ROK Drop Open Thread – April 26, 2015

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9 years ago

“Clinton Cash Crushed By Facts As Author Admits He Has No Evidence Of Clinton Crimes’

Sounds like this “author” guy Peter Schweizer should’ve avoided all media except Fox News…Of whom will never mention the George Stephanopoulos crushing, they’ll just keep on saying it’s all true as they’ve done the past week.
“When pressed by This Week’s George Stephanopoulos, Clinton Cash author When pressed by This Week’s George Stephanopoulos, Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer admitted that he has no hard evidence to support his allegations.”


9 years ago

Did I mention how much I LOVE Fox News…?
“Fox News irritates the hell out of liberals, what with their slanted news, their Sean Hannitys, their Bill O’Reillys. Those three doofuses on the morning show. But they shouldn’t. Because Fox News helps Democrats win the presidency.

To explain, let me quote Jonathan Chait’s recent piece in New York Magazine where he explains why, along with demographic trends, Hillary Clinton is almost certain to be our next president:

“The argument for Clinton in 2016 is that she is the candidate of the only major American political party not run by lunatics. There is only one choice for voters who want a president who accepts climate science and rejects voodoo economics, and whose domestic platform would not engineer the largest upward redistribution of resources in American history. Even if the relatively sober Jeb Bush wins the nomination, he willhave to accommodate himself to his party’s barking-mad consensus. She is non-crazy America’s choice by default. And it is not necessarily an exciting choice, but it is an easy one, and a proposition behind which she will probably command a majority.”

This is spot on. While people might not be excited for Hillary, when she stands up there next to the crazy party the choice is going to be pretty clear to the non-crazy. And what makes the Republican Party crazy, what drives it further and further away from the sensible middle is, well, old age and dementia. But mostly Fox News. They’ve created the bubble, the echo chamber, and closed loop that insulates Republicans from having to listen to other arguments, other people, or interact with the sane world in general.

So don’t hate – appreciate. Fox News is going to make Hillary president.”

9 years ago

“redistribution of resources,” what does that mean to you? Below is what it means to the GOP and tells partially why the GOP can’t come up with anything but Hillary attacks…

9 years ago

GOP likes Obamacare/Affordable Care Act/ACA
“The Senate’s top five Republican leaders have cosponsored legislation to extend until 2017 the Obamacare insurance subsidies that may be struck down by the Supreme Court this summer.
The legislation, offered by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), one of the most politically vulnerable Senate incumbents in 2016, would maintain the federal tax credits at stake in King v. Burwell through the end of August 2017.”
“Obamacare will destroy America so much so that Republicans are trying to protect the health care law. You see, the GOP doesn’t want to get blamed for obliterating Obamacare, death panels and all…”

9 years ago
9 years ago

Riots erupt in Baltimore. Blacks burn stores, cut firehoses, throw bricks at firefighters and police, target white drivers

9 years ago

No 6 “Blacks burn…”

High school kids burn…because the police stand by and watch and young blacks have no jobs in Baltimore…

And black men march for peace…

Legit protesters have been protesting for years but nothing gets done. If a young black kid looks at a cop then he’s considered guilty because he’s poor/jobless, they’re taught not to have eye contact with police.

Outside agitators burn…

‘Baltimore Orioles VP blasts government in defense of Freddie Gray protesters’

‘Baltimore Police Bill of Rights gives them 10 days after killing someone until they have to talk’

I wish I didn’t have to do my job(write a report) and then get paid for it for as long as it takes for the 10 day clock to begin.
“Imagine your son or brother or husband having his spine 80 percent severed, his vertebrae broken, his brain swollen, and him slipping into a coma. Imagine the emergency surgeries performed to attempt to save your loved one fail. Then imagine you know exactly who killed your loved one, but they are given a full 10 days before they have to tell you or anyone else on earth anything they know about what happened.

You are just expected to wait and wait and wait for answers.

Well, in Baltimore, that’s exactly what has happened.

On April 12, Baltimore Police arrested a perfectly healthy man, but he was in a coma one hour later and the police weren’t obligated to tell a single solitary soul what happened.

At the local level, the Maryland Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights says that when an officer is under investigation in a matter that could lead to disciplinary action, supervisors are prohibited from interviewing the accused officer for 10 days.

The state law doesn’t make clear whether the 10-day period begins at the time of the incident or the time of the complaint stemming from the incident. House Delegate Mary Washington told CNN that the prohibition expired Wednesday (10 days since Gray’s arrest) and the six officers who were suspended can now be interviewed.”

