ROK Drop Open Thread – September 22, 2023

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8 months ago

The Fat Acceptance Movement is the only movement with no movement.

But consider, if you will, the Body Positive Movement might be a trick… encouraged by powerful forces to satisfy their own agendas… and lapped up by nasty fat people who really want to believe they don’t look like a sack of shìt.

Processed food companies deliver empty feel-good calories at high profits.

Pharmaceutical companies sell drugs to mask the symptoms.

Entertainment companies and manufacturers of noisy-flashy crap sell distractions to those unhappy about themselves.

And some part of government views shorter lifespans of the non-productive as a cost-cutting measure, so chips and soda can be purchased with an EBT card.

This seems like a conspiracy of shared values.

It is almost as elegant as putting covid patients in nursing homes.

8 months ago

But not quite as harsh as sending brain surgeons to slop hogs like Mouseydung did… Amirite?

8 months ago

On the topic of fat.

I look at American WW2 K rations full of canned fatty meats. I see today’s MREs full of processed carbs, weird plant base oils, and an ingredients list longer than all 11 general orders combined. If you’re lucky, you might get something recognizable as meat, but vegetarian menu seems to always expand and meats replaced with protein powders.

I look at WW2 American servicemen and see lean muscular fitness. I see today’s servicemen are nearly all fat. Even the Marines.

I must bring up hot chow. In my grandfather’s day, late 1940s to 1980s, it was chipped beef on toast. Seemingly everyday as he would tell it. Dreary I know, yet those men looked fit and lean.

At OCS there’s stupidly high amounts of Gatorade. Quite possible to get 800 to 1000 calories of the stuff per day. There are pancakes and syrup. Cakes and cookies. Muffins and granola bars. Mayonnaise and chips. And all of these highly processed carbs are no doubt filled with weird plant based fats… When they allowed for meat, it was nearly always bone dry chicken breast. Likely a result of dietary policy.

The shift away from fatty meat was a government objective that was supposed to make Americans healthier. It started around the 1970s and has been escalating ever since. Strangely, heart disease and obesity has only climbed.

The men of OCS do not leave OCS looking like lean muscular men. They leave looking droopy and sad. Their abs hiden by a layer of fat, yet their muscles atrophied and got smaller. Even the Sergeant Instructors, as tireless and fearless as their predecessors, are pudgy… ok, in all honesty some of them were outright fat.

I must wonder if the VA will find all of these future cases of diabetes “not service related”? Is this really the diet of warriors? Grain, sugar, and mystery plant protiens/fat? I suspect not, and then I wonder if the people in charge hate warriors, want them fat and diabetic, and want them to lose in war.

Perhaps I have an overly suspicious mind, but I can’t help but notice all the strange coincidences. Like the advocacy of insect based foods, assisted suicide, anti-family at the same time as pro-migrant… the list goes on and on.

In the off chance anyone in the Pentagon is reading, yes the MRE Skittles are great, but is that really needed in the field? And those damn First Strike Bars are incredibly bad. please consider replacing them with cured ham or beef jerky.

8 months ago

Think it is a number of things. Low protein, high simple carb diet is a big factor.
But also humans are natural mimics. Even when they don’t realize they are mimicking (for example, people who have been married for many many years start to “resemble each other” because they are mimicking micro expressions and over time the facial muscles change). Some of it is intentional (when everyone else is fat, what’s an extra 10 pounds?). Research shows people tend to get fat (or fit) with their families/peer groups.
One of our sons was plump in his youth, but we are a very fit family and now he is the fittest one.
My sister in law has always been a certain percentage fatter than average. I don’t think she consciously decided this, but it has always been true. So in the 90s she was about 30 percent fatter than average. Now, she is about as fat as a house.
She went to basic training in her late 20s and went from a size 18 to a size 4 in a very short timeframe. It was the only time she wasn’t fat since I’ve known her.

