Court Orders North Korea to Pay $2.3 Billion Settlement to USS Pueblo Survivors & Family Members

It will be interesting to see if the US government does anything to try and seize North Korean assets to pay this court settlement:

A federal court has awarded $2.3 billion to several crewmembers and families of the USS Pueblo, a Navy ship taken hostage by North Korea more than 50 years ago.

Split evenly for compensatory and punitive damages, the amount is among the largest ever awarded in a state-sponsored terrorism case, according to Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp, the Washington-based law firm that filed the case three years ago on behalf of 61 crew members and 110 family members in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link and learn more about the USS Pueblo Incident at this link. I doubt the surviving crew members and the family members will ever see any money from North Korea, but at least this ruling will make it harder for the engagement crowd to make their case that aid for little to nothing in return should be U.S. policy with the Kim regime.

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2ID Doc
2ID Doc
3 years ago

It will be spun as it was a different time under a different despot, er “leader”, so give kim fatty the third anything he wants since we are giving everybody else (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Climate crazies) anything they want…

3 years ago

Never fear. The “winners” of the lawsuit will be harassed by local communists.

3 years ago

Lying Pedo China Joe Biden , former VP says it is just nKorean culture to seize boats and torture
crew members, should be ashamed even to bring it up.

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