9 years ago

The Purge(by high school students now called “Thugs”) occurred because Freddie Gray was killed unjustly and the cops don’t “snitch” on each other while expecting citizens to “snitch.”

And because Maryland has cut education in poor neighborhoods while increasing funding for the penal system.

Thousands attend Freddie Gray funeral. How does that equate to “Nobody Cares About Freddie Gray(per EGGHEAD)?

EGGHEAD only wished that many people cared about him.

Baltimore teens face tougher circumstances than teens in Nigeria.
“Officers are required to speak with their supervisors about incidents immediately if asked, but what they say is inadmissible in a criminal investigation.”

9 years ago

A young Korean student asked me why is it that its only the black community that is upset about the Freddy Gray incident. I told he is wrong, just about everyone is upset about it. He then says well if thats true how come its only the black community rioting then. lol

9 years ago

“He then says well if thats true how come its only the black community rioting then.”

…because white people are too busy watching TV and shaking their head about stupid violent black animals to realize that once they are tamed, or beat into dependant submission, white people will be next to be stripped of their middle class lifestyle and reduced to the lowest common denominator of subsitance Hispanic-fueled poverty?

Tbone, nobody cares about Freddy Gray. They care about an ideal that Freddy Gray somewhat represents.

Now if Freddy was pushing some choice rock or selling hookups with some fineazz bitches, a lot of people would care about him.

Ah, Tbone… I am just clowning you to see you squeal… as you are so idealistic rather than realistic… or maybe you are clowning us… though, to date, I have seen none of your real-world actions indicate you are that subtle or smart.


Let’s look at the issue more seriously…

1. Cops don’t need to be breaking necks unless there is a real threat. It does not seem there was a real threat.

2. Citizens don’t need to be burning and looting businesses while interfering with the fire department. Their anger at law enforcement or government does not involve fire, medical, or the affairs of other citizens. This crosses the line from protester to criminal. Destroying a business destroys a life. Interfering with the fire department can destroy a life. This is the equivalent of murder in progress and the poloce should shoot these people if caught in the act.

3. Citizens generally don’t need to be attacking cops and burning cop cars… generally… but there may be a time for that as police (and politicians/regulators/etc) increasingly overstep their boundries with little official consequence.

Perhaps the time for widespread but narrowly targeted civil unrest is soon?

If it can be an Americans Against Abusive Authority instead of Blacks Against Racist Whites issue, it will be better for the nation… and it will more accurately address the problem.

The issue is one of institutionalized abuse against the Chronically-Irritating-Yet-Perpetually-Helpless demographic rather than one of actual racism.

Many Americans can, should, and will resist authority over tyranny. Only blacks will loot unrelated businesses over mostly-imaginary racism.

This is one reason the issue is officially blamed on racist cops (ignoring the involvement of non-white officers who are obviously “showing out to the white cop”)… and never framed as an issue of militarized police trained to demand instant compliance to their every thoughtless whim over unnecessary rules and conditioned to resort to instant violence when they don’t get their way.

…though whitey generally complies.

But as long as innocent whitey is treated as an enemy equal to violent cops based simply on race rather than action, racist blacks should not expect much support from the white community… which will happily ignore the problem as long as it is mostly affecting poorly-behaving blacks.

…and poorly-behaving blacks will get what they have coming with whitey cheering The Man on… not realizing they could be next.

Divide and conquer.

9 years ago

Violent protesters are right: Smashing police cars is a legitimate political strategy
It’s crucial to see non-violence as a tactic, not a philosophy. If it fails to win people over it’s a futile tactic’

Excellent article by Benji Hart!
“As a nation, we fail to comprehend Black political strategy in much the same way we fail to recognize the value of Black life.

“I do not advocate non-violence—particularly in a moment like the one we currently face. In the spirit and words of militant Black and Brown feminist movements from around the globe, I believe it is crucial that we see non-violence as a tactic, not a philosophy.

Non-violence is a type of political performance designed to raise awareness and win over sympathy of those with privilege. When those on the outside of struggle—the white, the wealthy, the straight, the able-bodied, the masculine—have demonstrated repeatedly that they do not care, are not invested, are not going to step in the line of fire to defend the oppressed, this is a futile political strategy. It not only fails to meet the needs of the community, but actually puts oppressed people in further danger of violence.

Militance is about direct action which defends our communities from violence. It is about responses which meet the political goals of our communities in the moment, and deal with the repercussions as they come. It is about saying no, firmly drawing and holding boundaries, demanding the return of stolen resources. And from Queer Liberation and Black Power to centuries-old movements for Native sovereignty and anti-colonialism, it is how virtually all of our oppressed movements were sparked, and has arguably gained us the only real political victories we’ve had under the rule of empire.