Last edited 8 months ago by Liz
8 months ago

Just to add, I do think seed oils are terrible.
And most of our dietary fat is derived from that these days.
We avoid it, and most processed foods (since it contains seed oil, even the healthy brands do because it is cheap).
Oh….and xenoestrogens are also probably a component, to include hormonal birth control for some.
Oral contraceptives work by “tricking the body into thinking it is pregnant”….people don’t tend to lose weight when they are pregnant (unless they have severe nausea), typically they gain a lot. But the pharm companies and feminists will not accept it. In the battle of willpower versus hormones, hormones usually win over the long haul.
…and on that subject, the micro plastics (also a source of xenoestrogen)

Last edited 8 months ago by Liz
Korean Man
Korean Man
8 months ago

Prime Minister Han Duk Soo, the same idiot who joked about the 150 people who died in Itaewon incompetence, is now in China, begging Xi Jin Ping to visit South Korea. No one knows why he’s suddenly courting a Chinese dictator, probably he’s a Chinabot.

This is another Yoon appointment – a grandpa dinosaur fossil from the 1970s and 1980s era reinstated by Yoon, to run a Korea of the 2020s. This is what happens when you put some old dude from the past, who knows nothing about running a modern country, in charge. Things like the Itaewon disaster jokes happen. What a purely evil and insensitive old incompetent crap. He is so unpopular, that there’s now a bill in the Parliament, to vote to fire this old grandpa from the Chun Doo Hwan era.

Korean Man
Korean Man
8 months ago

Analysis: South Korea’s Yoon rails against critics as ‘communists’

According to his disapproval ratings, Yoon is now the second most unpopular president after Park Geun Hye. Critical parts of the article to save you from having to read the whole article:

“There is a legitimacy problem for Yoon in the sense that the gap between popular opinion in South Korea and what is being pursued internationally is increasing,” Gray said.

“He has decided to take an approach not of trying to convince people but to label the opposition as being somehow an anti-state, communist totalitarian force.”

Given his low approval ratings, analysts say labeling his opponents as communists may still be useful for Yoon to hold onto his party’s conservative base.

Benjamin Engel, a research professor at Seoul National University, said Yoon’s approach risks alienating some more moderate voters.

“During his campaign, Yoon often used the phrase ‘uniting the people.’ But his recent policies, rhetoric, and appointments suggest he is moving away from uniting the people. The result will be some people who may have voted for him last year now feel alienated,” Engel said.

“Yoon has perhaps always warmed to and sympathized with the figures who his father had hung out with and are associated with the New Right movement,” Rhee said. (referring to Yoon’s own father’s deep ties with the Japanese right-wing which Yoon admires and has an affinity for, considering his exact policy copies including the mismanagement of economics and using media-busting tactics to suppress freedom of speech).

8 months ago

So American leftist media is now promoting American-style political polarization in Korea.

Korea became the success it has by being one of the top economically free countries in the world.

Any Korean politician who does not openly put economic freedom at the top of their priorities should be loudly labled as communist.

But that is just for show, as Korean voters understand communism, having some vague idea about a 70 year capitalist/communist experiment on a divided people.

But these people are not really communists. They are traitors to Korea. They are corporatists and globalists pushing policies that transfer political and economic power out of Korea to institutions that have no nationalism and wish to exploit and control all nations equally.

These people need to be purged and Korean politicians should begin any action with consideration if it is Korea First.

Remember, the Korean left has openly stated they want to limit small Korean business in such a way it helps the multinationals pull money out of Korea.

When they tell you who they are and what they want, believe them.

8 months ago

Note that CH describes the Korean political situation and offers a valid solution in less space than any of the chinabots, whose collectivist prose is always less literate, less self-aware, and less attractive than any options CH offers.

Mind you, CH does, in my opinion, still have a ways to go on certain, shall we say, spiritual issues; but he at least shows himself able to keep up with current events, add humor to lessen the sting of his jabs, and summarize to make his point clearly and concisely.

Something I hope to learn.

Korean Person
Korean Person
8 months ago

Note that CH describes the Korean political situation and offers a valid solution in less space than any of the chinabots, whose collectivist prose is always less literate, less self-aware, and less attractive than any options CH offers.

The Setnaffarian sockpuppet simply stated that all Koreans who oppose Yoon are communists and traitors.

