do anything.”

8 years ago

I read about this in the Dallas Morning News while in the Texas for a business class back in 1988.

Driver A whipped across three lanes of westbound 635 to take the exit for northbound Preston Road. Driver B, upset, flashed a familiar, if crude, one-fingered salute. Driver A, incensed, pulled over and jumped out of his car. Driver B stopped (as there was no room to pass with Driver A standing in the middle of the off-ramp), and also got out. Driver A strode over and took a mighty swing at Driver B, missing his mark. Driver B hit Driver A six times, breaking his nose, jaw, and right arm–and damaging at least one rib. After depositing Driver A’s carcass out of the way of oncoming traffic, Driver B left the scene.

Driver A called the police, who told him if they responded that HE would be the only one arrested or ticketed. HE illegally changed lanes. HE illegally blocked traffic. HE started the fight. If he lost, it was HIS fault. And besides, not one of the witnesses remembered the guy’s license number.

8 years ago

When I was in Korea (in the 80’s and 90’s) I blamed all the bad driving on the fact that Korea was in its infancy in the automotive driving age. Korean’s only started to drive cars en-masse since about 1986 (less than 30 years now). In comparison, the U.S. has over 100 years of driving experience and there are still asshole drivers out there. My defense against asshole drivers in Korea was a lot of commiserating with fellow foreigners who drove around Korea over several hearty drinks. Hehehe.

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