…We need to clarify what we mean by terms like “violence” and “peaceful.” Because, to be clear, violence is beating, harassing, tazing, assaulting and shooting Black, trans, immigrant, women, and queer people, and that is the reality many of us are dealing with daily. Telling someone to be peaceful and shaming their militance not only lacks a nuanced and historical political understanding, it is literally a deadly and irresponsible demand.

The political goals of rioters in Baltimore are not unclear—just as they were not unclear when poor, Black people rioted in Ferguson last fall. When the free market, real estate, the elected government, the legal system have all shown you they are not going to protect you—in fact, that they are the sources of the greatest violence you face—then political action becomes about stopping the machine that is trying to kill you, even if only for a moment, getting the boot off your neck, even if it only allows you a second of air. This is exactly what blocking off streets, disrupting white consumerism, and destroying state property are designed to do.

Black people know this, and have employed these tactics for a very, very long time. Calling them uncivilized, and encouraging them to mind the Constitution is racist, and as an argument fails to ground itself not only in the violent political reality in which Black people find themselves, but also in our centuries-long tradition of resistance, one that has taught effective strategies for militance and direct action to virtually every other current movement for justice.

I rolled my eyes when inquiries in Ferguson “shockingly” revealed racist emails sent throughout local government, including higher-ups in the Police Department. I think many of us knew the inquiry of virtually any police department would yield almost identical findings. The riots in Baltimore have many drawing parallels between policy and conduct in both cities now. What kind of action brought to light for the less affected what Black people have always known? What kinds of actions will it take to make it widely understood that all policing is racist terror, and justice can only come with its permanent abolition?

Black power, Queer power, power to Baltimore, and to all oppressed people who know what time it is.”

… while I don’t believe that every protester involved in attacking police cars and corporate storefronts had the same philosophy, or did what they did for the same reasons, it cannot be discounted that when there is a larger national outcry in defense of plate-glass windows and car doors than for Black young people, a point is being made. When there is more concern for white sports fans in the vicinity of a riot than the Black people facing off with police, there is mounting justification for the rage and pain of Black communities in this country.”

8 years ago

Tbone and Benji Hart see no problem in rioters doing their best to destroy Baltimore.

One can only wonder if they would have the same opinion if they had their lives, businesses, or property values affected by this nonsense.

…or if they are simply hoping to look self-important by pushing extreme ideas that will have no consequences for them.

So… yeah, sure, whatever… let Baltimore burn. It makes for interesting news and conversation. It won’t affect me. It will likely affect those who are doing the burning the most. Who cares about the troubles they bring upon themselves?

Has anybody seen Fargo… not the movie, but the series? Of all the Cohen brother universes to make a 10 hour story, that would seem the most unlikely… but I assure you, IT ROCKS! The characters are great, the acting is fantastic, the dialog is amusing, and the story is eventful. I recommend it.

Then you can catch the news and have a few laughs over people complaining about their miserable lives by making their lives MORE miserable… while, under the guise of compassion and understanding, it will be encouraged by those who will see no effect… except increased publicity and admiration from fellow idiots.

Then watch American Horror Story: Freakshow. That rocks, too.

8 years ago

EGGHEAD agrees(“nobody cares about Freddie Gray”) with Benji Hart, I just said the article was excellent…

EGGHEAD agrees with Benji Hart here…”When those on the outside of struggle—the white, the wealthy, the straight, the able-bodied, the masculine—have demonstrated repeatedly that they do not care, are not invested, are not going to step in the line of fire to defend the oppressed, this is a futile political strategy. It not only fails to meet the needs of the community, but actually puts oppressed people in further danger of violence(by cops i.e. Freddie Gray).”

How many times do you expect the black community to let cops be brutal, choke, sodomize, kill unarmed black children/adults without any repercussions?

It didn’t take long for white Baltimore cops to throw rocks/bricks at Baltimore high school students…

EGGHEAD says…”Then watch American Horror Story: Freakshow. That rocks, too.”

He’s a horrible movie critic!

I suggest this movie(all white main cast of characters, directors, producers, etc…)…
The Purge: Anarchy – Theatrical Trailer (Official – HD)

8 years ago

By the way, why are the queers trying to move in on this black grievance action?

It seems pretty clear that being queer can’t be helped… but ACTING queer is a lifestyle choice.

…hence, if a queer isn’t running around being all queer-pushy, there should be no issue…

…unless homophobic cops are running around giving some kind of queer test and blowing away the queers who pass.