How can that be a solution?

A solution would be Yoon acting a bit smarter and working more for the good of the Korean people instead of taking steps to ensure that he and his wife are protected from potential prosecution.

But of course the Setnaffarians don’t care about Korea and we all know that it is their intention to weaken Korea by keeping Yoon and other right wing dictators in power forever.

Korean Man
Korean Man
8 months ago

They are traitors to Korea. They are corporatists and globalists pushing policies that transfer political and economic power out of Korea to institutions that have no nationalism and wish to exploit and control all nations equally.

But it’s alright to sell out Korea by selling out Korean economic interests and national industries to Joe Biden/Donald Trump and their American corporate nationalists to Make America Great Again. China has stolen billions from South Korea. But America has stolen even more from Korea, which wiped out the Korean industries.

8 months ago

“So, here’s what you might have learned over the weekend if you ventured into the thickets of alt news: in April and May of 2021, the president (“Joe Biden”), the whole White House Covid Response Team (Andy Slavitt & Co), and everyone in the WH communications office, the US Surgeon General (Vivek Murthy), senior officials of the CDC including director Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, head of NIH, and Dr. Anthony Fauci of NIAID were all freaking out, holding crisis meetings, and sending blizzards of emails among each other after being informed by a Pfizer safety report that the miraculous new mRNA Covid vaccines produced significant cases of myocarditis and blood-clotting abnormalities.

All these officials proceeded to craft a campaign to tell the public that this myocarditis was mild, extremely rare, and self-resolving (it wasn’t), and urged all Americans over twelve to keep taking the vaxx shots. Later, they expanded the vaccine program to include children down to six months old. By 2022, all of US public health officialdom had to know that the vaxxes were also ineffective at preventing infection and transmission of Covid. Rochelle Walensky kept pushing the vaccines as “safe and effective” until she resigned in June, 2023. Her replacement, Mandy K. Cohen, is still pushing the latest mRNA booster shots in the face of reports (mainly from the UK and other foreign countries) of a shocking rise in all-causes deaths and disabilities from heart and blood disease, neurological injury, and cancers. The CDC refused this month to release updated information on case numbers of myocarditis and pericarditis in the USA.”

If you took the covid vaccine, you were tricked.

You can accept this and hope these people will go away. They won’t. They will mistake your apathy for acceptance.

They will do it more, and worse, if you allow it.

If you don’t want to be used and treated as a fool again, you need to get angry and noisy. And you must not comply with anything ridiculous and self-destructive.

Not knowing the situation doesn’t make you ignorant. Refusing to know the situation makes you ignorant.

Enough of the situation is open and clear that you can now make good decisions without having to do any critical thinking.

Korean Man
Korean Man
8 months ago

Still hasn’t addressed my point.

Trump will demand South Korea hand in all its industries to American corporate interests plus billions more in annual protection money to hire American mercenaries. Yoon, instead of looking out for Korean interests, he will give into all of Trump’s demands, and then some more – and totally bankrupt South Korea into a third world basketcase.

How is that good for Koreans?

8 months ago

I think the chinabot musta got the clot shot and is hallucinating.

Apparently fixating on the former US President (is he in the room with you now?), and a demand for all South Korea’s money…

I don’t know what he’s been smoking/popping/shooting up; but I hope they have Narcan in the hospital he’s obviously going to need.

8 months ago

“Trump will demand South Korea” blah blah blah.

You are definately a woman. Or you have a manbun.

Only women fantasize, hyperventilate over their fantasy, start behaving as if the fantasy is real, and then start making life decisions based on the fantasy.

Trump is not president yet you have already predicted the future of Korea and gotten your butt hurt over it.

Protip: Trump is not going to be president. Too many people are watching for the election to be stolen like last time. They will kill him before they let him be president.

8 months ago

North Korea officially rejects inclusiveness toward people of color while conspiring with America in promoting inhumane treatment and systemic racism.

They don’t seem to like the monarchy either because they are getting rid of the King.

8 months ago

He was in yesterday’s parade; top of the guidon.

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