Seoul Elementary School Teacher Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison for Sexually Assaulting and Exploiting Teenagers

At least this guy is no longer in classroom and behind bars where he belongs:

An elementary school teacher has been sentenced to seven years in prison for inducing more than 100 teenage girls to film sexually exploitative materials and sexually assaulting a 13-year-old, a court said Monday. 

The man, in his 30s, who had taught at an elementary school in Seoul since 2012, was indicted on charges of possessing 1,910 items of sexually abusive content filmed by about 120 teenagers he met through social media between 2015 and 2021. 

He was also found to have sexually assaulted then a 13-year-old girl in 2020 at a motel.


You can read more at the link.

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Kevin Kim
Kevin Kim
2 years ago

Infantilization of sexuality isn’t a problem that’s unique to Korea, of course, but the whole “little girls flashing panties” perversion is pretty prominent in East Asia in general. It doesn’t help that genres like K-pop and J-pop insist on churning out female singers who all sing with high-pitched, cartoonish, little-girl voices, even though these ladies are in their twenties. Do Asian guys really find this nonsense sexy? Maybe they do. It’s almost a stereotype to have a Korean girlfriend give her boyfriend the doe-eyes while pout-whining, “오빠… 왜 그래?” as if she were five years old. I can’t stand such 애교.

As I said, though, this problem isn’t unique to Korea. You’ve got adult American guys who are into high-school girls in pigtails and pleated Catholic-school skirts, and that’s just as disgusting. Infantilized sexuality is a problem everywhere. I’m just reacting to the Korean version of it because, well, I live in Korea, and it’s all around me.

2 years ago

Kevin, my recommendation is to get away from this Asian perversion and surround yourself with some wholesome western purity.

You can find the family values of traditional marriage with an American company like Disney… at least I think so… they seem to be interested in Groom…

…though I never heard Bride, come to think of it.

2 years ago

Can you imagine if the parents had fully relinquished their parental duties to the teachers? 120 teenage girls were victimized and will likely have life-long relationship and mental health problems.

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