8 years ago

Unconfirmed reports that Freddie Gray had a previous spinal injury from a car accident are either going to be confirmed or disproven sometime in the near future.

If true, it could lead to some answers about how the spinal injury occurred or perhaps was aggravated during him being in the custody of the police. Whether or not that lets the cops off the hook remains to be seen. At this point, nothing in either direction would surprise me.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the city of Baltimore has been run by those with D’s in front of their names for many years now. When it comes to blame for a lack of jobs, poor living conditions, and the way the police department operates…….well it seems fairly obvious who is in charge of all of it.

I do like the way the media tried to peg the blame for a delayed reaction on the governor, but he wasn’t having any of it. Now, even CNN is ready to put it all on the mayor. She may have just killed her political career with her handling of the situation. Perhaps giving them “space to destroy” wasn’t the wisest choice of words.

I seriously wish we could get past all of this. I know there are most certainly cases when the police treat people unfairly, sometimes maybe even because of the color of their skin. It just seems like every case that is presented nationally as a slam dunk instance of police brutality against blacks ends up being a loser for the people who bring it forward.

I want the police state to be reeled in as much as the next guy. I don’t want to see a major metropolitan area burned down every time a black man dies at the hands of the police.

Protests should be used as a means of applying pressure to broken bureaucratic processes, and ensuring that suspicious events don’t get swept under the rug. But when a certain ethnic group can’t hold a protest without it devolving into chaos and mayhem every single time, it makes the general public less receptive to whatever message was intended to be conveyed.

Standing by silently or excusing the actions of the rioting group is not unlike a police officer who looks the other way when one of his colleagues betrays the public trust and the dignity of the badge.

8 years ago

If those KKK or Aryan Nation pusssies had any balls, they would quietly show up at these demonstrations and fire into the crowd from the rooftops with Coke bottle silencers duct taped to their hunting rifles… while their buddies threw firecrackers at the other end of the block to send the herd into the trap… killing some darkies, letting the jackbooted thug police take the blame, causing trouble for the godless sociialist Democrats running the show, etc…

…and starting the Race War that will lead to the extermination of all the impure blood while allowing the master race to reclaim its rightful place!

All their problems could be solved and their dreams accomplished with a hundred bucks worth of ammo, beer, and gas for the road trip… and maybe another two hundred bucks for some milky meth to fuel the whole ordeal and build up the courage.

But nothing gets done… lazy, stupid, loudmouthed white people.

It starts to be easy to suspect that the Great Threat of Far Right and White Supremest Groups is somewhat manufactured…

…not unlike all the Terrorists that aren’t running around…

…except when the FBI finds some retard Muslim, hands him a fake bomb, and gets him to say on tape that he would like to blow something up.

Come to think of it, the only two groups that are true threats to the general American public are militarized police and black protesters.

…so why get involved?

Let them fight it out in the streets.

Finally, a reality TV show I would watch… Pigs vs. Apes: Baltimore

Sexy spinoff: Fifty Shades of Freddie Gray

Tbone, you squealin’ yet?

8 years ago

Baltimore single mom of 6 kids, Toya Graham, hailed as a hero for beating son after catching him rioting.

8 years ago
8 years ago

Rioting is the poor/disenfranchised folk way of lobbying and I’d say the usual white collar way(lobbying/money/bribes) is more immoral and destructive to society.

EGGHEAD and his buddy Benji Hart are wrong, they say nobody cares. It seems to be that nobody cared, but now they do! The only question…will police continue to have a green light at sodomizing, killing, discriminating etc…against blacks?

Protesters spread to Washington, NYC, and elsewhere…

Denny says…”Rand Paul and Obama Agree: ‘Lack of Fathers’ a ‘Root Cause’ for Riots”

But Rand Paul ain’t willing to do anything about it, all mouth and no action makes him and the GOP a dull party…
“First, Rubio’s policy posture is likely to get a little tricky. By signing the Norquist pledge, the senator is vowing not to raise taxes on anyone, but his tax plan specifically raises taxes, both on millions of middle-class households, and also on the poor in the form of lost tax credits.

Rubio’s tax plan is controversial for all sorts of reasons – it’s deeply at odds with arithmetic, for example – but its conflict with the pledge the senator just signed is going to require some explanation.

Second, it’s interesting to see Rubio, Paul, and Cruz rally behind Norquist’s gimmick at a time when much of the party seemed to be moving in the opposite direction. As recently as 2012, Lindsey Graham and others began publicly criticizing the pledge as unconstructive. House Speaker John Boehner suggested he’s not crazy about it, either.

