Tweet of the Day: Kim Jong-un and Putin Plan to Meet to Discuss Weapon Sales

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8 months ago

Because Russia, China, and Norkistan do need lots of weapons to keep the democracies hopping…

8 months ago

Russia realizes it will be hassled by the west for some time.

While russian artillary manufacturing capability is more than 10 times the USA, it makes sense to increase this capacity even further.

North Korea has factories ready for action and will sell below market value in exchange for things that cost Russia little, such as surplus energy production.

Russia in under no obligation to consider international sanctions and can easily supply NK (and Iran) with prohibited goods, as it appears that “sanctions” have not really affected Russia (and cannot).

If North Korea manages this wisely, they can turn their resource-draining military into a profit center and improve the position of the entire country.

(But will they?)

And they have nukes to remind the world to do nothing more than voice muted displeasure.

(Iran will have them too, if sabers rattle too loudly.)

This is not a problem to solve. This is a situation to manage.

But it cannot be managed as long as the west believes its own propaganda that Ukraine is winning, etc.

…though the people in the west that count probably don’t believe this. To them, Ukraine exists to transfer public wealth and obscure the transfers.

And then it is time to reset the global financial system… as, with intetest on the debt now being America’s biggest expense, the can won’t be kicked much farther down the road.

If America wishes to emerge on top of the coming world order, it needs to start WWIII while it can still afford all those carrier groups.

Pester Russia
Collapse China
Empower Poland
Encourage Japan
Distract Turkey
Assist European suicide

America Inc. will prevail.

Any benefit to Americans will be unintentional.

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