Jeb Bush boasted, “I ran for office three times. The pledge was presented to me three times. I never signed the pledge. I cut taxes every year I was governor. I don’t believe you outsource your principles and convictions to people. I respect Grover’s political involvement. He has it every right to do it, but I never signed any pledge.”

There was growing talk that Norquist’s pledge was an unhelpful obstacle that responsible policymakers knew to ignore. Three years ago, when Norquist organized a meeting with congressional Republicans, demanding they respect his authority, “at most 20 members” showed up.

But in 2015, there’s some evidence the pledge is making a comeback. Much of the GOP apparently can’t help itself.”

8 years ago

Not too far away from Sniper Drones. One shot, one kill. Almost no collateral damage.

8 years ago

A lot of the reason young, black males grew up without fathers is due to strict drug laws and mandatory minimum sentences.

8 years ago

johnnyboy says…”A lot of the reason young, black males grew up without fathers is due to strict drug laws and mandatory minimum sentences.”

And because white folk needs poor black folk to pay their way/salaries.

Can future riots be quelled using STINK BOMBS? Police are testing foul ‘skunk’ liquid to disperse crowds, claims report
“Developed by a private Israeli company and first deployed by the army in 2008, Skunk is an organic brew of baking powder, yeast, and some secret ingredients.

In Israel, Skunk was found to be a repellent, but not a complete deterrent. The protesters were fouled but that didn’t stop them.

While officers in Maryland are armed with tear gas and riot gear, elsewhere in the US, police departments may be turning to a highly controversial method of dealing with civil unrest; stinkbombs.

Called ‘Skunk’, the foul-smelling liquid is famous for being used in Israel’s arsenal of weapons for crowd control.”

8 years ago

Baltimore police actions will remain SECRET for WEEKS, this is the problem as you’ll see Friday night and into the future.

8 years ago

“And because white folk needs poor black folk to pay their way/salaries.”

I agree. I think there are many people on both sides of the law who would be out of a job if certain nonviolent drug crimes were decriminalized. Private and federal prison systems stand to lose a lot of federal and state funding if many of these nonviolent offenders are no longer filling their cells.

I only mention the mandatory minimum sentencing laws because you said Rand Paul won’t do anything about it.

As this article shows, Paul isn’t afraid to go against establishment GOP types on some issues.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) revived legislation Wednesday designed to limit the use of mandatory minimum sentencing laws.

The bill — the Justice Safety Valve Act — gives federal judges the authority to give sentences lower than the mandatory punishment in certain cases where the sentence violates standards for fair punishment laid out elsewhere in U.S. law.

That means that they would be able to deviate from the mandatory sentences for a variety of reasons, including to address any disparities in the way individuals in the same case are being sentences or if they believe that the sentence does not fit with the severity of the crime.

Currently, federal judges are bound to sentence offenders in compliance with mandatory minimum sentences for each offense — which reform advocates say has led to the unfair application of justice.

“The federal government should get out of the way, and allow local and state judges to do their jobs,” Paul said in a statement.

8 years ago

“Can future riots be quelled using STINK BOMBS? Police are testing foul ‘skunk’ liquid to disperse crowds, claims report”

This probably won’t be effective on the Occupy movement if they decide to stage protests again. They simply wouldn’t know it was being used.

“Baltimore police actions will remain SECRET for WEEKS, this is the problem as you’ll see Friday night and into the future.”

This policy of total silence and delayed investigation seems pretty crappy. I’m curious to know when it started and who put it into place.

8 years ago
8 years ago

“Rioting is the poor/disenfranchised folk way of lobbying”


Damn, Tbone, I never thought of it that way. You might be on to something. I guess their methods may not be the same but their basic values as humans aren’t so different.

After thinking this through, I really feel closer to them… more sympathetic. I never considered they were just practicing an alternative form of lobbying.

So, I guess for the poor/disenfranchised folks, rioting really IS just lobbying…


…and I guess looting is just shopping… and picking up the welfare check is just working… and showing up late at night drunk to one of yo baby-momma’s Section 8 apartments to do a little booty glazing is just being a father.

Is there somewhere I can adopt some poor/disenfranchised folks? I feel I have so much to learn.

8 years ago

I take this website with a grain of salt, even though they have broken some things before the main stream quite a few times. It appears there is some tomfoolery going on with the 2nd prisoner in the police van with Freddie Gray. The site makes a couple off assumptions about how it links to Mosby, but there does seem to be some manipulation going on.

The second prisoner on the van is supposed to be 38. This Donta guy is 22 and may not have been in the van at all.

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